"Big O" on Finebaum



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
I saw Omari Thomas on Finebaum a few minutes ago. I was so impressed with his intelligence and class. He surely represented himself and the Vols in a positive manner. I love that the culture is so unlike a lot of today's football culture of me, me and only me. I am not a rah rah guy but "Go Big O and Go Vols."
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I saw Omari Thomas on Finebaum a few minutes ago. I was so impressed with his intelligence and class. He surely represented himself and the Vols in a positive manner. I love that the culture is so unlike a lot of today's football culture of me, me and only me. I am not a rah rah guy but "Go Big O and Go Vols."

This is probably our best Dline since 01. The only other one that’s close was Barnett and Tuttle
I saw Omari Thomas on Finebaum a few minutes ago. I was so impressed with his intelligence and class. He surely represented himself and the Vols in a positive manner. I love that the culture is so unlike a lot of today's football culture of me, me and only me. I am not a rah rah guy but "Go Big O and Go Vols."
Showin' age here, but there's only on Big O for me. Just loved that Bucks team. First player to average a triple double in a season.
I saw Omari Thomas on Finebaum a few minutes ago. I was so impressed with his intelligence and class. He surely represented himself and the Vols in a positive manner. I love that the culture is so unlike a lot of today's football culture of me, me and only me. I am not a rah rah guy but "Go Big O and Go Vols."

Yea, he’ definitely a team leader who has a bright future after his football days are over.
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Showin' age here, but there's only on Big O for me. Just loved that Bucks team. First player to average a triple double in a season.
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I saw him against the Hawks when I was a kid, back then the Hawks played at GT’s old field house ( way before the Omni was built). I think the hawks had Walt Bellamy on their team at that time.

I never realized the Big O was born in TN.
Finebaum commended Omari after the interview citing him as one of the most impressive college athletes he has ever had on his show. Omari is on the top board in all of college athletics that is comprised of student athletes. I don't have the exact name but heard them mention its's a leadership council that made up of a small fraction of student athletes. He was very well spoken and impressive in that interview today.
Finebaum commended Omari after the interview citing him as one of the most impressive college athletes he has ever had on his show. Omari is on the top board in all of college athletics that is comprised of student athletes. I don't have the exact name but heard them mention its's a leadership council that made up of a small fraction of student athletes. He was very well spoken and impressive in that interview today.
Finebaum says that about all the players he has on the show
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Showin' age here, but there's only on Big O for me. Just loved that Bucks team. First player to average a triple double in a season.
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Here's my cool story bro moment:

In 2002, I went up to Cincinnati to watch UTC (I was in grad school there at the time) early non-conf. basketball at Cincy, because my roommate's cousin is Stacy Searels (former Auburn OT, coached OL at LSU, UGA and TX, and now back at UGA) who was, at the time, the OL coach at Cincinnati. So we just stayed with Stacy at his house (which was cool in its own right because he had a man cave devoted to his time as a player at Auburn and blocking for Bo Jackson; was really cool to see and Stacy is a really cool guy). Anyway, we went to the game, and when it was over, we came outside and it had snowed tremendously. The football field lights were on and it was openly accessible to the field level, so my roommate and I went down there on the field like a couple of young kids, and had snowball fights with the kids and other parents on the field. When we were done, we walked back up to the basketball arena to head back towards the car, and lo and behold, we happened to walk right by a small door on the side of the arena, at which point, Big O came out of. I just stopped and stared at him in shock, and he just looked at me and stuck out his hand for a handshake and said, "Hi, I'm..." and I totally finished his sentence by saying, "Oscar Robertson, yes, sir, I know... its an honor to meet you." I mean, it was totally random but super welcome encounter. He was so friendly and nice, and I'll never forget that exchange.

Side note: the next morning, my roommate and I were packing up to head back to Chattanooga and I came downstairs to eat something, as his wife was making a simple breakfast for us before we left. Stacy was sitting there eating the biggest bowl of Froot Loops I've ever seen, reading the paper. He and I talked a bit and then his phone rang, when he answered it, he started saying things like "Yes, sir.... no, sir... " etc and his entire demeanor changed. My roommate came downstairs shortly after that conversation ended, and Stacy just looked at his wife and said, "honey, I think we're gonna move to Louisiana." Turns out that phone call was Nick Saban, asking him to be the OL coach for him at LSU.

I don't think I've ever witnessed that many weird, random sports-related things happen in one weekend before in my life, and probably never will again.
I heard a couple on the radio the other day talking about how multiple people have said they can imagine Omari one day being a Senator or even President. Said he just has a way of moving people and leading in an inspiring way with character. Saying teammates, coaches, reporters all have the same high opinion of him.

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