Blake Toppmeyer On Finebaum Now

Ticked me off watching that. Mutual restraining order. Meaning both parties are at fault and both are supposed to stay away from one another. From what I've read this is common in divorce cases.

Not to mention anyone can say what they want in a restraining order and he obviously didn't read the other side of it.

Pissed me off too!

Didn’t fit in to Blake’s agenda as stated earlier in this thread..........

And Finebaum is just a POS period!
Over reacting yes but unfortunately the world we now live in will handle this the only way they know how is to cut and run.

I’m in the group that says move on. Tennessee isn’t in the Louisville Auburn group where anyone can play at any time. A standard is trying to be set across the board and I don’t see Pruitt keeping nonsense like this around.

Again, just my opinion.

I agree with you. Some are already giving Pruitt flack over the latest news report with the restraining order, saying he must have known before Thompson came to Knoxville. Just heard that on ESPN radio here in Memphis. They were saying how Pruitt has already taken a hard stance against this kind of behavior, and he "must have known" before signing Thompson...
Over reacting yes but unfortunately the world we now live in will handle this the only way they know how is to cut and run.

I’m in the group that says move on. Tennessee isn’t in the Louisville Auburn group where anyone can play at any time. A standard is trying to be set across the board and I don’t see Pruitt keeping nonsense like this around.

Again, just my opinion.

Agree, but this was just 2 people getting into a verbal argument, I think most have done it. I just think kicking him of the team is just way to severe. I guess it's just more of the wuss society we live in.
Where were the news hounds when Thompson went so long without signing to first VA Tech and then SCAR. Most likely UT knew about the mutual restraining order prior to the signing but I bet a lot of others did and elected to not drag the kid over the coals for a he said/ she said issue. Now there is a second issue with possibly worse connotations and it looks a lot worse for BT.

Be that as it may, I don't think UT and Pruitt need to be dragged through the mud for signing the kid.
I agree with you. Some are already giving Pruitt flack over the latest news report with the restraining order, saying he must have known before Thompson came to Knoxville. Just heard that on ESPN radio here in Memphis. They were saying how Pruitt has already taken a hard stance against this kind of behavior, and he "must have known" before signing Thompson...

I mean he could have known if he or the assistants talked to his coaches. I’d hope they’d mention it so there could at least be open conversation about it.
Fed up with media pushing an agenda. Mutual restraining order and no charges of any type. Misdemeanor or felony; but the media is stating it as fact that this shows a pattern of violence against women. The most likely scenario in the first case is that there were witnesses stating the female was violent and he shoved her away in self defense. In my experience with law enforcement, that is usually the case in a mutual restraining order. Unless, it was both parties exchanging verbal threats and nothing more. Media definitely trying to push a biased narrative.
No. They are two different women. Obviously he has a temper and I'm not excusing his behavior but it was frustrating that he was obviously pushing an agenda and Paul was acting like he broke Watergate.
He loves non football news. Petrino, Freeze, Ut coaching hire etc. Gets a major hard on to run his mouth on the latest scandal
Why you Knox County goobers continue to subscribe to that News Sentinel rag I’ll never know. Here in Alabama if the press treated Bama like they do Tennessee they would burn the paper down.

I dumped the Tennessean 7 yrs ago. I haven’t missed it a second. I go to the website to get high school scores. That’s about it.
I don't have enough information to have an opinion as to what should happen. With that said, my gut says he's gone!
So journalism is pulling what others have reported and not drawing your own conclusions? That gets chalked up for good journalism?

Hell 92% of VN falls into that category then.

That is exactly what journalism is. And, at least 92% of Volnation does NOT fall into that category. Almost everyone here comes to give their opinion and usually nothing more.
I think what’s gonna save him is there’s no recording of him saying that. Even the slightest variation in what was actually said vs the “eyewitness accounts” could make a big difference in meaning and intent.
I think what’s gonna save him is there’s no recording of him saying that. Even the slightest variation in what was actually said vs the “eyewitness accounts” could make a big difference in meaning and intent.
University administrators are generally going to play it safe in these situations. And the university is under no obligation to follow a legal standard of guilt. I hope I’m wrong but it would surprise me if he’s still here in a few weeks.
University administrators are generally going to play it safe in these situations. And the university is under no obligation to follow a legal standard of guilt. I hope I’m wrong but it would surprise me if he’s still here in a few weeks.

University administrators and police usually work in conjunction in these cases. We still don’t know exactly what was said, and it’s kind of a he said-she said situation anyway. They could err on the side of caution, but I expect Bryce won’t be dismissed without due diligence done .
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University administrators and police usually work in conjunction in these cases. We still don’t know exactly what was said, and it’s kind of a he said-she said situation anyway. They could err on the side of caution, but I expect Bryce won’t be dismissed without due diligence done .
A few years ago I would have agreed with you. Most admin just aren’t going to stake their jobs and reputation on a kid that said something stupid. And that’s what this is, he said something stupid in the heat of the moment. I don’t believe he’s a legit threat, I don’t think anyone truly believes that BUT that statement in this current media environment is disastrous. Safe play is to get rid of him for the university.

It’s crappy, I don’t like it but if someone asks what I think they’ll do not what I think they should do, I think he’s gone.

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