Best Staff in the Entire Country

Coach speak imo. I watched the entire PC live and he knows how much this fan base wanted the homerun hire so he's just feeding us what we wanna here. Which is fine with me. He's not the guy I wanted but I'm gonna support the guy and give him a chance.
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He's probably thinking so in his opinion w/o worrying about the opinion of the masses on VN
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If he hires Tee then I think that goes along way to putting a great staff...defensively I'm wondering what direction we go in...offensively I'm not as worried.
I'm guessing most of his offensive staff will come from Cincy, besides maybe 1 or 2. I'm interested to see what the defensive staff ends up looking like.
I hope he hires Tee! We need great former vol players that bleed orange especially the way he and Graham can recruit.
Come on people, did you really expect him to follow through on that promise?? You knew he was bringing half his staff from Cincy with him. Losing Pittman will be a HUGE blow on the recruiting trail. Really not a smart decision.
Come on people, did you really expect him to follow through on that promise?? You knew he was bringing half his staff from Cincy with him. Losing Pittman will be a HUGE blow on the recruiting trail. Really not a smart decision.

i agree he is already making stupid moves, which even makes me less optomistic. people in the recruiting room seem to think north, green and all these other great players are just gonna get down on there knees to come here and play. personally it is starting to look to me like we fell further behind vandy, but it is early yet.
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He's not going to win right away. first year so-so. 2nd year more wins than 1st. 3rd year hope we're on our way back to top of SEC EAST.

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