3 UNC football players charged after high-speed crash kills a student

Heartbreaking! It’s not even in the realm of understanding why someone is driving at that rate of speed. I know as teens we did incredibly stupid things but…words can’t describe why any human would do that ….in a 45 MPH zone. Makes me physically sick to think about it!
It's sad. Very sad.

It also does bear striking resemblance to the ongoing behavior at UGA. It's ok to notice.
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Just wait until some athletes get smashed at a party and jump in a $100K super car. I have a bad feeling we may see more of this type of tragedy in the future.
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A 20 year old girl with her entire life ahead of her killed because some idiots think they're invincible. Heartbreaking stuff... The obituary was hard to read knowing the kind of person the girl was. So young....
Heartbreaking to read indeed. She accomplished so much and impacted so many in her 20 short years .
A drag race is 1/4 mile. I did a considerable amount of it in my younger days. Traffic was not as heavy then as now, and there were several places around the area where you could go late at night and virtually no traffic. Yeah, it was dumb, but hey I was a 19 year old idiot then. Top end racing was never anything I would have done, too many bad possibilities could happen. Yeah, go ahead and torch me, I will admit, it was dumb.
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Must be trying to manufacture some witnesses. Unsure why a couple of those players were really even charged otherwise.
Must be trying to manufacture some witnesses. Unsure why a couple of those players were really even charged otherwise.
ALE in North Carolina is no joke. They’re this special group of law enforcement that overreaches, and they have done so for a very long time. ALE is hugely active in Chapel Hill bc it’s a college town and they really try to crackdown on underage drinking. I understand that they’re there to prevent things like this from happening, but in a lot of ways they overstep to charge people who have little or any connection to certain alcohol related crimes.
Not really surprised at the speed; people are REGULARLY driving over 100 mph! Why? Speed limits are NOT being enforced. Laws are being ignored. Crazy times.
A drag race is 1/4 mile. I did a considerable amount of it in my younger days. Traffic was not as heavy then as now, and there were several places around the area where you could go late at night and virtually no traffic. Yeah, it was dumb, but hey I was a 19 year old idiot then. Top end racing was never anything I would have done, too many bad possibilities could happen. Yeah, go ahead and torch me, I will admit, it was dumb.

We all (most red blooded Tennessee Teens) did that ; but on roads where the traffic was light to NONE after 8PM. No real danger, and back then speeds hardly exceeded 90 for a 1/4. What these kids did was asinine.
That's weird because I just paid almost $260 for doing 60 down a 4 lane highway. Ridiculous.

Very unlucky on your part. Some roads do get patrolled. (Very few). I see cars doing 80 in a 35 every day, & not a cop ever. 120 on the Interstate is fairly normal, I'm guessing as I'm going 90 and they whizz by me like nothing.
Here's the young lady's obituary, very sad, and totally senseless

Senseless sad sad totally preventable; with a Smidge of common sense. Now, how many lives are ruined? Her entire Family & Friends'. And to a lesser degree, the Idiots that put her in harms way.
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That’s terrible. What are these kids thinking about ?

Evidently nothing but getting wasted. I will never understand the attraction of getting stupid drunk? You lose control, act like an Idiot, Get into trouble, and pay with a headache tomorrow. FUN??? Alcohol; control it, or it controls you. I want to be in control, and if the Victim had it to do over, so would She.
We all (most red blooded Tennessee Teens) did that ; but on roads where the traffic was light to NONE after 8PM. No real danger, and back then speeds hardly exceeded 90 for a 1/4. What these kids did was asinine.
Yep! I wouldn't street race now for anything, but at the time, if you had a car that was quick, it was a part of being young and dumb. I sure would like to get that Demon running again. I still have it.
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