2020 Presidential Race

Exactly. It is a meaningless question. "Do you intend to vote in the Presidential election in November?" and "If so, who are you going to vote for?" are the only two questions which need to be asked of a registered voter.

It's not meaningless - it's been part of the process. Voters vote on who they think will address the issues important to them. Biden leads in Healthcare related questions. Meaningless?
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It's not meaningless - it's been part of the process. Voters vote on who they think will address the issues important to them. Biden leads in Healthcare related questions. Meaningless?
Yes, it's meaningless. Have you ever been asked to explain a vote while inside of the voting precinct? No. You place your vote and then you move on with the rest of your day. You don't need a reason for voting the way you do. The only relevant questions to ask anyone are:

Are you registered to vote at your current address?
Do you have a current government- issued form of photo identification?
Have you cast votes in previous presidential elections since becoming eligible to vote?
Do you intend to vote in the 2020 Presidential General Election?
If the answer to the last question is "yes", who do you plan on voting for?

The rest of it, is just BS. This is not complicated.
Speaking of Fox News.

"Team Trump" has to hope that he can make up at least some ground between now and November. Granted, that is more than enough time to do so, but Trump won't win 270 electoral college votes with a majority of poll numbers looking like that. Polls are fallible. They can be off-base, but they are never THAT off-base. They certainly weren't THAT far off-base in 2016.
"Team Trump" has to hope that he can make up at least some ground between now and November. Granted, that is more than enough time to do so, but Trump won't win 270 electoral college votes with a majority of poll numbers looking like that. Polls are fallible. They can be off-base, but they are never THAT off-base. They certainly weren't THAT far off-base in 2016.

Clinton was leading Trump by 10% in August 2016 with same Fox poll.

Fox News Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 10 points, both seen as flawed

Although concerning, Independents are only 13% of the poll. So 13 points of 13% is not really as large of a gap as you would think in the context of raw numbers of voters. In a tight race, it could certainly be the difference.
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I get the 65+ voters. They identify with randomly nodding off and getting angry when confronted with a situation that confuses them.
It's hard to tell which candidate you are taking a dig at with this (I can probably guess). It really could be either one of them. They are both old men, and they both get angry when confronted by people who disagree with them. Does Trump nod off? He certainly isn't always focused. He frequently rambles and says incoherent things.

The insults that Trump supporters/conservatives/Republicans levy at Joe Biden, just serve to illustrate their own cognitive dissonance with who Trump is. What do you see when you look at Donald Trump? Is it a man 25 days shy of his 74th birthday, who is at least 40 lbs overweight, wears a spray-on tan, has a set of false teeth and a hair weave - which he dyes yellow (... and do you see a lot of blonde-haired men in their 70's by the way? Do most men that age even think it looks good to have blonde hair?) Do you see a secure, mature, level-headed, thoughtful, articulate and focused leader... or do you see Donald Trump?
Clinton was leading Trump by 10% in August 2016 with same Fox poll.

Fox News Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 10 points, both seen as flawed

Although concerning, Independents are only 13% of the poll. So 13 points of 13% is not really as large of a gap as you would think in the context of raw numbers of voters. In a tight race, it could certainly be the difference.
He has time to make up ground. When I said that the polls weren't THAT off-base in 2016, I was referring to the final polls which were taken the week prior to the election. Biden will definitely have to do more than just sit back and let Trump beat himself... which seems to have been the strategy up until now. Biden needs to make the COVID-19 outbreak, Trump's "Hurricane Katrina", or his "Iranian Hostage Crisis". With help from Obama (who is no longer staying on the sidelines), Biden can do it, but he has to do more than what he currently is, and his choice of running mate is critical. He has to get right. I think it's Amy Klobuchar.
It's hard to tell which candidate you are taking a dig at with this (I can probably guess). It really could be either one of them. They are both old men, and they both get angry when confronted by people who disagree with them. Does Trump nod off? He certainly isn't always focused. He frequently rambles and says incoherent things.

