Alright, it's over

He doesn't know whst middle of field is. Had he watched uga film as well we would have won by 10. Usc destroy uga middle field whole game but Jake is too stubborn and want to do whst he wants not what defense gives it's obvious last 2 games

Maybe you should call the athletic dept and tell them that, and while you're at it, you should put in your resume for offensive coordinator. Just a suggestion
Nobody thinks we should win SEC this year...just that we should win games that are gift wrapped for us. 2 weeks in a row the players have put us in a position to win but we didn't. What is the problem?

The problem is simple Worley or no QB can throw laying on there azz, the OL IS THE WORST I SAW AS 43 YEARS AS FAN, but losing like we have the last 2 games makes it worse, we could have won both with just decent OL play, I think we still can win 7, but we still could lose 7 or 8 time for a gut check, think about this we took a true freshmen DT and he is starting on the line in the SEC, what does coach do, we just got to hang in there the rest of the year and help is on the way, but one thing if I was coach I would be looking at every junior college OL player across the country and if he can play in this league I would beg for him to come here and say here is a starting spot on the OL.
I have learned one thing in 43 years as fan, boy I would and 50,000 more would make a h@ll of a coach sitting in a chair on Saturdays watching the game in a chair, win or lose you can second guess 1 0 calls a game that would have a effect on the out come of the game.
Don't need to be a champion to beat a bad football team that made a conscious choice to not bother to compete for 3 quarters on the road.

Apologies on behalf of all Volnation for not being able to help you guys with your "Muschamp problem". Our unforgivable loss was truly a lose-lose for both of us. You guys get to hang on to your awful coach for a little longer, and we likely will have to take the field again next year at Florida against a coach who is 4-0 against us. YAY!!

Btw, would you now agree that my angst-ridden sense of despair with regards to UT ever beating Florida again is fully validated?
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I think this all points to every UT Fan just tired of losing......period. Most on here enjoyed the 90s and the early 2000s. We were spoiled and the good fans that we are, we want it back now! However, reality showed its head, a young team is going to have games like this and Florida made just the right corrections to pull a game out of their a$$, on that note, I hope the gators did not think this proved anything, UT basically gave them the game and the ball bounced their way. I feel for the UT Players, their out there trying to do the right things every down and it seemed that anything that could go wrong went wrong. Personnaly, I think UT hyped this game too much with the checkerboard and VFLs and recuits........too much pressure for such a young team.

My 2 cents...........I still love my Vols!
You may get that win against UF after all. Rumors swirling around the UF program about something really bad coming out soon and they have just cancelled their Monday presser in a RARE move. Some saying maybe Treon wasn't eligible to play.
Apologies on behalf of all Volnation for not being able to help you guys with your "Muschamp problem". Our unforgivable loss was truly a lose-lose for both of us. You guys get to hang on to your awful coach for a little longer, and we likely will have to take the field again next year at Florida against a coach who is 4-0 against us. YAY!!

Btw, would you now agree that my angst-ridden sense of despair with regards to UT ever beating Florida again is fully validated?

Good point. Boom sucks as a HFC, but this 'win' will help him hang around at least a season longer than he should.
Good point. Boom sucks as a HFC, but this 'win' will help him hang around at least a season longer than he should.

Don't be so sure .. big news from UF coming and it ain't good for them from what we're hearing.
The game plan for Georgia was studied and disected by the Gators. I think Muschamp is a total tool but he is a good Defensive coach. A lot of what worked against the dawgs would not or did not work against the Gators. Our Oline just had no answers for a 3 or 4 man rush. The only reason the middle looked so open was that our route trees did not put recievers there so there was no shell coverage there. What was open all day was the 12-20 yard gap in the coverage where the safety was responsible due to a shorter route. We could not get that throw on a consistant basis due to Fowler and company putting Worley on the run or his back.
If we could have completed some of those then we could have got a coverage shift where we could have hit the middle with slants and ins. Also, to complete the slant the WR has to win off the line but Pig is the only guy that could. The TE drag routes that we have been so successful with was stuffed by the D end first and then a safety or Lb that would slow up or redirect the route. By the time the TE got to his route then Worley was done.

Sorry, man, but a logical football explanation is not relevant here. Knee jerk, hand waiving, emotional diatribes are.
Look guys and gals, I was there, I was hurting in those stands as bad as everyone else was when that clock hit zero and we all had our heads in our hands with everyone around us consoling us. It's over though, the Florida game is over, and no, we don't need to fire Butch!!!

It seems like that most fans forget that it is very hard to win in the SEC with what we have. We have a talented football team, but there are too many flaws to be an SEC Champion contender. I start to believe more and more everyday that Butch Jones hyped and hyped and it's a damn good thing the players are into it, and the fans are into it too. I think the fans though, brought a little more into it than need be. I know that sounds insane, but I'm saying they brought into it as "hey we are back, SEC Championship here we come".

I know not all of you are like that, but a lot are. Guys, we will be back to Tennessee Football, it may be next year, and it may be the year after. I firmly believe though, that Butch is the man for this job. Are there some shakeups on the staff that need to take place after or before the season is over? Yes I truly believe that, but Butch is the man for this job.

So, please, step back off the ledge, I know it hurts like hell, but as the team does, as fans, we need to come together and be one as we always have. Here's to a good rest of the season and getting better every week. GO BIG ORANGE

Pictured you crying when you wrote this last part.
You do realize that when a Def lineman is coming untouched that by the time a QB takes his second step back the lineman is at full speed correct? Step 3 is full contact.

It was not that bad. There were only a few plays that they came through untouched. I agree with the quick slants and would also have liked some quick fade routes on the outside where Worley Bird lobbed it up and let Croom/North try to make a play on it.

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