Back to the 60s, Police beating college students

@DinkinFlicka true story.
Not long ago I was wearing a ball cap with the South Carolina flag symbol on it. Some dumbass good ole boy asked me “what kinda Muslim BS is that on your hat?” I didn’t say anything back and just kept walking.
I don’t respond to morons.
Most likely no answer would have been the correct one with a moron like that. You did the right thing.
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In equally relevant tasks, you could ask them to sharpen a sword with a whetstone or translate a text from Ancient Greek to Latin.
I‘ll remind you of that whenever the internet or your cell service goes down. Or even worse; whenever the Chinese launch a major cyberattack
The ANTIFA/BLM guys that I recall forming lines and taking on police charges had constructed fairly formidable body shields.

I would have made fun of them had they used umbrellas.
I made fun of them for other reasons.

My outrage for the most part is that it wasn't there.
My tinfoil hat theory is that affluent business moguls weren't willing to use political clout to protect the historical sanctity of retail shopping.
Historic colleges can't just allow their property to get trashed, relocate a few miles, and retain their endowments.

Other than protests that got out of hand the three don't have too much in common. I can't promise not to say anything about them, but I'll leave conflating them to unrelated events to you.
I think you nailed it.
You can’t compare the 2 as it’s about who called in the police and not the police selection on whether or not to act.
I understand your point. Mine is simple as well. I think these dregs are anti-American worms and their BS is more than a protest.
It’s behind a protest now. It’s endorsing October 7th and Hamas.
This is true.

How many other places can you chant Death to [insert Country] and burn flags, and not fear reprisal from the State?

We are blessed with unique Freedoms here. They should be nurtured and defended.
The beauty is a majority won’t enlist to fight for the flag that allows those freedoms.
The way most college students behave these days a good beating might actually do some good to knock some sense into their heads.
The ones needing a beating are not college kids on campus but the grown adults that are pulling the levers to destroy our country from within and from external influences. Most of these kids have probably never voted yet.
When in your lifetime has the US military ever fought a war that was protecting our freedoms? If anything, with each passing year, we're seeing our freedoms diminish as we engage in more of these conflicts.
Don’t disagree on the freedoms diminishing. Which was also the stance of those not joining the military while taking advantage of the freedoms allowed. My nephew stated to me (Marine) during the Colin Kaeperncik kneeling that that the military fought for those freedoms regardless of our views.

I’d say going after Bin Laden was fighting a war (not the invasion of Iraq) but going after BL.
Don’t disagree on the freedoms diminishing. Which was also the stance of those not joining the military while taking advantage of the freedoms allowed.
Allowed by who? I thought we were given our rights by our creator, not the US military?

I’d say going after Bin Laden was fighting a war (not the invasion of Iraq) but going after BL.
If we were going after the people responsible for 9/11, we would have gone to Saudi Arabia and not Afghanistan (or Iraq).
The military gives us our rights/freedoms?
They secured the freedoms to enjoy. Feel free to test the theory elsewhere. What’s your answer, politicians/bureaucrats? Stance was, those protesting won’t be the ones signing up to defend. Help me out, if on campus activist have a strong military background.
You mean the grandmothers walking through the velvet ropes, the folks taking selfies and the various provocateurs in the crowd?

Yes, you are probably right.

The Boston Tea Party was carried out by men of conviction and principle.

1/6 was a collective tantrum of room temp IQ mouthbreathers whose average greatest accomplishment was probably, maybe once successfully tying their own shoe.
They secured the freedoms to enjoy. Feel free to test the theory elsewhere. What’s your answer, politicians/bureaucrats? Stance was, those protesting won’t be the ones signing up to defend. Help me out, if on campus activist have a strong military background.

When's the last time our freedom needed defense on behalf of our military?
The Boston Tea Party was carried out by men of conviction and principle.

1/6 was a collective tantrum of room temp IQ mouthbreathers whose average greatest accomplishment was probably, maybe once successfully tying their own shoe.
Which is exactly why I brought up January 6th. Your sentiments about Jan 6ers is no different than the sentiment that these pro-Zionists have with these college students. That is the exact rhetoric they use to describe these college kids.

My point is that neither Jan 6ers or these college kids needed t have the full weight of state coming down on them for either event. But yet, when BLM and ANTIFA were activated and burning down small businesses and looting and destructing, the state in many instances stood down.
Which is exactly why I brought up January 6th. Your sentiments about Jan 6ers is no different than the sentiment that these pro-Zionists have with these college students. That is the exact rhetoric they use to describe these college kids.

My point is that neither Jan 6ers or these college kids needed t have the full weight of state coming down on them for either event. But yet, when BLM and ANTIFA were activated and burning down small businesses and looting and destructing, the state in many instances stood down.
There were 2 very different groups within the 1/6 stupidity.
Those who wandered around inside the ropes and those who climbed walls and broke down doors and windows. I don’t think the police should have stood down on the lawbreakers on 1/6 anymore than they should have at the antifa riots
Which is exactly why I brought up January 6th. Your sentiments about Jan 6ers is no different than the sentiment that these pro-Zionists have with these college students. That is the exact rhetoric they use to describe these college kids.

My point is that neither Jan 6ers or these college kids needed t have the full weight of state coming down on them for either event. But yet, when BLM and ANTIFA were activated and burning down small businesses and looting and destructing, the state in many instances stood down.
Nope. 1/6 was a collective herd of idiocy. Anyone willing to go to such lengths flr Donald Trump probably grew up eating paint chips and huffing glue.
There were 2 very different groups within the 1/6 stupidity.
Those who wandered around inside the ropes and those who climbed walls and broke down doors and windows.
What percentage of the people were breaking down doors and breaking windows? Judging just from the released video footage, they were in the minority. And of that minority, I think some were genuine rioters and the rest were provocateurs.

I don’t think the police should have stood down on the lawbreakers on 1/6 anymore than they should have at the antifa riots
You have to look at the situation on a case by case basis. the 2020 riots were on a level 10 compared to Jan 6. Hell, the Tennessee state capital had an income tax riot and state officials were actually attacked. Jan 6 didn't even reach that level.

These college protests are at the same level or less of Jan 6. Kids sitting in the quad in tents and ranting and saying stupid/woke stuff. I'm not even saying that all of them have sincere convictions. Just from the sample size of stuff I've seen, I haven't seen any Fred Hamptons or Stokley Carmichaels that were able to articulate a message.

Its exam season. They could have just let these kids blow off some steam, flunk out and let the rest of them finish the semester and enjoy their summer. Now if they are breaking into school buildings or setting fires, that is a bit different. The Kent State protests started off with ROTC building fire, for example. But the danger is that you are going to create martyrs if you take a heavy-handed crack down.

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