Alex Jones found liable over Sandy Hook hoax conspiracy

What did he do wrong?
Judge Maya Guerra Gamble in Austin, home of Infowars, entered default judgments against Jones, Infowars and other defendants for what she called their "flagrant bad faith and callous disregard" of court orders to turn over documents to the parents' lawyers. The rulings were issued on Monday and released on Thursday.
Ignored court orders to produce documents. Morally he's giant POS who should be shunned ALL of society at all times. Instead he creates nonsense conspiracy theories.

If I’m not mistaken at that judges level in Texas ignoring their orders is pretty normal. You have to get through them to actually get a jury trial and if you read the article it even mentions that now Jones gets to appeal and receive a jury trial.
Ignored court orders to produce documents. Morally he's giant POS who should be shunned ALL of society at all times. Instead he creates nonsense conspiracy theories.

Like white privilege and defund the police?
10 minutes in and no facts just feelings. The bar story was bull shot.

That's your critique? LOL. Do you even know what TAL is? It's a pod about people telling their stories, mostly. Not a single fact? Really? Like maybe they mentioned that Sandy Hook really happened? That's a fact.

Why do you think that story is BS? Just cause?

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