10 year show cause/NCAA, Tyndall discussion (merged)

There was nothing in the 60 Minutes piece that proved Donnie Tyndall was guilty of anything. As Jackson said a liar and a phantom against 40 other witnesses and 4000 page of documentation. None of that documentation connected Tyndall to the fraud.

Inquiring minds can interpret this last tweet, "Not sure if the Academic Fraud, Inc. coursework from 60 Minutes was from Southern Miss or Northern Colorado. Same coaches in BOTH CASES.' The assistant coaches were conducting a nationwide business providing coursework for prospective students. If you think Tyndall was dumb enough to be involved in that, I have nothing else to say.

If you guys want to sit by and see the NCAA drag the University of Tennessee into federal court as a state actor in a violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act, then stay on the side you are on. The last thing Tyndall said was that many coaches has advised him to fight this until the end. He said he would fight it until the day he dies. He was framed by the NCAA because they gave Dave Hart information that turned out to be false. Don't forget the has 10 years to push it through the federal court system, nothing to lose if the NCAA does not make it right. The University of Tennessee has a lot to lose if that happens.

10years to push it through ? lol the show cause expires about then --- what a Turtle
10years to push it through ? lol the show cause expires about then --- what a Turtle
You really want UT in federal court at all, buddy? This is his last statement in the program. If the NCAA does not back down, that is where it is going. There were more than one violation of federal law in this case by the NCAA according to DJ.

"I had so many coaches across the country and athletic directors call me and say, "Donnie, this is so wrong, we feel for you, and we hate it." You know, in fact, many of them said, "Fight it, fight it 'til the day you die!" And I will!

You don't do that if you are guilty. You also don't have the top sports attorney who has beaten the NCAA many times in the past if you are guilty. Contrary to popular belief, there are 113 pages of appeal document that prove exactly that. The NCAA Appeals Committee has now taken 120 days instead of the normal 60 to respond to the appeals hearing. Why? They don't know what to do. You would think if it was so cut and dried, there would have been a response by now.
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The 60 Minutes Sports segment has backfired on Tyndall. He hoped to create some good PR for his lies but it only highlights his brazen stupidity. He needs to accept the rightful punishment and move on. Cheating scumbag!
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There was nothing in the 60 Minutes piece that proved Donnie Tyndall was guilty of anything. As Jackson said a liar and a phantom against 40 other witnesses and 4000 page of documentation. None of that documentation connected Tyndall to the fraud.

Inquiring minds can interpret this last tweet, "Not sure if the Academic Fraud, Inc. coursework from 60 Minutes was from Southern Miss or Northern Colorado. Same coaches in BOTH CASES.' The assistant coaches were conducting a nationwide business providing coursework for prospective students. If you think Tyndall was dumb enough to be involved in that, I have nothing else to say

We do. You will.
The 60 Minutes Sports segment has backfired on Tyndall. He hoped to create some good PR for his lies but it only highlights his brazen stupidity. He needs to accept the rightful punishment and move on. Cheating scumbag!

Pretty much.

Plus if you hype it up for months as some bombshell and afterwards the detractors are even more convinced he's guilty and all you can do is still quote Butterball's lawyer's tweets, then it was clearly a massive fail.
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You really want UT in federal court at all, buddy? This is his last statement in the program. If the NCAA does not back down, that is where it is going. There were more than one violation of federal law in this case by the NCAA according to DJ.

"I had so many coaches across the country and athletic directors call me and say, "Donnie, this is so wrong, we feel for you, and we hate it." You know, in fact, many of them said, "Fight it, fight it 'til the day you die!" And I will!

You don't do that if you are guilty. You also don't have the top sports attorney who has beaten the NCAA many times in the past if you are guilty. Contrary to popular belief, there are 113 pages of appeal document that prove exactly that. The NCAA Appeals Committee has now taken 120 days instead of the normal 60 to respond to the appeals hearing. Why? They don't know what to do. You would think if it was so cut and dried, there would have been a response by now.

You do that if you have nothing to lose by doing so. He knows he has no other option, and if he doesn't fight it, he has 10 years. If he fights and loses, he still has 10 years. He literally has nothing to lose. How you fail to grasp that is mind boggling. You may need to file your own frivolous lawsuit against the military because your analytical skills they helped you gain are really terrible.
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You really want UT in federal court at all, buddy? This is his last statement in the program. If the NCAA does not back down, that is where it is going. There were more than one violation of federal law in this case by the NCAA according to DJ.

"I had so many coaches across the country and athletic directors call me and say, "Donnie, this is so wrong, we feel for you, and we hate it." You know, in fact, many of them said, "Fight it, fight it 'til the day you die!" And I will!

You don't do that if you are guilty. You also don't have the top sports attorney who has beaten the NCAA many times in the past if you are guilty. Contrary to popular belief, there are 113 pages of appeal document that prove exactly that. The NCAA Appeals Committee has now taken 120 days instead of the normal 60 to respond to the appeals hearing. Why? They don't know what to do. You would think if it was so cut and dried, there would have been a response by now.

For the love of all things holy, please go away Donnie.
They only place Donnie is relevant is this forum because of Donnie himself posing as some dude named Senior. My suggestion Donnie. Put all this energy into laying off the donuts and hitting the treadmill.
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They only place Donnie is relevant is this forum because of Donnie himself posing as some dude named Senior. My suggestion Donnie. Put all this energy into laying off the donuts and hitting the treadmill.

