2024 Transfer Portal Thread

The notion that folks have of Barnes not wanting to win bad enough, because he isn’t willing to back the brinks truck up to every recruit the fans want is silly.

You said you respect MJ, tiger l, belichick etc because of their desire to win. In relation to Rick Barnes and Chaz Lanier, what does that mean, if you aren’t suggesting that Coach Barnes doesn’t want to win badly enough or he would pay whatever it takes to get Lanier on the team???
There is also the fact we don’t know if Barnes even has a say in whatever they are offering Lanier or any other player lol…
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Lanier's agents making statements and it seems they lined up his visits:


Flashback to when BYU's head coach Kevin Young was still with the Suns:


Tanner and Visockas work for Tandem Sports who make the statement "Leave nothing on the table" in their mission statement:

I don't think we've seen how much his agents have driven his decisions/actions. Due to this, wherever Chaz decides to play, his agents will make more money by their process.
However, they're smart. They know that Lanier's best chance at a huge payday next year is not with a first-year coach with players that are all strangers.

Chaz has been a client since April 12th.
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Agents don’t care about the teams chemistry. They care about the best deal they can get for their client. And let’s be honest, KY brings in more money than TN does and has TV power ratings. It’s like comparing Lakers to the Nuggets.
I like the ten we have now. I like the talent, the chemistry and the experience of important roles. I think Igor, Carr and Estrella are being overlooked as contributors. We can’t/don’t need to replace Knecht with one player. We need more contributors. Estrella is working with a personal coach who is one of the best in the country. He and Cade work one on one hours a day. Carr has been shooting a thousand balls a day. I think the young guys are very hungry and the experience ZZ and Mashack bring puts us in the top five in the SEC. Coaches are very high on Igor and believe he’ll be great at both ends. I don’t have a read on Dubar, but trust they have a plan. Okpara is, at the least, a presence on D and a rebounder, but I get the feeling he can develop some consistent moves and score 7-10. The staff does have backup plans for Lanier, but Lanier isn’t out yet. I think this is a competitive team already, but will get more exciting as we learn more about the guys we’ve added and the ones we will add. I am equally excited about the young guys.
100% on both points. This program has shown they can develop players year after year. I expect Estrella to have a good season for us and I am hopeful Carr can take a big step as well. Also, I think Okpara benefits greatly from ZZ driving into the lane...would not surprise me if he averages 10-12 pts per game.
100% on both points. This program has shown they can develop players year after year. I expect Estrella to have a good season for us and I am hopeful Carr can take a big step as well. Also, I think Okpara benefits greatly from ZZ driving into the lane...would not surprise me if he averages 10-12 pts per game.
If we can 10-12 points 7-9 rebounds and he average 2.5bpg like he did at OSU then he will be an upgrade over Aidoo IMO. Hes also just a junior this year so there’s lot of room for him to grow!
Agents don’t care about the teams chemistry. They care about the best deal they can get for their client. And let’s be honest, KY brings in more money than TN does and has TV power ratings. It’s like comparing Lakers to the Nuggets.
If you’re saying money is all that matters he probably picks BYU
No idea about Chaz and UT or where he will land - the world will know in a few days.

Unfortunately for major college sports fans, the fact is that for at least the next few years a high percentage of top players will go play for the team that offers the most $$$. Multi year contracts could curb some of this but a number of coaches probably don’t want to be locked into multi year deals with players.

And most of these athletes aren’t going to be in the NBA, NFL or MLB so they want to make all the money they can in college. Isn’t it great.
LMAO...as if this isn't EXACTLY what went on for literally decades.
If you’re saying money is all that matters he probably picks BYU
BYU has a lot of money to blow somehow. According to trilly at least. BTO, do you know of any backup plan to Lanier as of yet? If not no big deal. Appreciate your info even though others on this board are a little ungrateful.
If you’re saying money is all that matters he probably picks BYU
Not all about the money but these agents aren’t dummies. They also look at the market. A school like BYU could offer 2x as much but there’s less money to be played out on TV outlets and any type of outside endorsements, player guests on podcast, etc.. These are definitely things the agents are “suggesting” to the agents. If Lanier expresses “I just want the best deal I can get”.. then I hate to say it, but TN basketball market doesn’t even compare to the KY market
I’m wearing out on being a guy with information. I kind of prefer being the quippy grump who can’t suffer idiots. I stumbled into the “insider” nonsense by having a friend who handles transactions for NIL and other contracts. I feel an obligation to share things, if they’re useful and potentially timely. That said, I don’t love spending time defending why the thing I shared can’t be true, is no longer true, or is made up. There are about 10-20 posters here who really love ball, and our team, and are knowledgeable about the sport and how it’s evolving. I end up learning a lot, and really enjoy the back and forth. I actually enjoy those I disagree with, and even the cranks like Cav or portal jihadis like Trippie. That said, the flat-earthers and heavy thinkers in this forum can really make sharing information exhausting. Poor me, I know. Just shut up, SF and there will be no witch trial. Point taken. This week, as some things took shape with Lanier, and I heard some of the table scrap information, I just sat on it, for the first time. I just didn’t have the stamina to handle the torch and pitchfork types that seem to only appear to celebrate failure, cheer on firings, and track planes. Well, It’s Saturday and I’m not dead or hungover so I’ll share some thoughts. I realize writing this many words with no pictures has already made enemies. Maybe I’ve weeded out some trolls from verbosity alone. Probably not.

