An amazing essay about Pat

I was lucky enough to be able to watch Pat coach/practice in Alumni Gym in 1975. We (Architecture students) were on the upper floor. One day my friend and I were watching practice and she asked if we played basketball and the answer was "yes". She asked us to crash the boards so she could teach the Ladies how to "block out". Pat was an incredible player and feisty coach and I am so thankful to have seen the beginning of her and the Lady Vols Dynasty. Lady Vols on the way back up!!
I sat with Pat as she scouted the Alabama team in the 96 SEC tourney in Chattanooga...While sitting there we spoke of how I got into coaching girls....I told her that my niece (10 yrs old) wanted to play a 10U rec team {1981) and there were no adults jumping in to coach 10u girls,,,so even though I only "knew" and played football and ran track through HS, I told my niece I would give it a go since without me, my niece would not have been able to play...15 years later I still had a strong passion, but was also being swayed to coach boys

What kept me from doing so was something Pat said during that chat that inspired me to this very day..."Seems all young girls get is brothers, uncles and leftover Dads". . . From that point I dedicated myself to not be an also-ran girls-coach and to see just how far I could push them. I began to try to teach the BB I knew best (NBA) and was surprised at how good the girls could duplicate the moves, if taught to them in a way of teaching mechanics and not just running them through mindless drills. I started learning moves from watching Kevin McHale postup and finishes,,,Larry Bird's nearly behind his head start of his shot process,,,Magic Johnson's incredible passing,,Michael Jordan's technique of lining up his elbow-hip-kneee on any "touch-shot" release,,,the offense structure of the Malone/Stockton Utah Jazz,,The rebounding of Dennis Rodman/Moses Malone,,the shooting of Steve Kerr/Craig Ehloh,,and others and started teaching them by breaking down their mechanics into incremental steps.

I guess the thing that made me respect Pat the most was,, she was an Alpha woman without being a manly woman.
To this day, she still inspires me.

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