You expect him to be able to resist Tim Hortons up in Toronto? My guess is he visits 4 times a day.
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You really want UT in federal court at all, buddy? This is his last statement in the program. If the NCAA does not back down, that is where it is going. There were more than one violation of federal law in this case by the NCAA according to DJ.

"I had so many coaches across the country and athletic directors call me and say, "Donnie, this is so wrong, we feel for you, and we hate it." You know, in fact, many of them said, "Fight it, fight it 'til the day you die!" And I will!

You don't do that if you are guilty. You also don't have the top sports attorney who has beaten the NCAA many times in the past if you are guilty. Contrary to popular belief, there are 113 pages of appeal document that prove exactly that. The NCAA Appeals Committee has now taken 120 days instead of the normal 60 to respond to the appeals hearing. Why? They don't know what to do. You would think if it was so cut and dried, there would have been a response by now.

Lost cause for Butterbean?
This doesn't look good to have the NCAA drag Tennessee into federal court as a state actor in a Sherman Antitrust Violation. Listen to the Donnie Tyndall interview from this week. Maybe folks will start to pay attention when it goes federal!!
bossman sports radio show
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And now, the new AD at Southern Miss, is talking about it as tweeted by Don Jackson, "Lot of interaction between Troy, Southern Miss, NCAA and UT in the Tyndall. case. Thanks to the new. USM AD for admitting it #stateactor"
Guys, this is all illegal by federal law. It's been five months since the appeal hearing and the NCAA is going back and trying to re-interview witnesses to try and prove that the liar they immunized was not the only witness. Tyndall is innocent and he proved it in his appeal. I think Jay White @JayWhiteSports said it best, "If Pitino is only suspended a few games after Donnie Tyndall got a 10 year show cause, the NCAA should be disbanded."
Shocker....another tweet by Butterball's lawyer as proof.....that said the same crap he said 6 months ago.

Butterball's D-League team has more fans than people that give a crap about his "crusade". And they're lucky to get 100 to show up to a game.
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And now, the new AD at Southern Miss, is talking about it as tweeted by Don Jackson, "Lot of interaction between Troy, Southern Miss, NCAA and UT in the Tyndall. case. Thanks to the new. USM AD for admitting it #stateactor"
Guys, this is all illegal by federal law. It's been five months since the appeal hearing and the NCAA is going back and trying to re-interview witnesses to try and prove that the liar they immunized was not the only witness. Tyndall is innocent and he proved it in his appeal. I think Jay White @JayWhiteSports said it best, "If Pitino is only suspended a few games after Donnie Tyndall got a 10 year show cause, the NCAA should be disbanded."

I could give a rats arse if he is innocent or guilty. I honestly don't care. But why the hell is this so personal to you??? Are you friends with Tyndall??? Do you have a relationship with him in someway that you have an interest??? Why Why Why??? Please explain why this is your mission in life to sniff the drawers of a man that is no longer the coach at UT.
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If it's found that the NCAA acted wrongly and Tyndall gets his show cause shortened? Good...man gets to work. Doesn't affect Tennessee tho...he's history.
I believe in that great American concept of justice and the mighty NCAA railroaded an innocent man because they colluded with 3 universities to end his career and then found out there was ZERO evidence he knew about the academic fraud. That is a gross violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and they to this day are trying to find a way to cover it up. No chance that happens. They could well be disbanded because of this. The reason Vol fans should be concerned is that if the NCAA doesn't admit they were wrong then UT is going to be dragged into a landmark federal lawsuit because of their ineptitude.
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I believe in that great American concept of justice and the mighty NCAA railroaded an innocent man because they colluded with 3 universities to end his career and then found out there was ZERO evidence he knew about the academic fraud. That is a gross violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and they to this day are trying to find a way to cover it up. No chance that happens. They could well be disbanded because of this. The reason Vol fans should be concerned is that if the NCAA doesn't admit they were wrong then UT is going to be dragged into a landmark federal lawsuit because of their ineptitude.

That doesnt answer the question why you take this so personal. Thats just more ranting.
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I believe in that great American concept of justice and the mighty NCAA railroaded an innocent man because they colluded with 3 universities to end his career and then found out there was ZERO evidence he knew about the academic fraud. That is a gross violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and they to this day are trying to find a way to cover it up. No chance that happens. They could well be disbanded because of this. The reason Vol fans should be concerned is that if the NCAA doesn't admit they were wrong then UT is going to be dragged into a landmark federal lawsuit because of their ineptitude.

Tennessee has absolutely nothing to worry about. Donnie has admitted that there was cheating going on in his program. Donnie was in trouble due to NCAA violations. Having NCAA penalties was a fireable offense.
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I believe in that great American concept of justice and the mighty NCAA railroaded an innocent man because they colluded with 3 universities to end his career and then found out there was ZERO evidence he knew about the academic fraud. That is a gross violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and they to this day are trying to find a way to cover it up. No chance that happens. They could well be disbanded because of this. The reason Vol fans should be concerned is that if the NCAA doesn't admit they were wrong then UT is going to be dragged into a landmark federal lawsuit because of their ineptitude.

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