Aaron Douglas Turns to Rap

Kraft makes smokes? Thats news to me

You mean Altria

Altria is the group. Philip Morris and Kraft merged under the group. They're all the same now under the group. If you know Altria then you already knew this.

At the end of 1988, Philip Morris Companies purchased Kraft for $12.9 billion. In 1989, Kraft merged with Philip Morris's General Foods unit - makers of Oscar Mayer meats, Maxwell House coffee, Jell-O gelatin, Budget Gourmet frozen dinners, Entenmann's baked goods, Kool-Aid, Crystal Light and Tang powdered beverage mixes, Post Cereals, Shake 'n Bake flavored coatings and numerous other packaged foods - as Kraft General Foods. Its aggressive product development was reversed after the merger, as it became slow in addressing issues on its product lines due to its size, and also company politics.[10]

In 1990, the company acquired Jacobs Suchard (a European coffee and confectionery giant) and Freia Marabou (a Scandinavian confectionery maker) to expand overseas as its business was heavily dependent on the U.S. In 1993, it acquired RJR Nabisco's cold cereal business (mainly Shredded Wheat and Shreddies cereals) while selling its Breyers ice-cream division to Unilever and its Birds Eye unit to Dean Foods. In 1994, it sold its frozen dinners unit to H.J. Heinz and in 1995, it sold its foodservice unit.[10]

In 1995, it changed its name to the present name, Kraft Foods. The same year, it sold its bakery division (except Lender's Bagels, which was sold in 1996 to CPC International), its candy division and its tablespreads division. Log Cabin syrup was sold in 1997.

Moral of the story ... this is a sick world we live in. "

If we can't kill em with me lucky charms I'll get em with me cancer sticks."
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quit football for rap wow i just listened to his rap and its HORRIBLE hope its more fun than what the NFL could have brought him lol what a joke
I'll give you the art-drugs argument. However, not all art is anti-establishment. Picasso, Gershwin, Jolson, DaVinci,on and on.

I will not give you the argument that rap is art. Not even in the same universe as the aforementioned. MOF, there is very little ART in any genre these days.

Yeah, we should go back to the good ole days because society is steadily declining, right? Show some more ignorance please...
He could be the next Average Homeboy

After a listen or two to him.....

He's got absolutely no future in terms of a major deal. None. He could however, have some type of local mixtape with a couple of the Knox area rappers.

Hell, if Joey Tack on Hot 104.5 here can get on a local track, Aaron Douglas sure as hell could.
Yeah, everyone walk around stoned. Oh wait---we're half way there now.

Be just like alcohol----bootleggers. "Hey man, lets see that joint. That doesn't look like a ready-roll to me. You are under arrest for an illegal controlled substance".

Very hard to regulate something that people can grow themselves.

I'm no expert, but what about this. They can regulate it by making vendors be "accredited" or whatever. Kind of like what the banking system does with "Member FDIC". PPl don't use Joes Bank @ 103 walnut st. Apt 3. It would be a tough transition due to the enormous amount of illegal activity that goes on now and the vast number of underground networks. But if they could somehow allow those member vendors (@ a cost, of course) the ability to sell better weed for cheaper, then bingo. They've got their legal weed and a way to get a piece of everyones pie. We shouldn't doubt their ability to do so in the 1st place.
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Age has nothing to do with having your wits about you. Rap was born out of the hoodie drug culture; nothing musical about it---anti-establishment filth set to a computerized click track. If you wallow with the pigs, you are bound to get soiled.

