American war dead are "Losers and Suckers," per Trump

Do you think the original reporter PLUS Fox, CNN and others would be quoting multiple people who were not there?

Well they better come up with something or somebody soon because the last one to go on record and say it didn’t happen was a big deal ( Zach Fuentes ) and he asks a VERY good question .... Do you think General Kelly would have stood by and let him say that about Marines .
I'm so sorry that you have been locked in a basement for 4 years...really enjoying not hearing about wars and planning my early retirement since my stocks and 401k have done so well

My portfolio has done well since the crash in '07. I wish the working poor and middle class had fared as well. I remember when the market crashed and people blamed Bush. The right said back then that "presidents don't affect the markets that much".
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Do you think the original reporter PLUS Fox, CNN and others would be quoting multiple people who were not there?
Right. It wouldn't just be Jeffrey Goldberg from The Atlantic who was lying about having multiple sources at this point. There is also the reporting of Jennifer Griffin from Fox News on Friday. The Trump apologists, don't want to address her reporting at all, unless it's someone like @VolnJC, who wants to point to how John Roberts and others with Fox News have tried to sanitize her reporting, by emphasizing what allegations she was NOT able to verify from Jeffrey Goldberg's article, over what allegations that she WAS able to verify. Nobody has accused Jennifer Griffin of lying about having multiple sources alleging that Donald Trump disparaged Vietnam veterans.
Everyone is always lying except for Donald Trump aren't they? Trump claimed late last week that he had called Melania in DC, from Paris, in order to tell her how disappointed he was that he wouldn't be able to make the trip to the cemetery because of the weather. The only problem with that? Melania wasn't in DC at the time. She was also on the same trip. That was yet another lie from Trump.
Everyone is always lying except for Donald Trump aren't they? Trump claimed late last week that he had called Melania in DC, from Paris, in order to tell her how disappointed he was that he wouldn't be able to make the trip to the cemetery because of the weather. The only problem with that? Melania wasn't in DC at the time. She was also on the same trip. That was yet another lie from Trump.
You’re calling everyone who publicly denied the story a liar.

If the anonymous sources had any integrity they’d go on the record.

As it is it just looks like another media fabrication.
Everyone is always lying except for Donald Trump aren't they? Trump claimed late last week that he had called Melania in DC, from Paris, in order to tell her how disappointed he was that he wouldn't be able to make the trip to the cemetery because of the weather. The only problem with that? Melania wasn't in DC at the time. She was also on the same trip. That was yet another lie from Trump.

Name one that’s not lying , hasn’t lied , or won’t lie . Just one . Politicians are synonymous with lying and being liars . Trump lies , Biden lies , Obama lies , The whole damn family of Bushs , Clinton’s , and Kennedy’s .. all liars . Even the admired and distinguished General Kelly admitted himself that he lied .
Hmm good question..maybe the reason they are anonymous

And yet, John Kelly still hasn't denied it... has he? You have everyone in the room on the record, except for the one who matters the most. So, why doesn't Kelly deny that he heard these comments? Because it couldn't be any more obvious that John Kelly is one of the sources. That's why.
Everyone is always lying except for Donald Trump aren't they? Trump claimed late last week that he had called Melania in DC, from Paris, in order to tell her how disappointed he was that he wouldn't be able to make the trip to the cemetery because of the weather. The only problem with that? Melania wasn't in DC at the time. She was also on the same trip. That was yet another lie from Trump.
Absolutely not. But you have to have proof showing Trump lied you’ve done nothing to earn the benefit of the doubt after four years of disinformation
And yet, John Kelly still hasn't denied it... has he? You have everyone in the room on the record, except for the one who matters the most. So, why doesn't Kelly deny that he heard these comments? Because it couldn't be any more obvious that he is one of the sources. That's why.
So where do you get the other 3 if everyone else in the room is on record? #checkmate
You guys defending Trump would be right if the standard of proof here was something akin to proof beyond a reasonable doubt, but of course that is not the standard here.

