Biden's first day in office

Our govt murders millions around the globe and you're worried about the immortality of a guy wearing a dress?

I have no qualms with a guy choosing to wear a dress. If he wants to pretend to be a woman, that's his choice. I do have a problem with the government telling me I have to pretend along with him.
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I have no qualms with a guy choosing to wear a dress. If he wants to pretend to be a woman, that's his choice. I do have a problem with the government telling me I have to pretend along with him.
No one is saying that. Just don't be an ahole about it. To me it's no different than someone wanting to be called Mr instead of their first name. Who cares
No one is saying that. Just don't be an ahole about it. To me it's no different than someone wanting to be called Mr instead of their first name. Who cares

Yes. It's fine until the government says men can play women's sports. Not only is it unfair competition, but are they allowed to dress and shower with the women too? And I should not have to worry about my daughter using a public restroom with a pedophile, who uses the "gender identity" excuse to be in there in the first place.
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Yes. It's fine until the government says men can play women's sports. Not only is it unfair competition, but are they allowed to dress and shower with the women too? And I should not have to worry about my daughter using a public restroom with a pedophile, who uses the "gender identity" excuse to be in there in the first place.
Funny how everyone now worried about their daughter when sons have been fair game forever and it really isn't a thing. The odds of this are so remote that it's not really worth worrying more than a parent already does
Yes. It's fine until the government says men can play women's sports. Not only is it unfair competition, but are they allowed to dress and shower with the women too? And I should not have to worry about my daughter using a public restroom with a pedophile, who uses the "gender identity" excuse to be in there in the first place.
Who cares? Accept the progressive world. The government knows what's best for you and your daughter.

The adults are back in charge.
Yes. It's fine until the government says men can play women's sports. Not only is it unfair competition, but are they allowed to dress and shower with the women too? And I should not have to worry about my daughter using a public restroom with a pedophile, who uses the "gender identity" excuse to be in there in the first place.

How many transsexuals have lurched from the neighboring stall in a woman's restaurant to attack a straight woman? Is it more or less than the number of people killed at Trump's insurrection party?
Lol nope. Bring all troops back from the Middle East ASAP.

Then keep the Keystone open until we achieve better energy independence.

Look, I'm all for renewable and alternate forms of energy. But two things:

We're still at least 20+ years from getting away from petro fuels as a primary power source for vehicles. You cannot slam the brakes on that industry without having a reliable (and inexpensive) alternative. EVs, CNG and alternate fuel vehicles still have a long way to go cost wise before people make the switch.

Along those same lines, you're still going to have a petrochemical industry for plastics. So, even if you do get away from it as a fuel source, the production will continue.

Second, your environmental crowd needs to learn to STFU about alternate forms of power. I mean, in a big way.

Geothermal produces sulfur dioxide, can't have that.

Wind turbines kills migratory birds, have to be careful with that.

Hydro dams up rivers, can't have that.

Offshore waves can harm ocean life, can't have that.

Solar produces harmful byproducts in the manufacturing process, can't have that.

NG is a good source, but sometimes needs fracking to get to it. In turn, we get minor earthquakes, so can't have that.

Nuclear, do I even need to go into that? I mean, the way they act every power plant is Chernobyl in the making. Not even realizing its pretty safe these days for the most part. And of course, this bull **** with Yucca Mountain doesn't help (thanks Obama and Trump) with spent fuel being stored safely.

I'm sure if we come up with controlled fusion, the environmental crowd will find something to bitch about with that too.
Did you really think someone who thinks gold foil on everything is classy is going to act classy?


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