First— Usually the earliest leaks come from agents, managers and handlers, not from staff or NIL. The sources of the best information, like Trilly etc. all have agent connections. Agents share information as a tactic to manipulate outcomes. Journalists and others, check that data with sources in NIL and staff. They have their own agendas and often correct the record (or intentionally don’t) to help their agendas. Staffs lie very rarely. It backfires. Agents lie sometimes. Handlers lie more. They are playing a short game, and they’re happy to cause trouble. They get dumped when kids turn pro. They get one shot at some new wheels. They take it.

All this leads to one thing— The market is higher this year, but the handlers are lying to make it seem even higher. Very few of the numbers we’ve heard are real, according to those I talk to.

Lanier has a serious group of professionals around him, his family, and a couple of non-professional friends. His exploration of the pros has been thoughtful and slow, and unfolded exactly as everyone expected it would. He made every relationship he could, explored every path, and didn’t string anyone on our side along. He communicated through all of it. He also, hung a do not disturb on his door when he entered the portal like he said he would. One of his (less professional) handlers/friends has been talking to NIL groups and talked to a few teams. This ended up with Arky, UK, and BYU throwing money out to disrupt things. The numbers were big enough that it couldn’t be ignored. It was our staff’s perception that Lanier would leave the draft process and he’d be ours after having to adjust numbers up a bit due to the changes in the market. Unfortunately those changes became hysterical since he is one of the last big names among a few who might not drop from the draft. Wooga and Robinson are targets, but Lanier is getting more focus. It’s also important to understand that some of the numbers being tossed around aren’t real, even though they came from NIL reps. It’s become a tactic to toss out an absurd number to get someone to the table, and then move the goalposts in the documents.

Right now, the yahoos who stirred the deal interest up, are moving back to the kids’ table, and the actual agents who have been working the NBA will look at the actual offers and judge them with Lanier. I believe this is good for us, as they’ll be judging more than the top line. They’ll be judging all the variables that improve Lanier’s chances at a pro career.

It’s worth noting that Barnes hasn’t enjoyed how this has gone down, and others have had to keep it afloat. There are too many involved and he doesn’t usually have patience for that. On the positive side, Lanier’s top influencer is his mom. Lanier is a good kid too. Both of them like and trust Barnes. They’ve told him we’ll get the last meeting, and the last chance to offer. One monkey wrench— If the NIL numbers are way out of line, we won’t counter. We may not even take the visit. Sorry to those who want us to do “anything”. Barnes and staff have values and strategic ideas they won’t corrupt for one player. Like it or not, that’s real.

Finally, they do have options and communication channels beyond Lanier. Unlike UK, they aren’t playing everyone at once. They are holding up their end with Lanier and hope that has value when they sit down.

Sorry for the long post. I know this is more nuanced than some scorched-earthers would like. I probably won’t do a Q&A or a defense of this. I just wanted to share what I’ve heard.

I think we have a shot at the last sitdown, but it’s possible we’ll let that go.
Agents don’t care about the teams chemistry. They care about the best deal they can get for their client. And let’s be honest, KY brings in more money than TN does and has TV power ratings. It’s like comparing Lakers to the Nuggets.
Maybe so, but right now I like the Nuggets chances much better when it comes to winning a championship. They have the chemistry and the drive to win!
I’m wearing out on being a guy with information. I kind of prefer being the quippy grump who can’t suffer idiots. I stumbled into the “insider” nonsense by having a friend who handles transactions for NIL and other contracts. I feel an obligation to share things, if they’re useful and potentially timely. That said, I don’t love spending time defending why the thing I shared can’t be true, is no longer true, or is made up. There are about 10-20 posters here who really love ball, and our team, and are knowledgeable about the sport and how it’s evolving. I end up learning a lot, and really enjoy the back and forth. I actually enjoy those I disagree with, and even the cranks like Cav or portal jihadis like Trippie. That said, the flat-earthers and heavy thinkers in this forum can really make sharing information exhausting. Poor me, I know. Just shut up, SF and there will be no witch trial. Point taken. This week, as some things took shape with Lanier, and I heard some of the table scrap information, I just sat on it, for the first time. I just didn’t have the stamina to handle the torch and pitchfork types that seem to only appear to celebrate failure, cheer on firings, and track planes. Well, It’s Saturday and I’m not dead or hungover so I’ll share some thoughts. I realize writing this many words with no pictures has already made enemies. Maybe I’ve weeded out some trolls from verbosity alone. Probably not.

