2018 NBA Off-season Thread

Gross, Minny should counter with Johnson and Johnson for Jimmy. My dislike for Whiteside is pretty well known and Dion is a inefficient chucker. Gordon and PJ wouldn't be bad, I think they would fit well. Though that means Houston gets stronger, and **** Houston. Lol

I’m asking for Josh Richardson at minimum. Whiteside and Waiters both have negative value, but two negatives don’t make a positive in this scenario.
I’m asking for Josh Richardson at minimum. Whiteside and Waiters both have negative value, but two negatives don’t make a positive in this scenario.

Well of course Id ask for Josh but I wonder where Josh is on their won't trade list. First or second I'd imagine. We will trade you Fergy and Pat Pat for Jimmy. Lol
Well of course Id ask for Josh but I wonder where Josh is on their won't trade list. First or second I'd imagine. We will trade you Fergy and Pat Pat for Jimmy. Lol
I don’t think they’d risk missing out on Butler bc of Richardson. Minny will trade him to Houston before they take the offer presented. They’re cap tied with no stars. This gives them something to build around going forward
I don’t think they’d risk missing out on Butler bc of Richardson. Minny will trade him to Houston before they take the offer presented. They’re cap tied with no stars. This gives them something to build around going forward

True, I wonder what Minny countered with.
True, I wonder what Minny countered with.
Who the **** knows. Thibs doesn’t really want to trade him bc he’s been begging jimmy to rejoin the team. Philly kicked the tires on Jimmy and Thibs told them he’d trade him for Ben Simmons lol so he doesn’t seem too interested in actually making a deal
The owner Glen Taylor wants the deal done ASAP. Glen can’t fire Thibs bc he’ll be owed the rest of the $30 mil on his contract. Thibs knows this so he’s been moving rather slow.
It’s a **** show in Minny but it’s my **** show
This isn't happening, but I would love the Suns to forget about their future with Booker (who wants to play with KAT) and trade him for Butler....seems like they could throw in TJ Warren and make it a 3-team trade and maybe get Butler and someone like Kemba Walker back.
Why would you do that. That’s beyond dumb

Booker's ceiling is poor man's Harden and he's making $28m next year. His career will look a lot like Melo's, IMO. A few good squads here and there, but no title shots. If Booker isn't shooting well (which is a fairly common occurrence), he's almost useless because he doesn't pass well or defend
Booker's ceiling is poor man's Harden and he's making $28m next year. His career will look a lot like Melo's, IMO. A few good squads here and there, but no title shots. If Booker isn't shooting well (which is a fairly common occurrence), he's almost useless because he doesn't pass well or defend

So you’re gonna a trade a young guard that is 22 years old who you think is a poor man’s Harden that you just locked up long term which is still pretty damn good for a 29 year old who has one year left on his deal and won’t re-sign with you WHILE you just got the #1 pick because you’re rebuilding?
This isn't happening, but I would love the Suns to forget about their future with Booker (who wants to play with KAT) and trade him for Butler....seems like they could throw in TJ Warren and make it a 3-team trade and maybe get Butler and someone like Kemba Walker back.
I like it. Not sure Phoenix would feel the same
So you’re gonna a trade a young guard that is 22 years old who you think is a poor man’s Harden that you just locked up long term which is still pretty damn good for a 29 year old who has one year left on his deal and won’t re-sign with you WHILE you just got the #1 pick because you’re rebuilding?

I said it's not happening. I wouldn't have extended him if I were them. There was literally no reason to do it yet, but Phoenix is a **** show. If Jimmy isn't staying, of course I'm not doing it.
BTW, Jimmy is 29 but he has pretty young legs. He's only played in 500 games, counting the playoffs. Kevin Durant is 29 and has played in 900 games
I'd bet money KD plays 3-5 years more than Jimmy does though. Jimmy will be done by 35ish probably, KD will be Dirking it in 10 years. I think Phoenix will be better, last year they just had too many repetitive pieces. Booker is TJ is Jackson still there, Bender is Chriss, Ulis is Canaan/James is Daniels. They had no clue what to do at Center.

Edit: I just looked at their roster, is Booker going to try point again? Cause that was an awful experiment last year.
I'm with Huff on the Booker/Melo comparison. I think Book would be great in a Klay type of role but as your lead dog I think you are destined for failure.
I don't think his ceiling is a poor man's Harden though, maybe a upper middle class man's Hersey Hawkins. Off the top of my head I can think of 10 SGs I'd take over him.
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Phoenix has one of the worst front offices. The owner has been garbage (ranked worst by ESPN) and the GM, who got an extension 2 years ago somehow, is in win now mode to save his job but they aren't ready to win now.
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Since they drafted Kieff, and not counting last year 8 of their last 9 first round picks have been scorers or potential scorers that plays bad D. It's clear they have clue how to build a winning team.
Since they drafted Kieff, and not counting last year 8 of their last 9 first round picks have been scorers or potential scorers that plays bad D. It's clear they have clue how to build a winning team.

Aside from bad draft picks and trades, I think the biggest problem is that they never put value on veteran leadership. They have all these young projects with nobody to show them how to play/be a pro. I loved Chandler in his prime, but he's not exactly a leader and he's just there for the paycheck. Their roster is littered with guys that have potential but probably won't amount to anything.

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