AD White on UVA HC

How do we all know this? What I do know, it was not nearly as far along as the media hyped it up to be. They took it from AD White gauging his interest to blowing it up as being in the final steps of negotiations. In reality, it never got past arranging an initial interview. Believe it or not, Heupel was always #1 on the list. Others were talked to as a process to see if there was a better candidate, due diligence and all.
The push for Franklin was full-bore. Quietly done, professionally done, but a pull-out-all-the-stops effort to bring him on board. A $7m/yr salary was mooted.

I agree it never got into formal contract negotiations. First White needed to get Franklin to say he was seriously considering the move. Which James never would do.

But I'm pretty sure (remember, this is 2-year-old memories being recollected) Dan White spent all or part of two days up in Pennsylvania, some of it at James Franklin's house, trying to hook him.

It was certainly more than "gauging interest" when it came to Franklin. That's an accurate description for the phone calls White made to Elliott and perhaps one or two others, but the Franklin discussion was much more driven.

Heupel was not always #1 on the list. Dan White himself said, in an interview shortly after the hire, that while going through the process he "suddenly realized what I was looking for was right back where I came from," [Heupel]. Right out of the horse's mouth. Heupel became the top priority, but didn't start out there.

Go Vols!
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The push for Franklin was full-bore. Quietly done, professionally done, but a pull-out-all-the-stops effort to bring him on board. A $7m/yr salary was mooted.

I agree it never got into formal contract negotiations. First White needed to get Franklin to say he was seriously considering the move. Which James never would do.

But I'm pretty sure (remember, this is 2-year-old memories being recollected) Dan White spent all or part of two days up in Pennsylvania, some of it at James Franklin's house, trying to hook him.

It was certainly more than "gauging interest" when it came to Franklin. That's an accurate description for the phone calls White made to Elliott and perhaps one or two others, but the Franklin discussion was much more driven.

Heupel was not always #1 on the list. Dan White himself said, in an interview shortly after the hire, that while going through the process he "suddenly realized what I was looking for was right back where I came from," [Heupel]. Right out of the horse's mouth. Heupel became the top priority, but didn't start out there.

Go Vols!
Believe what you want, as will I. You've made it clear you disagree with what I'm saying, but I can assure you, I am correct. I don't attest to many things on VolNation, unless I know the facts. In this particular instance, I do.
How do we all know this?
A lot of it, from Dan White himself.

As an example, here's a transcript of a press conference White gave just after the hire: Everything Danny White said about his decision to hire Josh Heupel | RTI

A couple of key quotes from that presser:

"We had an exhaustive, exhaustive nationwide search. I know that sounds crazy because I’m hiring the guy that I’ve worked with for the last three years. If anything, I was trying not to hire the head coach from UCF and I say that with respect to Tennessee, but I love UCF and I hate the transition that this is causing for the student-athletes down there. That’s the hard part of college athletics, but after going through extensive candidates we left no stone unturned."


Responding to a reporter's Question, "At what point in the search did White start to have conversations with Heupel?"

It actually wasn’t until recently. The more I visited with candidates and vetted them...I just kind of realized the best option was the guy that I’ve been working with for the last three years.

Go Vols!

p.s. I'm having to go back and find these old quotes, by the way. I don't happen to have them sitting around, nor can I quote them verbatim on the fly from years ago. But I remember the gist of all of them, and they form my memory of how things played out.

Dan White went after Franklin. Hard. For more than three days. While putting feelers out on other guys, like Elliott. Then shifted to Heupel when the light bulb came on ("just kind of realized"), as he mentioned in this interview.
A lot of it, from Dan White himself.

As an example, here's a transcript of a press conference White gave just after the hire: Everything Danny White said about his decision to hire Josh Heupel | RTI

A couple of key quotes from that presser:

"We had an exhaustive, exhaustive nationwide search. I know that sounds crazy because I’m hiring the guy that I’ve worked with for the last three years. If anything, I was trying not to hire the head coach from UCF and I say that with respect to Tennessee, but I love UCF and I hate the transition that this is causing for the student-athletes down there. That’s the hard part of college athletics, but after going through extensive candidates we left no stone unturned."


Responding to a reporter's Question, "At what point in the search did White start to have conversations with Heupel?"

It actually wasn’t until recently. The more I visited with candidates and vetted them...I just kind of realized the best option was the guy that I’ve been working with for the last three years.

Go Vols!

p.s. I'm having to go back and find these old quotes, by the way. I don't happen to have them sitting around, nor can I quote them verbatim on the fly from years ago. But I remember the gist of all of them, and they form my memory of how things play out.

Dan White went after Franklin. Hard. For more than three days. While putting feelers out on other guys, like Elliott. Then shifted to Heupel when the light bulb came on, as he mentioned in this interview.
This is media coverage. I am telling you what actually happened, not what was stated to or covered by the media.
well, it is just like any other argument, you pick who you want to believe. no one will ever know what was was said.
Except in this case there is a quote attributed to TE. Is the quote accurate? Idk. Did TE say other things which alluded to getting an offer? DW certainly thinks so.
This is media coverage. I am telling you what actually happened, not what was stated to or covered by the media.
That is a transcript of the press conference. I believe it is verbatim. I'll bet it's also on YouTube, if you don't believe the written record.