First— Usually the earliest leaks come from agents, managers and handlers, not from staff or NIL. The sources of the best information, like Trilly etc. all have agent connections. Agents share information as a tactic to manipulate outcomes. Journalists and others, check that data with sources in NIL and staff. They have their own agendas and often correct the record (or intentionally don’t) to help their agendas. Staffs lie very rarely. It backfires. Agents lie sometimes. Handlers lie more. They are playing a short game, and they’re happy to cause trouble. They get dumped when kids turn pro. They get one shot at some new wheels. They take it.

All this leads to one thing— The market is higher this year, but the handlers are lying to make it seem even higher. Very few of the numbers we’ve heard are real, according to those I talk to.

Lanier has a serious group of professionals around him, his family, and a couple of non-professional friends. His exploration of the pros has been thoughtful and slow, and unfolded exactly as everyone expected it would. He made every relationship he could, explored every path, and didn’t string anyone on our side along. He communicated through all of it. He also, hung a do not disturb on his door when he entered the portal like he said he would. One of his (less professional) handlers/friends has been talking to NIL groups and talked to a few teams. This ended up with Arky, UK, and BYU throwing money out to disrupt things. The numbers were big enough that it couldn’t be ignored. It was our staff’s perception that Lanier would leave the draft process and he’d be ours after having to adjust numbers up a bit due to the changes in the market. Unfortunately those changes became hysterical since he is one of the last big names among a few who might not drop from the draft. Wooga and Robinson are targets, but Lanier is getting more focus. It’s also important to understand that some of the numbers being tossed around aren’t real, even though they came from NIL reps. It’s become a tactic to toss out an absurd number to get someone to the table, and then move the goalposts in the documents.

Right now, the yahoos who stirred the deal interest up, are moving back to the kids’ table, and the actual agents who have been working the NBA will look at the actual offers and judge them with Lanier. I believe this is good for us, as they’ll be judging more than the top line. They’ll be judging all the variables that improve Lanier’s chances at a pro career.

It’s worth noting that Barnes hasn’t enjoyed how this has gone down, and others have had to keep it afloat. There are too many involved and he doesn’t usually have patience for that. On the positive side, Lanier’s top influencer is his mom. Lanier is a good kid too. Both of them like and trust Barnes. They’ve told him we’ll get the last meeting, and the last chance to offer. One monkey wrench— If the NIL numbers are way out of line, we won’t counter. We may not even take the visit. Sorry to those who want us to do “anything”. Barnes and staff have values and strategic ideas they won’t corrupt for one player. Like it or not, that’s real.

Finally, they do have options and communication channels beyond Lanier. Unlike UK, they aren’t playing everyone at once. They are holding up their end with Lanier and hope that has value when they sit down.

Sorry for the long post. I know this is more nuanced than some scorched-earthers would like. I probably won’t do a Q&A or a defense of this. I just wanted to share what I’ve heard.

I think we have a shot at the last sitdown, but it’s possible we’ll let that go.
Good to hear that we have backup plans beyond just standing pat.
BYU has a lot of money to blow somehow. According to trilly at least. BTO, do you know of any backup plan to Lanier as of yet? If not no big deal. Appreciate your info even though others on this board are a little ungrateful.
I don’t “know” of any, I could speculate some names but I’ll hold off on that for now. I don’t think you’ll see anyone attached publicly to Tennessee until Chaz is off the board.
I’m wearing out on being a guy with information. I kind of prefer being the quippy grump who can’t suffer idiots. I stumbled into the “insider” nonsense by having a friend who handles transactions for NIL and other contracts. I feel an obligation to share things, if they’re useful and potentially timely. That said, I don’t love spending time defending why the thing I shared can’t be true, is no longer true, or is made up. There are about 10-20 posters here who really love ball, and our team, and are knowledgeable about the sport and how it’s evolving. I end up learning a lot, and really enjoy the back and forth. I actually enjoy those I disagree with, and even the cranks like Cav or portal jihadis like Trippie. That said, the flat-earthers and heavy thinkers in this forum can really make sharing information exhausting. Poor me, I know. Just shut up, SF and there will be no witch trial. Point taken. This week, as some things took shape with Lanier, and I heard some of the table scrap information, I just sat on it, for the first time. I just didn’t have the stamina to handle the torch and pitchfork types that seem to only appear to celebrate failure, cheer on firings, and track planes. Well, It’s Saturday and I’m not dead or hungover so I’ll share some thoughts. I realize writing this many words with no pictures has already made enemies. Maybe I’ve weeded out some trolls from verbosity alone. Probably not.