The proof amounts to:

1) Trump's claims at the time as to why he did not go to the site are not very credible.
2) Trump has previously made very insensitive and disparaging comments on the record concerning the military.
3) Multiple unknown sources claim he said it. And that is coming from reporting by multiple news agencies, including the one most stalwart in their prior defense of Trump. The reporters confirming this after the Atlantic are professional and cite sources that would know.

As I have said before, if someone does come forward and is willing to be identified then Trump's campaign goose is absolutely cooked. A lot of politicians will be forced to cut and run from him as he is so toxic already and this would be the last straw for a number of them. But even if that ultimately does not happen, the biggest problem for Trump may well be that its not hard to envision him having said these things. It is consistent with his character, or lack thereof.
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You guys defending Trump would be right if the standard of proof here was something akin to proof beyond a reasonable doubt, but of course that is not the standard here.

The proof amounts to:

1) Trump's claims at the time as to why he did not go to the site are not very credible.
2) Trump has previously made very insensitive and disparaging comments on the record concerning the military.
3) Multiple unknown sources claim he said it. And that is coming from reporting by multiple news agencies, including the one most stalwart in their prior defense of Trump. The reporters confirming this after the Atlantic are professional and cite sources that would know.

As I have said before, if someone does come forward and is willing to be identified then Trump's campaign goose is absolutely cooked. A lot of politicians will be forced to cut and run from him as he is so toxic already and this would be the last straw for a number of them. But even if that ultimately does not happen, the biggest problem for Trump may well be that its not hard to envision him having said these things. It is consistent with his character, or lack thereof.
So no proof then. Again. For the 3,567,334,788 damn time in four damn years.
Name one that’s not lying , hasn’t lied , or won’t lie . Just one . Politicians are synonymous with lying and being liars . Trump lies , Biden lies , Obama lies , The whole damn family of Bushs , Clinton’s , and Kennedy’s .. all liars . Even the admired and distinguished General Kelly admitted himself that he lied .

This is the granddaddy of all whataboutisims.

You guys defending Trump would be right if the standard of proof here was something akin to proof beyond a reasonable doubt, but of course that is not the standard here.

The proof amounts to:

1) Trump's claims at the time as to why he did not go to the site are not very credible.
2) Trump has previously made very insensitive and disparaging comments on the record concerning the military.
3) Multiple unknown sources claim he said it. And that is coming from reporting by multiple news agencies, including the one most stalwart in their prior defense of Trump. The reporters confirming this after the Atlantic are professional and cite sources that would know.

As I have said before, if someone does come forward and is willing to be identified then Trump's campaign goose is absolutely cooked. A lot of politicians will be forced to cut and run from him as he is so toxic already and this would be the last straw for a number of them. But even if that ultimately does not happen, the biggest problem for Trump may well be that its not hard to envision him having said these things. It is consistent with his character, or lack thereof.

Aren’t you the very one that said we should all wait on the facts to come out on the Wisconsin shooting and not go off of what people are saying about his past record ? I hear it all the time in hear about how we should ignore what these people have done in their past and focus on the facts and the case at hand . Now are we just going to be selective or does this apply to everyone ?
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You guys defending Trump would be right if the standard of proof here was something akin to proof beyond a reasonable doubt, but of course that is not the standard here.

The proof amounts to:

1) Trump's claims at the time as to why he did not go to the site are not very credible.
2) Trump has previously made very insensitive and disparaging comments on the record concerning the military.
3) Multiple unknown sources claim he said it. And that is coming from reporting by multiple news agencies, including the one most stalwart in their prior defense of Trump. The reporters confirming this after the Atlantic are professional and cite sources that would know.

As I have said before, if someone does come forward and is willing to be identified then Trump's campaign goose is absolutely cooked. A lot of politicians will be forced to cut and run from him as he is so toxic already and this would be the last straw for a number of them. But even if that ultimately does not happen, the biggest problem for Trump may well be that its not hard to envision him having said these things. It is consistent with his character, or lack thereof.

Why would someone not put their name on this?
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