2020 Presidential Race

It's going to happen, there is no way to avoid it. So let's be adults and come to the understanding that we are divided, have completely opposite ideas, principles and values then separate peacefully.
This is exactly what I want
I may be a naive idealist but I do not believe unity would dictate less appeal to the base(s). Liberty, economic stability, a better future for our kids, peace, justice, et al....the high minded themes are shared among the majority.
You're right, You're a naive idealist.


Seriously, you'll never get both sides to agree on how to achieve that, and both sides will sell their way as the only way. The days of compromise are behind us. Just look at the people in this thread arguing against the EC as an example. The parties "sell" unity but do not actually want it.
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It's going to happen, there is no way to avoid it. So let's be adults and come to the understanding that we are divided, have completely opposite ideas, principles and values then separate peacefully.
We need to figure out how to stay together. Imo more issues need to be figured out at the state level. Abortion, gun control, weed etc...Let the people of each state decide what they want. For other issues such as if x has y but your state has z can I go to that state and do x.
How is that "clear"? You are using some of the same kind of bitter rhetoric that Democrats used four years ago. There will be investigation after investigation by Senate Republicans into the Bidens... and it will all prove something we already suspected - there really isn't much difference in the two parties. They both handle victory and defeat with the same amount of class - or lack thereof.
True, but the Senate can't initiate impeachment proceedings, so there's that.
There must be a way to provide verification, double verification, triple verification. Email everyone a receipt, have them acknowledge, then forward to multiple locations. When count is done, compare the lists to be sure.

I am confident we are collectively smart enough to come up with a way to do this that is even more secure than currently.
There is, I use triple verification every morning to work from home
1) computer password
2) VPN 6 digit code to email
3) Accept check sent via Duo app to my cell phone
I do this daily I think people can do it once every 4 years
Why? Does it affect the outcome?
The over / under betting line for Biden's margin of victory.
I had more than 4.3 million.

Seriously, it reflects the will of the people far more accurately than the electoral college.

I guess the electoral college is supposed to somehow reflect the will of the states.
You're right, You're a naive idealist.


Seriously, you'll never get both sides to agree on how to achieve that, and both sides will sell their way as the only way. The days of compromise are behind us. Just look at the people in this thread arguing against the EC as an example. The parties "sell" unity but do not actually want it.
The people in this thread are not a good representation of all Americans. Unity is still possible.
Agree the parties do not want unity.
Consider this about the 2000 Presidential election results, which Democrats were forced to swallow: The "winning" candidate's own brother was the governor of the state which decided the election by less than 600 votes.

So, basically... cry us a river. We remember that.
That requires rational, intelligent thought. Trumpers have no ability for either of those things. Luckily they will crawl back in their holes, or at the very least, be condemned as social pariahs where their hate speech is ignored.
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Which part? You think things can’t be improved upon? You think minority rule is an essential part of democracy? You think going to a popular vote wouldn’t force the minority party to bring their policies more in line with the population? Seems like you just don’t want to change
We're not a democracy, so there's that.

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