First— Usually the earliest leaks come from agents, managers and handlers, not from staff or NIL. The sources of the best information, like Trilly etc. all have agent connections. Agents share information as a tactic to manipulate outcomes. Journalists and others, check that data with sources in NIL and staff. They have their own agendas and often correct the record (or intentionally don’t) to help their agendas. Staffs lie very rarely. It backfires. Agents lie sometimes. Handlers lie more. They are playing a short game, and they’re happy to cause trouble. They get dumped when kids turn pro. They get one shot at some new wheels. They take it.

All this leads to one thing— The market is higher this year, but the handlers are lying to make it seem even higher. Very few of the numbers we’ve heard are real, according to those I talk to.

Lanier has a serious group of professionals around him, his family, and a couple of non-professional friends. His exploration of the pros has been thoughtful and slow, and unfolded exactly as everyone expected it would. He made every relationship he could, explored every path, and didn’t string anyone on our side along. He communicated through all of it. He also, hung a do not disturb on his door when he entered the portal like he said he would. One of his (less professional) handlers/friends has been talking to NIL groups and talked to a few teams. This ended up with Arky, UK, and BYU throwing money out to disrupt things. The numbers were big enough that it couldn’t be ignored. It was our staff’s perception that Lanier would leave the draft process and he’d be ours after having to adjust numbers up a bit due to the changes in the market. Unfortunately those changes became hysterical since he is one of the last big names among a few who might not drop from the draft. Wooga and Robinson are targets, but Lanier is getting more focus. It’s also important to understand that some of the numbers being tossed around aren’t real, even though they came from NIL reps. It’s become a tactic to toss out an absurd number to get someone to the table, and then move the goalposts in the documents.

Right now, the yahoos who stirred the deal interest up, are moving back to the kids’ table, and the actual agents who have been working the NBA will look at the actual offers and judge them with Lanier. I believe this is good for us, as they’ll be judging more than the top line. They’ll be judging all the variables that improve Lanier’s chances at a pro career.

It’s worth noting that Barnes hasn’t enjoyed how this has gone down, and others have had to keep it afloat. There are too many involved and he doesn’t usually have patience for that. On the positive side, Lanier’s top influencer is his mom. Lanier is a good kid too. Both of them like and trust Barnes. They’ve told him we’ll get the last meeting, and the last chance to offer. One monkey wrench— If the NIL numbers are way out of line, we won’t counter. We may not even take the visit. Sorry to those who want us to do “anything”. Barnes and staff have values and strategic ideas they won’t corrupt for one player. Like it or not, that’s real.

Finally, they do have options and communication channels beyond Lanier. Unlike UK, they aren’t playing everyone at once. They are holding up their end with Lanier and hope that has value when they sit down.

Sorry for the long post. I know this is more nuanced than some scorched-earthers would like. I probably won’t do a Q&A or a defense of this. I just wanted to share what I’ve heard.

I think we have a shot at the last sitdown, but it’s possible we’ll let that go.

Just speaking for myself, information like you provide is valued and is one of the reasons I check back here every couple of days. Living and dying on what a college kid decides to do with his future, or even on the outcomes of college sporting events, is something I can't relate to despite being a huge fan of our programs. Real information and ball talk is worth digging through the trash to find.
Not all about the money but these agents aren’t dummies. They also look at the market. A school like BYU could offer 2x as much but there’s less money to be played out on TV outlets and any type of outside endorsements, player guests on podcast, etc.. These are definitely things the agents are “suggesting” to the agents. If Lanier expresses “I just want the best deal I can get”.. then I hate to say it, but TN basketball market doesn’t even compare to the KY market
You literally just contradicted yourself. If he’s wanting just money he’ll go to BYU, but then you argue other factors are in play, if that’s the case then Tennessee makes a lot of sense as well given what they just did with Knecht. The amount of unknowns surrounding Kentucky both with Pope and their roster is such an unknown variable that it also can’t be completely ignored in the discussion as if this is still Kentucky with Cal imo.
I’m wearing out on being a guy with information. I kind of prefer being the quippy grump who can’t suffer idiots. I stumbled into the “insider” nonsense by having a friend who handles transactions for NIL and other contracts. I feel an obligation to share things, if they’re useful and potentially timely. That said, I don’t love spending time defending why the thing I shared can’t be true, is no longer true, or is made up. There are about 10-20 posters here who really love ball, and our team, and are knowledgeable about the sport and how it’s evolving. I end up learning a lot, and really enjoy the back and forth. I actually enjoy those I disagree with, and even the cranks like Cav or portal jihadis like Trippie. That said, the flat-earthers and heavy thinkers in this forum can really make sharing information exhausting. Poor me, I know. Just shut up, SF and there will be no witch trial. Point taken. This week, as some things took shape with Lanier, and I heard some of the table scrap information, I just sat on it, for the first time. I just didn’t have the stamina to handle the torch and pitchfork types that seem to only appear to celebrate failure, cheer on firings, and track planes. Well, It’s Saturday and I’m not dead or hungover so I’ll share some thoughts. I realize writing this many words with no pictures has already made enemies. Maybe I’ve weeded out some trolls from verbosity alone. Probably not.

