Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Rumor is massive heart attack and that he may not make it. Basically, he didn't get enough oxygen to his brain before his heart was restarted. If that is true then they're probably bringing his family in to say goodbye because it would mean he's on a vent but brain dead. I hope that it's just rumor and that he makes a full recovery but that is what's going around.
Rumor is massive heart attack and that he may not make it. Basically, he didn't get enough oxygen to his brain before his heart was restarted. If that is true then they're probably bringing his family in to say goodbye because it would mean he's on a vent but brain dead. I hope that it's just rumor and that he makes a full recovery but that is what's going around.
just pray. all else is in God's hands.
Rumor is massive heart attack and that he may not make it. Basically, he didn't get enough oxygen to his brain before his heart was restarted. If that is true then they're probably bringing his family in to say goodbye because it would mean he's on a vent but brain dead. I hope that it's just rumor and that he makes a full recovery but that is what's going around.
He was xferred to a larger hospital. I doubt they would do that unless confident a procedure would help.

Prayers for MSU.
My wife just found a movie on Hulu called Christmas at the Drive In. I'm dying the death of a thousand little cuts.

You fake a stomach cramp, and when you're bent over, moaning and wailing, you lick your palms. It's a little childish and stupid, but then, so is watching Hallmark Movies. Ferris Bueller agrees.
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