2024 Presidential Race

855sugar, I'm not a Democrat, I'm an independent voter. I am distrustful of both parties, and politicians in general. I've voted both ways in the past, selecting the people I consider the lesser of two evils. I call the shots as I see them, no matter what Demos or Repubs think, or even care what they think. And finally, my views in general are often unorthodox because I say things many won't say. Won't say because they fit one of the following categories:
Afraid to say it -- Are catering to their sheeple audience -- Are lying -- lack awareness of underlying history of a topic -- Are trolls (which I do at times) -- Are willfully cognitive defective or naive

But then, I always was the one who marched to the beat of a different drummer. As such, I have been referred to as contrary and weird. And you know, what? I resemble that accusation. However, if you need to label me, I'm a Will Rogerist.
You and I are very similar in attitude.

You missed the common reason why you say things on this forum.
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I think it is fair to admit you and I are the most reasonable, politically astute, and correct in what we share compared to everyone else here.

That’s more than fair to say. I think both of us do a remarkable job keeping the rubes engaged and not running them off with our brilliance.
That’s more than fair to say. I think both of us do a remarkable job keeping the rubes engaged and not running them off with our brilliance.
If they only had the mental capacity to appreciate how we dumb ourselves down for their benefit. Sadly, I believe it is beyond their meager allotment of awareness.
He suspended habeas corpus and declared martial law in the union states. He deprived his own people of their civil rights and liberties and you applaud him for it?

Still attacking Lincoln huh.

Yet the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act was passed by both the House and Senate. So, no doubt you just hate the government in general.

You might want to consider the *why* here. There was ample compelling reason to do this (as well as the declaration of martial law). The end result was our union was saved and the South's cessation stamped out and slavery ultimately abolished. If you dislike these consequences, it speaks volumes about the real origin of your animus towards Lincoln and Congress.
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That’s more than fair to say. I think both of us do a remarkable job keeping the rubes engaged and not running them off with our brilliance.
If they only had the mental capacity to appreciate how we dumb ourselves down for their benefit. Sadly, I believe it is beyond their meager allotment of awareness.

For youins and any other arrogant philosophical bastages round here ...

It’s amazing to me how much folks do not know.

Normally it's the pretzel logic and hypocritical nature that's baffling. They also tend to want to get out front of the argument.

Trump's a gangster. - In truth Joe Biden has used people associated with the mob to help him since the early 70's.

Trump is a threat to democracy - while a revved up crowd got out of hand protesting and rushing the capital some of which was dangerous the crowd was unarmed, and the protest was centralized to a single place and not spattered around the country. The biggest threat to democracy is turning the justice department into a political arm to arrest people you disagree with. It shows in polls most of America believes that is what were seeing yet the bureaucracy doesn't care because they are crazed ideologues. The only way to start reversing this is to vote out the people who put them there.

Trump was going to start WW3 and our friends across the world disliked us - the truth is the world was safer and more at peace. Increasing countries in NATO wasn't a win, it was an act of survival after the US led the fear mongering and bad foreign policy that opened the door to the Ukraine and Russia conflict.
Still attacking Lincoln huh.

Yet the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act was passed by both the House and Senate. So, no doubt you just hate the government in general.

You might want to consider the *why* here. There was ample compelling reason to do this (as well as the declaration of martial law). The end result was our union was saved and the South's cessation stamped out and slavery ultimately abolished. If you dislike these consequences, it speaks volumes about the real origin of your animus towards Lincoln and Congress.

Dude if the truth and you were in the same room you would have to leave.

Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus in Maryland April 1861 then expanded it all the way into NY, the HC suspension act wasn't passed until April 1863. When it was passed it was passed as an indemnity bill in order to indemnify Lincoln from prosecution.
Normally it's the pretzel logic and hypocritical nature that's baffling. They also tend to want to get out front of the argument.

Trump's a gangster. - In truth Joe Biden has used people associated with the mob to help him since the early 70's.

Trump is a threat to democracy - while a revved up crowd got out of hand protesting and rushing the capital some of which was dangerous the crowd was unarmed, and the protest was centralized to a single place and not spattered around the country. The biggest threat to democracy is turning the justice department into a political arm to arrest people you disagree with. It shows in polls most of America believes that is what were seeing yet the bureaucracy doesn't care because they are crazed ideologues. The only way to start reversing this is to vote out the people who put them there.

Trump was going to start WW3 and our friends across the world disliked us - the truth is the world was safer and more at peace. Increasing countries in NATO wasn't a win, it was an act of survival after the US led the fear mongering and bad foreign policy that opened the door to the Ukraine and Russia conflict.
Great post. You left out a couple. Trump reduced regulations on business and understands providing a more friendly environment to operate. The tax cuts also were also good for the economy. Lowered the cost of capital since higher income earners received a cut as well as lower income earners. Lower income earners spent their cuts stimulating growth and higher earners invested theirs lowering the cost of capital. government benefited with increased revenue and less welfare expenditures, lower borrowing costs etc. He also implemented policies to control the border. Mainly through seeking cooperation from countries in which the illegals were coming. His foreign policy was good as well. There was peace in Ukraine and in the Middle East. Inflation was almost zero due to lowered energy costs and Americans were experiencing their first breath of fresh air economically in decades. The country will be much better off with him in the White House. Nothing genius about any of this. Just common sense which seems to be lacking in this country today.

"During his April 25 interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Dimon was asked for his thoughts on whether “Bidenomics” was working.

“Partially,” he replied. “When you spend that kind of money, you’re going to have growth,” he continued, adding that he supports some of the administration’s moves on industrial policy and infrastructure.

However, he said that many Americans might not experience the benefits, while cautioning that massive government spending is inflationary.

In a similar vein, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently sounded the alarm on the Biden administration’s high deficit spending, warning that America’s ballooning public debt threaten to stoke inflation and even trigger financial chaos.
Analysts at the University of Pennsylvania estimate that when America’s debt-to-GDP ratio hits around 200 percent, it will hit the point of no return—when no amount of future tax increases or spending cuts could prevent the government from defaulting on its debt."

Both parties driving the bus over the cliff. We need a president that has the cojones to veto crap bills even if their party authored them.

Save us Rand Paul.
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