AJC's Mark Bradley Slams Lane Kiffin!

The NY Times, Chicago Tribune, AJC all reported huge loses last year and are forecasting the decline to continue. KNS here in Knoxville has laid off people and are facing uncertain times. I work for an internet company formed from 5 of the largest newspaper companies in the world so I assure you I am well informed of the crisis in the print world.

The AJC has cut back it's delivery area. There are several counties they stopped delivering to at the end of the year. Print media is usually outdated news that is past it's shelf life anyway.
A lot of newspapers are going out of business, due to the internet. The AJC is basically a bunch of local homers, trying to create ratings with stuff that wouldn't pass in a basic journalism class.
Kiffin deserves all the shots fired against him. We used to bitch and moan about a guy named Spurrier that pulled antics like this. I believe Kiffin has broad shoulders and can take the heat. I say, chalk this one up to immaturity. GO VOLS!
Another jerk in the media taking shots at Lane Kiffin, then getting the old georgia geezer vince dooley to throw in some slams also. This is all due to meyer/foley making a big deal out of nothing.

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I really didn't think that article was that bad. It's actually one of the more non-biased I've seen. I like it that Kiffin is challenging the powers that be and getting under their skin.
Well then, where do you see the newspaper and print news world in 20 years?

At some point in the next twenty years some company will come out with a good hand-held digital reading device that will put most print media out of business. Amazon has a decent start with it's Kindle, but it will take a little more time for the device to become affordable and convenient enough for larger numbers of people to abandon traditional printed text.

This is also a generational issue. How many 18-24 year olds do you see reading print news now? The honest answer is very few. As wireless network penetration continues to increase, and laptop computers continue to decrease in price and increase in portability, the on-demand nature of these devices (such as the ability to get information from a news source on breaking news instantaneously) will make them far more attractive to a generation that has little to no patience. The limitations of print journalism (printing and distribution time mainly) will ultimately lead those organizations that want to survive to go primarily or totally digital.
Good write, people are just looking at this to hard, Kiffin is young and excited about Tennessee football he got ahead of himself. But all these haters in GA, FL,and AL just bring a smile to my face, because all I see is concerned collumest and scared programs and fans not happy with the staff that they now have to compete against.

please tell me you really don't believe what you wrote.

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