36 hours



Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2009
How much will it affect us to only get 36 hours rest before Purdue? Seems odd that we get so little time before this game.
How much will it affect us to only get 36 hours rest before Purdue? Seems odd that we get so little time before this game.
One of the good reasons for playing in holiday tournaments, such as the Maui Classic (where we played Purdue this season), is to get your team accustomed to playing quality competition with a short turnaround. These players are used to this. It should be nothing to them.

I'm not sure if we can match up with Purdue, however .... but I will worry about that tomorrow. Right now, I'm gonna watch the replay of the Creighton game and drink some Crown and Coke. Life is good. Go Vols !!!!
Purdue had probably just finished their press obligations after showering by the time our game was ending, so I don’t think there is much difference. It’s not like they were laying around the hotel all day.
Yeah, Ref's let Lurch have his way. He came down hard and crushed a Gonzaga player going for a rebound and nothing called.
We had some of that in last night's game.
True grit and determination helped the guys beat the birds and the crappy refs well.
We had some of that in last night's game.
True grit and determination helped the guys beat the birds and the crappy refs well.
We need to push him out of the paint the best we can get physical with him, but your right the Goliath goon seems to get all the love from the refs and get alot of freebie fouls on him.
If anyone thinks Vescovi will be well rested has never had the flu. I would be surprise if he plays.
Right. It depends a lot on when his fever broke.
Hopefully he can gut out a few minutes. We'll need every body they have to beat the choo choo trains.
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Vols can beat Purdue. Having already played this season is a huge advantage. Barnes and his truth squad are on a MISSION. Kids are sore but need fluids and whirlpool time - they will be ready.
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