Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

I guess that's the thing. It's mostly the youths on the tik tok. What do they have data wise that's even valuable to China?
I'm mid 40s and most of the folks I work around (same age range) are on Tik Tok. I think its silly, but there's a lot of folks on there.
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Arch Manning effect is real.

We'll see if it pays off. Between Arch and Ewers they surely have an above-average-at-worst option behind center.
I'm glad y'all loved it. Greater Yellowstone is our favorite place on earth.

It was awesome and I mean this in the least creepy was possible but I actually thought about you McGill when I was out there. Even when we were leaving, I couldn’t stop turning around and looking at the scenery. Also my kids had no issues staying off devices while we were out there.
You haven't lived until you've had a mayo-filled doughnut.

Stay the heck away from my doughnuts!!!
Take yer doughtnut hole and place a ripe banana through the hole. Soak it in a pan of milk for 10-15 mins then spread with peanut butter. Mmm mmm

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