The insults that Trump supporters/conservatives/Republicans levy at Joe Biden, just serve to illustrate their own cognitive dissonance with who Trump is. What do you see when you look at Donald Trump? Is it a man 25 days shy of his 74th birthday, who is at least 40 lbs overweight, wears a spray-on tan, has a set of false teeth and a hair weave - which he dyes yellow (... and do you see a lot of blonde-haired men in their 70's by the way? Do most men that age even think it looks good to have blonde hair?) Do you see a secure, mature, level-headed, thoughtful, articulate and focused leader... or do you see Donald Trump?
Only one if the two has nodded off, multiple times. Both get frustrated when challenged but Biden feel just short of physically challenging someone. Something I've yet to see Trump do.

I'm no Trump supporter but nice deflection with your response. And yes I'm sure it was easy for you to determine which one I was speaking of LOL, it was fairly obvious, though I'm sure you wish it wasn't.
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Only one if the two has nodded off, multiple times. Both get frustrated when challenged but Biden feel just short of physically challenging someone. Something I've yet to see Trump do.

I'm no Trump supporter but nice deflection with your response. And yes I'm sure it was easy for you to determine which one I was speaking of LOL, it was fairly obvious, though I'm sure you wish it wasn't.
Give me break. I bet you have seen it. It made news at the time.

"Knock the crap out of 'em, will ya?!?!?" - Donald Trump, telling a crowd of his supporters during a 2016 campaign rally to beat up a heckler. Trump would also offer to pay for any medical bills which might be incurred as a result of his encouraged assault on the heckler.

I'll ask you, was that a mature, calm and level-headed thing to say? Or was it just "Trump being Trump"?
He has time to make up ground. When I said that the polls weren't THAT off-base in 2016, I was referring to the final polls which were taken the week prior to the election. Biden will definitely have to do more than just sit back and let Trump beat himself... which seems to have been the strategy up until now. Biden needs to make the COVID-19 outbreak, Trump's "Hurricane Katrina", or his "Iranian Hostage Crisis". With help from Obama (who is no longer staying on the sidelines), Biden can do it, but he has to do more than what he currently is, and his choice of running mate is critical. He has to get right. I think it's Amy Klobuchar.

It’s a dicey situation for Biden. He must make his case as the challenger...but his popularity is going to be inversely related to how much he speaks.

Hillary has the same problem, though the root causes were very different.
Excuses....he's got a million of them.

When it comes to pull the lever with an incumbent, there has and will be skepticism about "making a change". Kind of human nature of the devil you know. Now Trump gives many reasons to do so, but Biden is such a poor candidate . Once people see 2020 Joe on a debate stage, it will be unsettling to these people.
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Yes, it's meaningless. Have you ever been asked to explain a vote while inside of the voting precinct? No. You place your vote and then you move on with the rest of your day. You don't need a reason for voting the way you do. The only relevant questions to ask anyone are:

Are you registered to vote at your current address?
Do you have a current government- issued form of photo identification?
Have you cast votes in previous presidential elections since becoming eligible to vote?
Do you intend to vote in the 2020 Presidential General Election?
If the answer to the last question is "yes", who do you plan on voting for?

The rest of it, is just BS. This is not complicated.
Your missing the whole reason why exit polls have been wrong often.
When it comes to pull the lever with an incumbent, there has and will be skepticism about "making a change". Kind of human nature of the devil you know. Now Trump gives many reasons to do so, but Biden is such a poor candidate . Once people see 2020 Joe on a debate stage, it will be unsettling to these people.
That reads like wishful thinking. The American people have seen Joe Biden on a debate stage before, and he is infinitely more likable than Donald Trump. Biden did just fine during the primary debates.
He has time to make up ground. When I said that the polls weren't THAT off-base in 2016, I was referring to the final polls which were taken the week prior to the election. Biden will definitely have to do more than just sit back and let Trump beat himself... which seems to have been the strategy up until now. Biden needs to make the COVID-19 outbreak, Trump's "Hurricane Katrina", or his "Iranian Hostage Crisis". With help from Obama (who is no longer staying on the sidelines), Biden can do it, but he has to do more than what he currently is, and his choice of running mate is critical. He has to get right. I think it's Amy Klobuchar.

I cant argue with any of that. I just do not think Joe can verbalize a coherent message, whether his lack of communication skills or the actual message, which is moderate one day and progressive the next.
That reads like wishful thinking. The American people have seen Joe Biden on a debate stage before, and he is infinitely more likable than Donald Trump. Biden did just fine during the primary debates.

The debate stage of 2 opposing candidates for 90 minutes will be exponentially more focused than those primary debates.

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