And this is why it's weird to follow kids(recruits) on Twitter

So CBJ needs professional assistance? Like his assistant coaches?

they are men being paid by UT to bring in HS football talent. It is in their job description

the men choosing to follow HS kids on their own and trying to form relationships with them are creepy. No one will ever convince me otherwise

now turn down the music and get off my lawn!
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Any fan who thinks that it's ok to connect with recruits using social media needs to seek professional assistance, because obviously you have a problem!

I feel for you if you feel this way. This is the age we live in now. Everything for these recruits revolves around social media and attention. You would be surprised how much something like twitter has swayed recruits. I follow, re-tweet, and favorite pro UT tweets. It makes you feel that you can be a part of the recruiting process.
I feel for you if you feel this way. This is the age we live in now. Everything for these recruits revolves around social media and attention. You would be surprised how much something like twitter has swayed recruits. I follow, re-tweet, and favorite pro UT tweets. It makes you feel that you can be a part of the recruiting process.

but you're not. When you remove the imaginary power T wall, you're simply following around a bunch of 15-17yo HS kids on the internet
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but you're not. When you remove the imaginary power T wall, you're simply following around a bunch of 15-17yo HS kids on the internet

HS kids who milk the attention for all it's worth.

I don't have an opinion one way or the other, but they love the attention and know very well a fan base includes all types of people. If a recruit doesn't want anonymous grown men (and women) following what they do, then they can keep their account private. If they keep it all public, then it's simply another news outlet for most and a stupid stage for CodyG, etc.
HS kids who milk the attention for all it's worth.

I don't have an opinion one way or the other, but they love the attention and know very well a fan base includes all types of people. If a recruit doesn't want anonymous grown men (and women) following what they do, then they can keep their account private. If they keep it all public, then it's simply another news outlet for most and a stupid stage for CodyG, etc.

yeah we as a society should definitely rely on the HS kids to be making the rational decisions instead of the adults. Solid plan

if this was about grown men targeting, following and tweeting at random HS girls it would be instantly condemned and the vast majority against it. But because they play football and mention UT every once in a while it's rationalized and passed off as normal behavior.
I'll follow a guy if he commits to us because it's cool to see the interactions with other commits and players and to get a feel for the cohesion of the class but tweeting at kids is just lame and I won't feed the ego of a kid that's not really interested in us
yeah we as a society should definitely rely on the HS kids to be making the rational decisions instead of the adults. Solid plan

if this was about grown men targeting, following and tweeting at random HS girls it would be instantly condemned and the vast majority against it. But because they play football and mention UT every once in a while it's rationalized and passed off as normal behavior.

Not saying that at all. Just saying if they want to treat it as a public forum/news outlet, then are we to just plug our ears and pretend we don't want the news? Most of last year's class committed via Twitter and we ate it up.

Having said everything, this is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Shucks, if Gibson wanted to, he could sue CodyG for all he's worth and win easily. I'm actually ready for this to happen to silence the Twidiots and educate people that what you say and do on social media can get you in big trouble.

I see a very good use for Twitter, so to lump every grown man into the creep/pedophile category for following recruits for news is short-sighted. I just hope recruits and followers alike follow proper etiquette.

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So is it weird to follow our current players too? Jalen Hurd is a year older than these guys but I know most of volnation on Twitter follows him

Really?, I thought Jalen Hurd was suppose to graduate this May.. which makes him 17 or 18..
Really?, I thought Jalen Hurd was suppose to graduate this May.. which makes him 17 or 18..

Yea so he's a year older than the new crop of recruits that I thought the discussion in this thread was directed at. There's really no point in arguing though. I'll get my fix of vol related news wherever I want with no regard to what anyone thinks. I just wish there were more firm boundaries on Twitter to distance these guys from the crazies out there
In my day, we didn't have your Twitter. We hid behind bushes and watched other people in private all day long for weeks at a time. That's the way it was, and we liked it!


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I think that guy in the middle gif isn't bad, someone just dropped like 5 mollies in his drink and the bass is getting to him now.

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