EDIT: here you go:

And if your next step, Enki, is to say "well, that's what Dan White said, but he didn't mean it," I don't know how to respond to that. Can't get you any closer to the truth than the man's own description of the process.
That is a transcript of the press conference. I believe it is verbatim. I'll bet it's also on YouTube, if you don't believe the written record.

EDIT: here you go:

The press conference is the media coverage. I am telling you what actually happened. Not what was said to the media.
If you want the correct take on this situation then listen to Russell Smith’s hour 1 segment on the Drive from today. He’s willing to put his fandom aside and look at this objectivity.
You’re just telling us what you envisioned happened in your head.
Right. Just like I was telling you what I envisioned exactly happening to Pruitt 10 days before the media had a thought he would be fired. The same way I envisioned the exact quotes told to the media by Tony Vitello and White 7 days before he announced he was staying at UT, when everyone including media was screaming he was leaving to LSU. The same way I envisioned the new WR coach would be hired from within, when everyone claimed it would be an outside hire.
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Right. Just like I was telling you what I envisioned exactly happening to Pruitt 10 days before the media had a thought he would be fired. The same way I envisioned the exact quotes told to the media by Tony Vitello and White 7 days before he announced he was staying at UT, when everyone including media was screaming he was leaving to LSU. The same way I envisioned the new WR coach would be hired from within, when everyone claimed it would be an outside hire.
As soon as Trey Wallace broke the Pruitt story the writing was on the wall he was done.
As soon as Trey Wallace broke the Pruitt story the writing was on the wall he was done.
I told people several says before Trey Wallace or anyone said a thing. Got the same stuff said that you're saying. Believe me or not I don't care, but don't try to talk down to me because you don't believe me.
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The press conference is the media coverage. I am telling you what actually happened. Not what was said to the media.
Enki, you're a good dude, and I don't doubt you believe what you say. I got no beef with you.

But you're providing absolutely no proof of your viewpoint, other than saying, "believe me, I know."

I'm giving you the words straight out of the mouth of the guy who actually led the hiring process. His own description.

And not just that one press conference, but everything I've read from any reliable source over the past two years says the same thing: It was Franklin, hard, until it wasn't; feelers were out to others, but focus was on Franklin; then the light bulb came on for Dan and he shifted immediately to Josh Heupel, who within 48 hours was our head coach.

So you'll just have to leave it at this, unless you can offer actual, substantive evidence of your alternate viewpoint. I like you, man, I've learned to trust and enjoy your viewpoints in over these many years, but I gotta take Dan White's word over yours when it comes to recollecting what Dan White was doing.

Go Vols!
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I told people several says before Trey Wallace or anyone said a thing. Got the same stuff said that you're saying. Believe me or not I don't care, but don't try to talk down to me because you don't believe me.
Ok, send me a link to your claims before Trey Wallace broke the story.
Enki, you're a good dude, and I don't doubt you believe what you think happened. I got no beef with you.

But you're providing absolutely no proof of your viewpoint, other than saying, "believe me, I know." I'm giving you the words straight out of the mouth of the guy who actually led the hiring process. His own description.

And not just that one press conference, but everything I've read from any reliable source over the past two years says the same thing: It was Franklin, hard, until it wasn't; feelers were out to others, but focus was on Franklin; then the light bulb came on for Dan and he shifted immediately to Josh Heupel, who within 48 hours was our head coach.

So you'll just have to leave it at this, unless you can offer actual, substantive evidence of your alternate viewpoint. I like you, man, I've learned to trust and enjoy your viewpoints in over these many years, but I gotta take Dan White's word over yours when it comes to recollecting what Dan White was doing.

Go Vols!
I don't have to provide proof and why would I tell who I am and how I know those things on a message board? I have never been wrong about what I've claimed on here, because I knew the truth. Even though I've been talked down to when I tell people what's about to happen, after proving time and again I was telling the truth. God only knows why I still share some things I happen to know, when I also know how people react. I wont be sharing any more on here.
It’s amazing seeing a Tennessee message board defend UVA’s head coach over our own ad that’s helping resurrect this program. I stand with Dan!
I can't see anything except good posts and solid responses to "air": from context it is clear these must be highly questionable negavol yammerings.

I'll take your word for it, and I feel good about how accurate my ignore list is. 🤣
DW headed off an obvious disaster for us.

No reasonable person doubts that ESPN would have been eager to make false talk, clowning, and exaggeration about "all" the coaches who ever "turned down" Tennessee a main thread and punchline of their broadcast.

You would have been begging for an update on Klubnik's parents before they were halfway through. 😂

Elliott knows he wasn't offered the job, yet he implied it, and apparently it is not the first time.

It needed to be cut off before the media got busy looking for other coaches to interview on the subject (or maybe "background" conversations for the ESPN boys and girls to trickle out as "ad lib" comments.

Well played by DW, who stands up for us. If you don't back DW, you are failing. If you want to imply that DW is lying, find another school to root for.

And surely Elliott's compliments were nice, and I thank him for that.
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