So you blame them negros and their sense of rythem for this?
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This is sad to me. UT's best offensive linemen wants to make rap music instead of play for the vols. I'm hoping at some point he changes his mind, and asks to rejoin the team :crossfingers:
This is sad to me. UT's best offensive linemen wants to make rap music instead of play for the vols. I'm hoping at some point he changes his mind, and asks to rejoin the team :crossfingers:
I wouldn't count on it. Cocaine is a helluva drug
Pretty sure rap has been his hobby since high school...pretty sure he's not quitting the team to become a rapper...so many of these posts are probably missing the point entirely
Pretty sure their rap is of laughable quality when compared to professionals.( This is not an attack on him or his personal hobbies)
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What i don't understand is....why couldnt he do what Renaldo (aka "swiperboy") Woolridge is doing??? Still playing the game but raping as well. Why throw what talent he has completely down the drain??? Someone needs a reality check and a positive ROLE MODEL!
What i don't understand is....why couldnt he do what Renaldo (aka "swiperboy") Woolridge is doing??? Still playing the game but raping as well. Why throw what talent he has completely down the drain??? Someone needs a reality check and a positive ROLE MODEL!

Swiper's doing what? :eek:hmy:
Swiper is still on the team regardless of his playing time and doing his rap thing. He's not just calling it quits is all im saying. I'm sure there is more to it with Douglas leavings besides raping but if that's it....horrible excuse to quit any kids dream to play collegiate football.
Swiper is still on the team regardless of his playing time and doing his rap thing. He's not just calling it quits is all im saying. I'm sure there is more to it with Douglas leavings besides raping but if that's it....horrible excuse to quit any kids dream to play collegiate football.

A few things:

1. There is more to life than playing football for the vols and potentially being rich. If it isn't your passion, it's not your passion. Move on.

2. He is not quitting the football team for rap. He has already been rapping from what I've heard. I have heard, however, that he is transferring to Western Kentucky to play basketball.
Age has nothing to do with having your wits about you. Rap was born out of the hoodie drug culture; nothing musical about it---anti-establishment filth set to a computerized click track. If you wallow with the pigs, you are bound to get soiled.

Listen, I'm as "white" as they come but even I can see that this is a pretty ignorant and ridiculous post. If you think Dre, Jay-Z, Snoop, 2-pac and some of the other legends aren't talented then you don't know what you are talking about....

And for your argument regarding "computerized click track" I refer you to half of the music industry these days, not just rap. Yeah, there is plenty of bad music out there, but there is enough to go around for all genres. Hell, country singers wear glitter now (rascal flatts)....
A few things:

1. There is more to life than playing football for the vols and potentially being rich. If it isn't your passion, it's not your passion. Move on.

2. He is not quitting the football team for rap. He has already been rapping from what I've heard. I have heard, however, that he is transferring to Western Kentucky to play basketball.

If you're a freshman all-American offensive lineman at a football school like UT, and you walk away from that to do something else like playing basketball at WKU, then you're making a questionable career choice. Accounting is not exactly my wife's "passion," but she's become a CFO because she's extremely good at it. Maybe Aaron Douglas doesn't care about money. If so, then quitting football to rap and play basketball for WKU is a fine career decision.
If you're a freshman all-American offensive lineman at a football school like UT, and you walk away from that to do something else like playing basketball at WKU, then you're making a questionable career choice. Accounting is not exactly my wife's "passion," but she's become a CFO because she's extremely good at it. Maybe Aaron Douglas doesn't care about money. If so, then quitting football to rap and play basketball for WKU is a fine career decision.

I don't mean this to be brash, but I also don't think you, or me, or anyone else on volnation is in a position to tell Aaron Douglas what is a "fine" or "questionable" career decision... We know him as a football players, and so we want to continue to see him as a football player. We hardly have his best interests at heart, we have our best interests at heart (b/c we clearly would be a more talented team with him on there)...

Your wife is actually a great example. It proves that if you work hard that there can be money in anything. But being an accountant doesn't usually require you to dedicate your life 24/7 to accounting, and lead in some cases to shoulder surgery, rehab, etc.... If he wants to go play basketball at WKU then go do it.
Verc, no slam on you or your wife but I know some pretty miserable people that lived by that logic. I also know some miserable people that lived differently. Point is, neither is nec wrong. One must do what is best for THEMSELVES and their FAMILY (if applicable) in their lives. Period. Both lifestyles are right for different people.
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