First— Usually the earliest leaks come from agents, managers and handlers, not from staff or NIL. The sources of the best information, like Trilly etc. all have agent connections. Agents share information as a tactic to manipulate outcomes. Journalists and others, check that data with sources in NIL and staff. They have their own agendas and often correct the record (or intentionally don’t) to help their agendas. Staffs lie very rarely. It backfires. Agents lie sometimes. Handlers lie more. They are playing a short game, and they’re happy to cause trouble. They get dumped when kids turn pro. They get one shot at some new wheels. They take it.

All this leads to one thing— The market is higher this year, but the handlers are lying to make it seem even higher. Very few of the numbers we’ve heard are real, according to those I talk to.

Lanier has a serious group of professionals around him, his family, and a couple of non-professional friends. His exploration of the pros has been thoughtful and slow, and unfolded exactly as everyone expected it would. He made every relationship he could, explored every path, and didn’t string anyone on our side along. He communicated through all of it. He also, hung a do not disturb on his door when he entered the portal like he said he would. One of his (less professional) handlers/friends has been talking to NIL groups and talked to a few teams. This ended up with Arky, UK, and BYU throwing money out to disrupt things. The numbers were big enough that it couldn’t be ignored. It was our staff’s perception that Lanier would leave the draft process and he’d be ours after having to adjust numbers up a bit due to the changes in the market. Unfortunately those changes became hysterical since he is one of the last big names among a few who might not drop from the draft. Wooga and Robinson are targets, but Lanier is getting more focus. It’s also important to understand that some of the numbers being tossed around aren’t real, even though they came from NIL reps. It’s become a tactic to toss out an absurd number to get someone to the table, and then move the goalposts in the documents.

Right now, the yahoos who stirred the deal interest up, are moving back to the kids’ table, and the actual agents who have been working the NBA will look at the actual offers and judge them with Lanier. I believe this is good for us, as they’ll be judging more than the top line. They’ll be judging all the variables that improve Lanier’s chances at a pro career.

It’s worth noting that Barnes hasn’t enjoyed how this has gone down, and others have had to keep it afloat. There are too many involved and he doesn’t usually have patience for that. On the positive side, Lanier’s top influencer is his mom. Lanier is a good kid too. Both of them like and trust Barnes. They’ve told him we’ll get the last meeting, and the last chance to offer. One monkey wrench— If the NIL numbers are way out of line, we won’t counter. We may not even take the visit. Sorry to those who want us to do “anything”. Barnes and staff have values and strategic ideas they won’t corrupt for one player. Like it or not, that’s real.

Finally, they do have options and communication channels beyond Lanier. Unlike UK, they aren’t playing everyone at once. They are holding up their end with Lanier and hope that has value when they sit down.

Sorry for the long post. I know this is more nuanced than some scorched-earthers would like. I probably won’t do a Q&A or a defense of this. I just wanted to share what I’ve heard.

I think we have a shot at the last sitdown, but it’s possible we’ll let that go.
Thanks for sharing. UT will have a very good team with or without Lanier, but hopefully with him.

