Assissting a runner's forward progress

It should be against the rules again.


Also, refs need to blow whistle for forward progress quicker. Don’t like these fumbles where I guy is held up and 5 guys tug at him until the ball comes free
That's what led to the old NFL "quarterback in the grasp" rule of the '80s and 90s. In the '78 Super Bowl two Cowboys held up Terry Bradshaw and another beat on the ball until it came out. So the NFL quickly inacted one of their now many knee-jerk rules during the off-season.
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It should be against the rules again.


Also, refs need to blow whistle for forward progress quicker. Don’t like these fumbles where I guy is held up and 5 guys tug at him until the ball comes free

Exactly. My big beef about rules has to do with holding defensive players. Blocking implies just that - bumper cars. If arms lock or hands grab the defensive player going after somebody in the backfield, it's holding ... simple. It seems like most new rules benefit the offense, and maybe that's to keep the scoring up, and lights flashing, and noise booming for those with limited attention spans.
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It changed at some point in the last few years. I know in the 2016 Florida game the OL pushed Jaden Hurd about 10 yards down to the gator 3 yd line because Gary Danielson was freaking out that someone might get hurt because of it.

Of course, Gary also wondered during the 2015 UGA game, after Hurd lowered his shoulder and ran over a dawg DB, when the NCAA would consider targeting RBs who targeted DBs by lowering their shoulder. That's when I realized Gary was a snowflake. How is a defender squared to take on a RB a defenseless player, Gary?
Hate danielson and lundquist he’s gone though lol
I'm not sure they changed the rule but these days the rule is interpreted you illegally assist a runner if you pull or drag him. You can legally push a runner as a legal assist especially as part of a pile.
NCAA Rule 9 – Conduct of Players and Others Subject to the Rules

SECTION 3. Blocking, Use of Hands or Arms

ARTICLE 1. Who May Block

Players of either team may block opponents, provided it is not pass interference, interference with the opportunity to catch a kick, or a personal foul (Exception: Rules 6-1-12 and 6-5-4).
ARTICLE 2. Interfering for or Helping the Ball Carrier or Passer

  1. The ball carrier or forward passer may use his hand or arm to ward off or push opponents.
  2. The ball carrier shall not grasp a teammate; and no other player of his team shall grasp, pull, or lift him to assist him in forward progress. (A.R. 9-3-2:I)
  3. Teammates of the ball carrier or forward passer may interfere for him by blocking but shall not use interlocked interference by grasping or encircling one another in any manner while contacting an opponent.

PENALTY – Five yards [S44].

NCAA Rule 9 – Conduct of Players and Others Subject to the Rules – Page 3 – Ruletool
My friends a ref, done some NAIA football games and I asked him about this last year. Basically, he said you can’t pull or carry a runner forward, but it’s legal to push the pile from behind. I’m not sure what the old rule was but I always thought it was that you couldn’t assist any forward progress, but idk.
Explains why we never see the ball carrier jump onto a runner's back and ride him "horsey style" into the end zone.

(Sorry. Kind of bored up in here)
I am surprised the BAMA refs didn't flag us or give an early forward progress whistle. They were making phantom calls all night and not sure how they missed this one.


They allowed a few plays to happen so it didn't look blatantly obvious they were paid by Bama.
My goodness. I totally misread that not just once but multiple times. Scary.
But no. Though I was once exiled in Jawga, my current residence is, and hopefully shall always be one mile from Steve Spurrier Field in Johnson City.
The pushing rule cost UT a game several years ago.
Was against UGA during the Battle or Majors rule.
We scored what would have been the winning TD was scored by UT late in the game and ot was wiped off because a Vol lineman pushed our RB across the goal.
First and only time I saw that penalty enforced. I didnt even know it was against the rules until then
It is affectionately known as the Bush Push. Happened, illegally mind you, I believe in the USC/ND game mentioned earlier when Reggie Bush helped Matt Leinert score on a sneak at the goal line in 2005.

