Antone Davis resigns

If true Davis was required to make his own travel arrangements to away games, Currie should have stepped in and told Jones “he’s part of the program and we all travel together, PERIOD”.

I think this just started this year, so I say this is more on Currie than BJ.
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A school that doesn't learn from it past mistakes will continue to make the same ones. Coach Jones is worth giving the time to build a program.

How's the fishing, Barb? Your boy has had're talking about an administration learning from its past mistakes, yet you're supporting a coach who has categorically failed to do that very thing himself. Why?
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What is so funny about all these post, not one can be proven, you speak of things that are said around a water cooler as if it were the truth..........Wow! the gullibility of people will never surprise me. Old saying "you can't fix stupid" and that pretty much fits many here.
Starting with you if you think Jones has performed well enough to retain his job.

There is another option I guess. Maybe mediocrity or worse is just fine with you? UT has one of the richest programs in the country... and you think it is acceptable for him to have one winning SEC record in 5 years? It is possible that you just don't care if UT competes for championships or becomes a whipping boy for UF and UGA in addition to the whole SEC West... Maybe you just enjoy the "competition" around the bottom of the SEC with Vandy, UK, USCe, etc.

IF they fire Butch, and I don't believe they will. That only tells me they don't have the spine to stick behind a man who has made many positive changes to UT Football.......and it doesn't always have to be W vs. L.
Yeah. Ultimately you expect the other things... but it is about W vs L. You are attempting a false dichotomy here. You don't have to accept a subpar coach to have a clean and well run program. The expectation isn't either/or... but both.

"Positive changes"? Dooley made "positive changes" to academics and off the field problems. The VFL program was his brain child. He didn't recruit well and didn't inherit a lot but Wilcox and Chaney are better coordinators than Jones has ever had... both are better coaches than Jones himself.

But Dooley was fired and rightly so.

Jones' performance has to be looked at and in particular as it relates to his ability and ceiling as a coach. He has CONSISTENTLY underperformed the talent on his roster.

A school that doesn't learn from it past mistakes will continue to make the same ones. Coach Jones is worth giving the time to build a program.

Indeed. The past tells us that keeping coaches who are not getting the job done will sink the program further. In the three years Fulmer was given between 2005 and 2008... the roster went from manageable to critically poor. We are at the same crossroad now with Jones. If he is kept... the next guy is screwed.

Jones has had 5 years to "build a program". In that 5 years, he brought in enough talent to do well... and couldn't coach it to potential. Now the talent has ebbed and he isn't even coaching that to potential. No amount of "building" is going to make Jones a winner. He simply doesn't have the talent as a coach.
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I am beginning to think we need a priest before we get a coach.

Our program needs blessings, an exorcism, and a thorough cleansing.
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So if I’m reading this correctly. Butch made Davis drive to all the away games starting this season? Did he essentially strip away abilities until he quit? What a **** move by CBJ to an important member of the team. Said he had to make all his own travel arrangements.

All is true and I remember getting scorched on here for saying this back in September
All is true and I remember getting scorched on here for saying this back in September

But didn’t people say that Antone was never supposed to get his travel paid for to begin with, that it wasn’t part of his job?
But didn’t people say that Antone was never supposed to get his travel paid for to begin with, that it wasn’t part of his job?

He was a paid employee of the AD directly involved with the football program. He always traveled with the team, people were spewing stuff because they couldn't bear the thought of Butch doing any wrong. More will come out far worse than the Antone situation when the dust settles.
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Does anybody actually know what the VFL coordinator does?

The four-year VFL curriculum focuses on the often-overlooked personal growth of the student-athlete, encompassing the following topics: character education, personal finance, life skills, career development, spiritual growth, community service, mental conditioning, personal branding and navigating the social media landscape.
So if I’m reading this correctly. Butch made Davis drive to all the away games starting this season? Did he essentially strip away abilities until he quit? What a **** move by CBJ to an important member of the team. Said he had to make all his own travel arrangements.

While adding other jobs. He did a lot that wasn’t in his job discription. ALOT! ie my previous posts.
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