Also, don’t let the Negavols and wanna be coaches on here who think they have simple answers to all of these questions dissuade you from posting information. You are right- there are a lot of trolls and utopian crusaders in search of the mythical UT basketball nirvana whose posts are very annoying to read. I frankly don’t have the time to respond to every post but some of the regular posters in this thread totally crack me up with their knee jerk and sky is falling takes.
I’m wearing out on being a guy with information. I kind of prefer being the quippy grump who can’t suffer idiots. I stumbled into the “insider” nonsense by having a friend who handles transactions for NIL and other contracts. I feel an obligation to share things, if they’re useful and potentially timely. That said, I don’t love spending time defending why the thing I shared can’t be true, is no longer true, or is made up. There are about 10-20 posters here who really love ball, and our team, and are knowledgeable about the sport and how it’s evolving. I end up learning a lot, and really enjoy the back and forth. I actually enjoy those I disagree with, and even the cranks like Cav or portal jihadis like Trippie. That said, the flat-earthers and heavy thinkers in this forum can really make sharing information exhausting. Poor me, I know. Just shut up, SF and there will be no witch trial. Point taken. This week, as some things took shape with Lanier, and I heard some of the table scrap information, I just sat on it, for the first time. I just didn’t have the stamina to handle the torch and pitchfork types that seem to only appear to celebrate failure, cheer on firings, and track planes. Well, It’s Saturday and I’m not dead or hungover so I’ll share some thoughts. I realize writing this many words with no pictures has already made enemies. Maybe I’ve weeded out some trolls from verbosity alone. Probably not.

First— Usually the earliest leaks come from agents, managers and handlers, not from staff or NIL. The sources of the best information, like Trilly etc. all have agent connections. Agents share information as a tactic to manipulate outcomes. Journalists and others, check that data with sources in NIL and staff. They have their own agendas and often correct the record (or intentionally don’t) to help their agendas. Staffs lie very rarely. It backfires. Agents lie sometimes. Handlers lie more. They are playing a short game, and they’re happy to cause trouble. They get dumped when kids turn pro. They get one shot at some new wheels. They take it.

All this leads to one thing— The market is higher this year, but the handlers are lying to make it seem even higher. Very few of the numbers we’ve heard are real, according to those I talk to.

Lanier has a serious group of professionals around him, his family, and a couple of non-professional friends. His exploration of the pros has been thoughtful and slow, and unfolded exactly as everyone expected it would. He made every relationship he could, explored every path, and didn’t string anyone on our side along. He communicated through all of it. He also, hung a do not disturb on his door when he entered the portal like he said he would. One of his (less professional) handlers/friends has been talking to NIL groups and talked to a few teams. This ended up with Arky, UK, and BYU throwing money out to disrupt things. The numbers were big enough that it couldn’t be ignored. It was our staff’s perception that Lanier would leave the draft process and he’d be ours after having to adjust numbers up a bit due to the changes in the market. Unfortunately those changes became hysterical since he is one of the last big names among a few who might not drop from the draft. Wooga and Robinson are targets, but Lanier is getting more focus. It’s also important to understand that some of the numbers being tossed around aren’t real, even though they came from NIL reps. It’s become a tactic to toss out an absurd number to get someone to the table, and then move the goalposts in the documents.

Right now, the yahoos who stirred the deal interest up, are moving back to the kids’ table, and the actual agents who have been working the NBA will look at the actual offers and judge them with Lanier. I believe this is good for us, as they’ll be judging more than the top line. They’ll be judging all the variables that improve Lanier’s chances at a pro career.

It’s worth noting that Barnes hasn’t enjoyed how this has gone down, and others have had to keep it afloat. There are too many involved and he doesn’t usually have patience for that. On the positive side, Lanier’s top influencer is his mom. Lanier is a good kid too. Both of them like and trust Barnes. They’ve told him we’ll get the last meeting, and the last chance to offer. One monkey wrench— If the NIL numbers are way out of line, we won’t counter. We may not even take the visit. Sorry to those who want us to do “anything”. Barnes and staff have values and strategic ideas they won’t corrupt for one player. Like it or not, that’s real.

Finally, they do have options and communication channels beyond Lanier. Unlike UK, they aren’t playing everyone at once. They are holding up their end with Lanier and hope that has value when they sit down.

Sorry for the long post. I know this is more nuanced than some scorched-earthers would like. I probably won’t do a Q&A or a defense of this. I just wanted to share what I’ve heard.

I think we have a shot at the last sitdown, but it’s possible we’ll let that go.
Thank you. You always bring good honest information. If I have not been on this site for a few days, I will use the "search" for you and BTO for updates.
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I’m wearing out on being a guy with information. I kind of prefer being the quippy grump who can’t suffer idiots. I stumbled into the “insider” nonsense by having a friend who handles transactions for NIL and other contracts. I feel an obligation to share things, if they’re useful and potentially timely. That said, I don’t love spending time defending why the thing I shared can’t be true, is no longer true, or is made up. There are about 10-20 posters here who really love ball, and our team, and are knowledgeable about the sport and how it’s evolving. I end up learning a lot, and really enjoy the back and forth. I actually enjoy those I disagree with, and even the cranks like Cav or portal jihadis like Trippie. That said, the flat-earthers and heavy thinkers in this forum can really make sharing information exhausting. Poor me, I know. Just shut up, SF and there will be no witch trial. Point taken. This week, as some things took shape with Lanier, and I heard some of the table scrap information, I just sat on it, for the first time. I just didn’t have the stamina to handle the torch and pitchfork types that seem to only appear to celebrate failure, cheer on firings, and track planes. Well, It’s Saturday and I’m not dead or hungover so I’ll share some thoughts. I realize writing this many words with no pictures has already made enemies. Maybe I’ve weeded out some trolls from verbosity alone. Probably not.

