Atlanta Braves II

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With McCann up, you've got three chances to drive the runner in from third with a hit -- and McCann is easily your best chance to get that hit. Even if McCann puts down a bunt successfully, then now you've got the runner at third with one out, and the Padres get to pick between pitching to a guy who strikes out 150 times a year, or putting him on to set up a double-play and going lefty-lefty against the rookie. So I don't love the situation even if McCann gets the bunt down -- and I don't care how well he handles the bat in practice, with only 9 SHs in 3000 PAs, getting the bunt down is nowhere near a sure thing. I would have let him swing away too.

Not too mention he was batting 11-13 with RISP before that at bat.
Oh I totally see that value in the trade but like zjc said, I wish we could have found a way to keep him and give up prospects instead.
There's no doubt that the loss of Diaz and Infante has hurt the bench. That may be the only area of the team that is worse than last year. Not sure Brandon Hicks and Matt Young are going to cut it offensively.
Need fantasy advice. Should I keep Bronson Arroyo or pick up Jurrjens? I'm an ATL fan so I'm biased, but Jurrjens has done well his first 2 starts but that's not much to go on. Arroyos done well with 3 wins but could do a little better. Last year Arroyo had 17 wins to Jurrjens 7 so that's another reason I'm hesistant.

Fantasy gurus help please
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Hundley has a lower career OPS vs. Lefties than righties and EOF has been fine vs righties in his career, hell he had just just struck Headley out. Not to mention O'Flaherty is just a much better major league pitcher than Linebrink.
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I didn't say I agreed with the move; I said it's just standard managerial stuff. And I really get annoyed at how most managers use their bullpens.
Need fantasy advice. Should I keep Bronson Arroyo or pick up Jurrjens? I'm an ATL fan so I'm biased, but Jurrjens has done well his first 2 starts but that's not much to go on. Arroyos done well with 3 wins but could do a little better. Last year Arroyo had 17 wins to Jurrjens 7 so that's another reason I'm hesistant.

Fantasy gurus help please
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Arroyo's WHIP is a little suspect.
I've never seen it broken down quite that far. Without looking up the splits, I'd guess that he's around .275 against lefties.

McCann against LHP, career: .267, .336 OBP, .422 SLG, .758 OPS. So he hits lefties fine.

If as a manager you've seen McCann in BP and you know the guy's a good bunter even though he never does it in games, and you're damn confident in his ability to get it down, then I wouldn't argue too much with a bunt there (in extra innings only, of course). But barring that I really think you have to let him swing away.
OT but Joe Simpson just guessed Roger Craig as the answer to the AFLAC trivia question. I had never seen his stats as a player, so I looked them up and one particular year blew my mind. In 1963, he pitched 236
innings with a 3.78 ERA for the Mets. His record . . . 5-22. :wacko:
OT but Joe Simpson just guessed Roger Craig as the answer to the AFLAC trivia question. I had never seen his stats as a player, so I looked them up and one particular year blew my mind. In 1963, he pitched 236
innings with a 3.78 ERA for the Mets. His record . . . 5-22. :wacko:

Talk about shoddy run support.
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McCann against LHP, career: .267, .336 OBP, .422 SLG, .758 OPS. So he hits lefties fine.

If as a manager you've seen McCann in BP and you know the guy's a good bunter even though he never does it in games, and you're damn confident in his ability to get it down, then I wouldn't argue too much with a bunt there (in extra innings only, of course). But barring that I really think you have to let him swing away.

For the record, I'm not sure I would have made him bunt but, I'd have thought about it because it was extras and you still had Kimbrel in the pen who has been lights out. I was just curious what the Braves faithful thought.

Good win last night. Jurrjens keeps pitching like this all year and with your bullpen I'm not sure you guys don't have the best top to bottom staff in the majors.

Jair is back to 2009 Jair. I'm gonna get flamed for this, but if Jair stays healthy, I'd rather have him than Hanson. Tommy has better stuff, but Jair is the better pitcher.

Chipper continues to show he's a first ballot HOF every day. He's having a very good year also.

The Braves need to teach David Ross some first and right, while being a third catcher.

I would like series win tonight also.
Some days Hansen just looks like a scrub 5th starter that can barely make it through 3 innings. Today is not one of those days. The guy is dealing. 6 SO in the last seven batters.
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