bowl win vs bowl loss



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Mar 21, 2011
I've seen several comments that losing the bowl game doesn't really matter. That its justextra practice for the team . On the flip side, I've seen the opinion that a win will help recruiting, and momentum going into next year. I say winning is better than losing for those two reasons. What's your opinion?
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It probably isn't a big deal, but psychologically, 7-6 feels a lot better than 6-7 heading into the offseason and Signing Day.

So yes, my expert analysis is that it is better to win than to lose. :crazy:
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Winning is always better than losing.

However, the ultimate success of this program doesn't hinge on the outcome of this game.
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I think a win is indeed important as it is the difference in a winning season and a losing one. Also it will be great for momentum and recruiting efforts.

That said, the win itself is not as important as how we play the game. Now that there has been some rest time and some previously injured starters are back on the field are we progressing? Yes, I dont expect our weaknesses to magically vanish but are we making progress in the areas we can (i.e. as the "talented youth" get more experience are they getting better or are they just cruising along). I think that is most important from the standpoint of evaluating where CBJ has the program going.
A win would give a warm fuzzy feeling during the off season and give momentum toward next season.
I probably should not feel this way, but ending the season 7-6 feels VASTLY superior to me than 6-7

Winning this game would be very encouraging to me. Losing would be demoralizing.
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If UT loses it's bowl game will the team sport "Unfinished Business" shirts in the off-season? :)
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I feel it makes a difference. Being able to point to a 2 game improvement in wins over last season vs. duplicating Dooley's record for the first two years seems to be a significant distinction.

That said, I feel like if we go out and lose, the vast majority of VN posters will immediately pretend it didn't matter and was essentially an exhibition game. Whereas if we win, we'll probably be inundated with threads from the same folks proclaiming that Butch and Bajakian have proven their offense will work against top opponents and calling out all detractors, just like after the South Carolina game.

I have no idea if it will affect recruiting or not either way.
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here's the bottom line if we lose the bowl game we just gave butch jones $600,000 for 2 losing seasons in a row. this is not acceptable.
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I feel like if UT goes out and lose, myself and others will be on the board posting "I told you that Butch wasn't a good coach" and demanding that Butch be on the hot seat. Whereas if the vols win, we'll discredit the win by saying "It's only Iowa."

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I've seen several comments that losing the bowl game doesn't really matter. That its justextra practice for the team . On the flip side, I've seen the opinion that a win will help recruiting, and momentum going into next year. I say winning is better than losing for those two reasons. What's your opinion?


(1) O'Bama = 34 (2) USC = 32 (3) Okla homo = 28 (4) Texas = 27 (5) Tennessee = 25 FSU = 25 Nebraska = 25 (6) Ole Piss = 23 LSU = 23 (7) The Barn = 22

Should we lose this game, we will still have 25 wins. Yet a win by FSU and/or Nebraska would raise them to 26 wins doe 5th place but lower us to 6th place.

Just saying!!!!!!!!!!! The goal is to go forward NOT backwards. Need this win.
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(1) O'Bama = 34 (2) USC = 32 (3) Okla homo = 28 (4) Texas = 27 (5) Tennessee = 25 FSU = 25 Nebraska = 25 (6) Ole Piss = 23 LSU = 23 (7) The Barn = 22

Should we lose this game, we will still have 25 wins. Yet a win by FSU and/or Nebraska would raise them to 26 wins doe 5th place but lower us to 6th place.

Just saying!!!!!!!!!!! The goal is to go forward NOT backwards. Need this win.

That's the most asinine thing I've ever heard. There are lots of reasons why this is an important game, but to maintain the 5th place spot on the bowl victory list? Are you serious? The goal is to go forward, not backwards, but you can't go forward if all you're doing is looking backwards! If you look back while walking forward, you might do something like smash your testicles into a door knob, or hire three terrible coaches in a row chasing something that's already gone.
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I think Herm said it best.

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You play games to win. Not to just practice. Winning is what it's all about.

Maybe we all need to step back and think this out! Let me explain. Is winning really that important? Isn't everybody a winner? Are not we all equal? Losing could negatively impact the psychological makeup of players on the losing team! Heck, losing this football game could lead to low self esteem and cause severe depression among players and coaches.

Solution - Each side takes one turn on offense. The other side allows a touchdown and extra point (we have to make sure we take care of the kickers). Once the game is tied both teams meet in the middle of the field and have hugs and a big party. Then the opposing team carry the coach of the other team off of the field in celebration of a VICTORY! Make sure everybody receives a trophy saying they are CHAMPIONS!

Heck this concept may work in other areas as well. Wait a minute ... :)
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I'm not the one who made comments about it doesn't matter if we lose. I have seen them in the past week and just don't get it. That's why I was hoping to see whoever made them explain that concept.

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