First— Usually the earliest leaks come from agents, managers and handlers, not from staff or NIL. The sources of the best information, like Trilly etc. all have agent connections. Agents share information as a tactic to manipulate outcomes. Journalists and others, check that data with sources in NIL and staff. They have their own agendas and often correct the record (or intentionally don’t) to help their agendas. Staffs lie very rarely. It backfires. Agents lie sometimes. Handlers lie more. They are playing a short game, and they’re happy to cause trouble. They get dumped when kids turn pro. They get one shot at some new wheels. They take it.

All this leads to one thing— The market is higher this year, but the handlers are lying to make it seem even higher. Very few of the numbers we’ve heard are real, according to those I talk to.

Lanier has a serious group of professionals around him, his family, and a couple of non-professional friends. His exploration of the pros has been thoughtful and slow, and unfolded exactly as everyone expected it would. He made every relationship he could, explored every path, and didn’t string anyone on our side along. He communicated through all of it. He also, hung a do not disturb on his door when he entered the portal like he said he would. One of his (less professional) handlers/friends has been talking to NIL groups and talked to a few teams. This ended up with Arky, UK, and BYU throwing money out to disrupt things. The numbers were big enough that it couldn’t be ignored. It was our staff’s perception that Lanier would leave the draft process and he’d be ours after having to adjust numbers up a bit due to the changes in the market. Unfortunately those changes became hysterical since he is one of the last big names among a few who might not drop from the draft. Wooga and Robinson are targets, but Lanier is getting more focus. It’s also important to understand that some of the numbers being tossed around aren’t real, even though they came from NIL reps. It’s become a tactic to toss out an absurd number to get someone to the table, and then move the goalposts in the documents.

Right now, the yahoos who stirred the deal interest up, are moving back to the kids’ table, and the actual agents who have been working the NBA will look at the actual offers and judge them with Lanier. I believe this is good for us, as they’ll be judging more than the top line. They’ll be judging all the variables that improve Lanier’s chances at a pro career.

It’s worth noting that Barnes hasn’t enjoyed how this has gone down, and others have had to keep it afloat. There are too many involved and he doesn’t usually have patience for that. On the positive side, Lanier’s top influencer is his mom. Lanier is a good kid too. Both of them like and trust Barnes. They’ve told him we’ll get the last meeting, and the last chance to offer. One monkey wrench— If the NIL numbers are way out of line, we won’t counter. We may not even take the visit. Sorry to those who want us to do “anything”. Barnes and staff have values and strategic ideas they won’t corrupt for one player. Like it or not, that’s real.

Finally, they do have options and communication channels beyond Lanier. Unlike UK, they aren’t playing everyone at once. They are holding up their end with Lanier and hope that has value when they sit down.

Sorry for the long post. I know this is more nuanced than some scorched-earthers would like. I probably won’t do a Q&A or a defense of this. I just wanted to share what I’ve heard.

I think we have a shot at the last sitdown, but it’s possible we’ll let that go.
Fantastic post. Thank you for sharing as always.
I don’t “know” of any, I could speculate some names but I’ll hold off on that for now. I don’t think you’ll see anyone attached publicly to Tennessee until Chaz is off the board.
This is probably the most important and frustrating point. We aren’t going public about any guard options until Lanier is done.
I’m wearing out on being a guy with information. I kind of prefer being the quippy grump who can’t suffer idiots. I stumbled into the “insider” nonsense by having a friend who handles transactions for NIL and other contracts. I feel an obligation to share things, if they’re useful and potentially timely. That said, I don’t love spending time defending why the thing I shared can’t be true, is no longer true, or is made up. There are about 10-20 posters here who really love ball, and our team, and are knowledgeable about the sport and how it’s evolving. I end up learning a lot, and really enjoy the back and forth. I actually enjoy those I disagree with, and even the cranks like Cav or portal jihadis like Trippie. That said, the flat-earthers and heavy thinkers in this forum can really make sharing information exhausting. Poor me, I know. Just shut up, SF and there will be no witch trial. Point taken. This week, as some things took shape with Lanier, and I heard some of the table scrap information, I just sat on it, for the first time. I just didn’t have the stamina to handle the torch and pitchfork types that seem to only appear to celebrate failure, cheer on firings, and track planes. Well, It’s Saturday and I’m not dead or hungover so I’ll share some thoughts. I realize writing this many words with no pictures has already made enemies. Maybe I’ve weeded out some trolls from verbosity alone. Probably not.