Obligatory TWSS...
It should be illegal. Even though I loved seeing our OL push and fight, I just saw the ESPN top 10. #4 involving Navy is just ridiculous. It wasn't just a few yards. More like 15 yards of a mass of players pushing the runner into the endzone. This is not f-ing rugby.

Hit the damned player and put him on the ground. If forward progress is stopped, blow the damned whistle. If the rugby cluster forms, drop the flag and blow the whistle. Haven't we done enough to ruin this once great game with all the other crap the NCAA has force fed us? From the targeting crap to kickoff rules, it just never seems to end.

Sorry for the rant so early in the a.m. but I'm not recognizing the game I grew up loving. The NFL is shot. Same for pro basketball. College football is/was my sanctuary. Now it's on life support. Sometimes things change for the better. I can't say this about most sports these days.
Pushing and charging into the ball carrier are now ok. Grasping said:
At some point we might see a pulling tackle take a handoff, get stood up by a LB or DE, and then the available players push from behind, including the RB and QB. All that practice time on the sled will pay off...
I am surprised the BAMA refs didn't flag us or give an early forward progress whistle. They were making phantom calls all night and not sure how they missed this one.
They were confused because that wasnt in the script provided to them before the game.
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My first thread. Hope it is worthy. Was there not a time, not all that long ago, when assisting a runner's progress was illegal? Can anyone find the current applicable rule governing this aspect pf play? Obviously, since it allowed, there would be no existing rule against it. But, wasn't it once a violation?
Yes and it changed several years ago.
My friends a ref, done some NAIA football games and I asked him about this last year. Basically, he said you can’t pull or carry a runner forward, but it’s legal to push the pile from behind. I’m not sure what the old rule was but I always thought it was that you couldn’t assist any forward progress, but idk.
So we need a fireplug running back that can squat 1000 lbs and then the big boys can just rugby push his ass down the field!
It should be illegal. Even though I loved seeing our OL push and fight, I just saw the ESPN top 10. #4 involving Navy is just ridiculous. It wasn't just a few yards. More like 15 yards of a mass of players pushing the runner into the endzone. This is not f-ing rugby.

Hit the damned player and put him on the ground. If forward progress is stopped, blow the damned whistle. If the rugby cluster forms, drop the flag and blow the whistle. Haven't we done enough to ruin this once great game with all the other crap the NCAA has force fed us? From the targeting crap to kickoff rules, it just never seems to end.

Sorry for the rant so early in the a.m. but I'm not recognizing the game I grew up loving. The NFL is shot. Same for pro basketball. College football is/was my sanctuary. Now it's on life support. Sometimes things change for the better. I can't say this about most sports these days.

They will change the rule again when there start being lots of leg injuries on the backs. As a former defensive player, the way to stop that cluster of players from making anymore forward progress is to hit em in the ankles and watch em all fall. Defenders in front of the pile need to do just that...hit the deck. There will be no more progress, but sadly defenders will get stepped on and offensive players will get ankle and knee injuries.

Rugby players are tough as nails. Most are around 200lbs though, some 175 and some yall know, our offensive linemen and DTs are 320 to 350 plus for NTs...getting stepped on, fallen on, rolled up on knees and ankles etc by a player that big...or 8 of them....can lead to serious injuries.

It is a dumb rule the way they changed it. Gives the offense far too much advantage. I am very surprised that 4th and 1s and goal line plays arent drawn up more like this and nearly automatic. Remember when the Fridge carried for the 85 Bears in the super bowl? The way the rules stand now, we should go all bigs on the line....I a fullback dive every goal line situation...except the fullback is our most athletic lineman...with the tailback being our 2nd most athletic lineman who is back there to push him. Seems like 600lbs plus between those 2 guys straight up the middle would be very very hard to keep from gaining 1 or 2 yards. Again, the only way to stop them would be to take out their legs. Very low, like at the ankle. I am betting a 6ft 5inch lineman could still fall forward for a yard or 2 though while being pushed from behind

This rule is stupid and dangerous. Needs changed yesterday. What does the NFL do?

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