Clearwater acknowledges that white people are superior when he says these stupid things.

Thus, having white guilt is racist in and of itself.

By saying non-whites are inferior to whites you’re acknowledging whites as superior to non-whites. He is asserting that whites are superior.

Now, back on track. I’m still waiting for Clearwater to educate himself on real racial issues.

Probably a misunderstanding, but if I were you I would stick with “assert” rather than “acknowledge,” because people generally only “acknowledge” things that are true—so you are implying that white people ARE superior. Substitute the word “admit” for “acknowledge” and you’ll see why it sounds bad
I have never said anything remotely like that. Again, you keep saying that I am acknowledging that whites are superior to non-whites. The manner in which you've made this statement implies that you believe that assertion to be fact and that I share that belief. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Why educate myself on "real racial issues" when I have you here showing me what racism looks like up close?

Oh no. You’re not deflecting by nitpicking a word because you’re backed in a corner. You view non-whites as little toddlers incapable of succeeding without white people pandering to them. They’re like little puppies to you.

Get back to me when you educate yourself on real racial issues. I already gave you a name that you unsurprisingly never heard of. Look her up. I believe there’s even a thread on here you can look at.
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Probably a misunderstanding, but if I were you I would stick with “assert” rather than “acknowledge,” because people generally only “acknowledge” things that are true—so you are implying that white people ARE superior. Substitute the word “admit” for “acknowledge” and you’ll see why it sounds bad
Perhaps. I may not have used it incorrectly in that regard.

Point is... when you say something is weak you’re saying something else is strong in comparison. Short, tall. Slow, fast, etc.

He thinks voter ID laws are racist because black people are too stupid and poor to obtain an ID. That of course means white people are intelligent and rich enough to obtain one. Or greater in comparison.
If the inbred hick from the hills of Alabama can get an ID, so can the black guy in Birmingham.
only took you 6 pages of trying to change the subject

I don't think that people should be expected to have to answer for or condemn the irrational thoughts or behaviors of random people just because they have a microphone stuck in their face or have a twitter account. There are a lot of whackos out there, both sides.
Oh no. You’re not deflecting by nitpicking a word because you’re backed in a corner. You view non-whites as little toddlers incapable of succeeding without white people pandering to them. They’re like little puppies to you.

Get back to me when you educate yourself on real racial issues. I already gave you a name that you unsurprisingly never heard of. Look her up. I believe there’s even a thread on here you can look at.

Backed in a corner? You've made comments that imply your true feelings and now the best you got is accusing me of having racist thoughts without a shred of evidence?
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Perhaps. I may not have used it incorrectly in that regard.

Point is... when you say something is weak you’re saying something else is strong in comparison. Short, tall. Slow, fast, etc.

He thinks voter ID laws are racist because black people are too stupid and poor to obtain an ID. That of course means white people are intelligent and rich enough to obtain one. Or greater in comparison.
If the inbred hick from the hills of Alabama can get an ID, so can the black guy in Birmingham.

You were able to secure that voter ID were you?

Again, I know I might as well be talking to a wall, but stop trying to tell me what I think. Stick to what I've said. You have no clue as to what I think.
Backed in a corner? You've made comments that imply your true feelings and now the best you got is accusing me of having racist thoughts without a shed of evidence?
You were able to secure that voter ID were you?

Again, I know I might as well be talking to a wall, but stop trying to tell me what I think. Stick to what I've said. You have no clue as to what I think.

I already pointed out a major white guilt post of yours in the kneeler thread. Just because you want to ignore it doesn’t make it u true.

This is your MO. You’ll surface, post really stupid things and then leave. You’ll come back, post stupid things and then claim you don’t remember your previous stupid things. Wash, rinse, repeat. Keep that head of yours firmly buried! Lmao

You should try making this hard.
You were able to secure that voter ID were you?

Again, I know I might as well be talking to a wall, but stop trying to tell me what I think. Stick to what I've said. You have no clue as to what I think.
Quit posting stupid things if they don’t reflect what you think.
And yet you have never provided a quote. You just tell me what I feel.

Is this your smoking gun?

ClearwaterVol said:

It certainly resonates with people of color.

Tums said,
Lmao. Now we know who wrote this.

How Can I Cure My White Guilt?

Me saying that the protest resonates with people of color is just stating a fact. It has zero to with my feelings about the protest. In fact, I am on record as saying that I would not choose to protest during the National Anthem and that I stand and remove my hat no matter where I am when I hear it played. However, just because I wouldn't choose to protest during the national anthem doesn't mean I don't support their right to protest during its playing.

All you've done during this exchange is lie and expose yourself as a racist who claims that racism doesn't exist.

Until you post up some facts to back up your bullsh!t, I'm done.
Clearwater acknowledges that white people are superior when he says these stupid things.

Thus, having white guilt is racist in and of itself.

By saying non-whites are inferior to whites you’re acknowledging whites as superior to non-whites. He is asserting that whites are superior.

Now, back on track. I’m still waiting for Clearwater to educate himself on real racial issues.

Watching you twist yourself into knots trying to make a case for Grand Wizard Clearwater would be sad if it wasn't so much fun watching you get destroyed.
So peaceful and accepting of other's views.

'Liberty or Death' gun-rights rally draws counter-protesters, forcing police to keep the peace

A demonstration in support of Second Amendment gun rights drew left-wing counter-protesters Saturday in Seattle, forcing dozens of police to keep the two sides separated.

Conservative groups Washington 3 Percenters and Patriot Prayer held their “Liberty or Death” rally outside Seattle City Hall, to oppose a city gun-control initiative, while a group of left-wing organizations rallied nearby.

The left-wingers -- including members of Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity, Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party -- yelled and used cow bells and sirens in an attempt to drown out speeches from the other side.

One person on the gun-rights side, sporting a Donald Trump hat, was treated for an injury at the scene. A police spokesman told the Seattle Times that a total of three men were arrested for misdemeanor assault.

Antifa members in Berkeley smash windows of US Marine Corps recruiting office during protest

An Antifa protest in Berkeley turned violent Sunday when one masked group member sucker-punched a detractor and other agitators smashed the windows at a Marine Corps recruiting post, cellphone video showed.

Authorities arrested 20 people during the dueling California demonstrations between Antifa and individuals affiliated with the so-called "alt-right." Three people suffered minor injuries after a group of "extremists" threw "explosives" -- believed to be fireworks and flares -- at police and the Alameda County Sheriff's officers. No members of law enforcement were hurt.

In a series of photos posted to Twitter by filmmaker Ford Fischer, members of Antifa can be seen smashing the windows of the U.S. Marines Corps recruiting office on Shattuck Avenue.

"No police were around as the black bloc traveled down the street, and a handful used hammers to smash the windows of Shattuck Ave US Marine Corps Recruiting office," Fischer wrote in a tweet.

He added: "After I filmed the antifa break the Marine Corps office window and throw a torch into a dumpster, one of them called a few over to confront me. They basically told me to leave, implying attack if I didn't. I left. 'Get the f--- back. Cops aren't here. They won't help you."

That last little tidbit just shows what little b*tches they are in attacking the defenseless.

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