So proud of my home state

It was the part about being showed up by the protestors that bothered them the most. Having people call them out for the insane refusal to act.
The funny part of this is that Sexton, Massa Gino and the rest of the idiots embarrassed themselves and this state for no reason. The guy from Nashville is going to be reinstated as the interim representative by the Metro council and he is certain to be re-elected when the time comes. And I wouldn’t doubt that the guy from Memphis goes the same route. Hard to believe that bunch of fools didn’t know that. They should have just censured them and very little would have been said. None of this will affect their super majority but man do they have a bunch of unnecessary egg all over their pointy little racist heads. And their rash actions covered this state in it as well.
We get told all the time that the crazy effin whack jobs up in Sacramento do not represent the average Californian.
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Another one hits the Ignore list. You should probably run for the state legislature since you fit right in with that bunch of rubes. Such an embarrassment.

This is really bad. Before you know it white people are just gonna start getting labeled racist just for being white. Oh wait.
If someone is giving “all of us white guys a bad name” because of a small number, then the problem lies with those throwing out the accusation.
You think? It's something that has gone on in this country for ever.
It's the right-wing media's modus operandi. Highlight every negative news story coming out of NYC, San Fran, Chicago, etc.....convincing the gullible and unthinking that it is indicative of the city as a whole. Highlight the misdeeds of every immigrant
while staying silent about all of the success stories.....convincing the gullible and unthinking there is a huge problem.
Racist democrat Justin Jones shows his true side in the chamber and going out the door. Hopefully he does not return with his racial garbage.

GOP Rep. Accuses Justin Jones of Using Racial Slur (

Being called a racist is the most overused and tired name calling in the world today. I think every black person of sub saharan African descent in America today carries a pack of racist cards around and pulls them out whenever the cry baby doesn't get his way. I'm sick of the victim crap, grow a set and become a man without blaming someone else for your problems.
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You think? It's something that has gone on in this country for ever.
It's the right-wing media's modus operandi. Highlight every negative news story coming out of NYC, San Fran, Chicago, etc.....convincing the gullible and unthinking that it is indicative of the city as a whole. Highlight the misdeeds of every immigrant
while staying silent about all of the success stories.....convincing the gullible and unthinking there is a huge problem.

NY Times: U.S. Imports Poverty as Young Migrants Make Up 44% of Poor Children

NYT: U.S. Imports Poverty as Young Migrants Make Up 44% of Poor Children
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