First— Usually the earliest leaks come from agents, managers and handlers, not from staff or NIL. The sources of the best information, like Trilly etc. all have agent connections. Agents share information as a tactic to manipulate outcomes. Journalists and others, check that data with sources in NIL and staff. They have their own agendas and often correct the record (or intentionally don’t) to help their agendas. Staffs lie very rarely. It backfires. Agents lie sometimes. Handlers lie more. They are playing a short game, and they’re happy to cause trouble. They get dumped when kids turn pro. They get one shot at some new wheels. They take it.

All this leads to one thing— The market is higher this year, but the handlers are lying to make it seem even higher. Very few of the numbers we’ve heard are real, according to those I talk to.

Lanier has a serious group of professionals around him, his family, and a couple of non-professional friends. His exploration of the pros has been thoughtful and slow, and unfolded exactly as everyone expected it would. He made every relationship he could, explored every path, and didn’t string anyone on our side along. He communicated through all of it. He also, hung a do not disturb on his door when he entered the portal like he said he would. One of his (less professional) handlers/friends has been talking to NIL groups and talked to a few teams. This ended up with Arky, UK, and BYU throwing money out to disrupt things. The numbers were big enough that it couldn’t be ignored. It was our staff’s perception that Lanier would leave the draft process and he’d be ours after having to adjust numbers up a bit due to the changes in the market. Unfortunately those changes became hysterical since he is one of the last big names among a few who might not drop from the draft. Wooga and Robinson are targets, but Lanier is getting more focus. It’s also important to understand that some of the numbers being tossed around aren’t real, even though they came from NIL reps. It’s become a tactic to toss out an absurd number to get someone to the table, and then move the goalposts in the documents.

Right now, the yahoos who stirred the deal interest up, are moving back to the kids’ table, and the actual agents who have been working the NBA will look at the actual offers and judge them with Lanier. I believe this is good for us, as they’ll be judging more than the top line. They’ll be judging all the variables that improve Lanier’s chances at a pro career.

It’s worth noting that Barnes hasn’t enjoyed how this has gone down, and others have had to keep it afloat. There are too many involved and he doesn’t usually have patience for that. On the positive side, Lanier’s top influencer is his mom. Lanier is a good kid too. Both of them like and trust Barnes. They’ve told him we’ll get the last meeting, and the last chance to offer. One monkey wrench— If the NIL numbers are way out of line, we won’t counter. We may not even take the visit. Sorry to those who want us to do “anything”. Barnes and staff have values and strategic ideas they won’t corrupt for one player. Like it or not, that’s real.

Finally, they do have options and communication channels beyond Lanier. Unlike UK, they aren’t playing everyone at once. They are holding up their end with Lanier and hope that has value when they sit down.

Sorry for the long post. I know this is more nuanced than some scorched-earthers would like. I probably won’t do a Q&A or a defense of this. I just wanted to share what I’ve heard.

I think we have a shot at the last sitdown, but it’s possible we’ll let that go.
Thanks, SF. Your value as an informant is almost as great as your value as a quippy grump. Almost.
I’m wearing out on being a guy with information. I kind of prefer being the quippy grump who can’t suffer idiots.

I like your dual-personality, so keep bringing the quippy old man thoughts and the info and ignore the haters and losers. Football season will be here soon and the doom-and-gloom crowd will travel back home to their troll hole football forum.
BYU has a lot of money to blow somehow. According to trilly at least. BTO, do you know of any backup plan to Lanier as of yet? If not no big deal. Appreciate your info even though others on this board are a little ungrateful.
Here’s some of the available SGs in the portal still that produced at their schools. Some may have already committed, 247 is slow updating sometimes. (I could’ve missed some SGs as well)

There’s some options left. It’s not like there’s nothing…yet lol

Cam Christie (Minnesota)
Jordan Riley (Temple)
Latrell Reid (St. Peter’s, think he is buddies with ZZ)
Cedric Coward (EKU)
Miles Kelly (GT)
August Mahoney (Yale)
Melvin Council Jr (Wagner)
Brandon Newman (WKU)
Dexter Akanno (OSU)
David Early (Tennesse Tech)
Lucas Taylor (GSU)
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