Great players pulling a Mike Gundy move ?


Mose Phillip's Watch

Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
Teams top players now copying coaches move to start rumors they are entering the portal & then all the sudden they are getting a new massive NIL deal & tweet how much they love their school ? Will this be the norm ? The Tank Bigsby Law

Smart on their part if it's going that way, gut wrenching for us fans but they should get all they can while they can I say. I'm not paying for it so why care lol
Teams top players now copying coaches move to start rumors they are entering the portal & then all the sudden they are getting a new massive NIL deal & tweet how much they love their school ? Will this be the norm ? The Tank Bigsby Law

Smart on their part if it's going that way, gut wrenching for us fans but they should get all they can while they can I say. I'm not paying for it so why care lol
Sometimes it is better to just not comment on other's opinions... just stop and think about this philosophy for a brief second.
The biggest issue with college ball (and sports in general) is you are cutting off the fans. Fans used to be emotionally invested and had pride in their teams. You can't as a fan anymore. You have to constantly remind yourself this is not your life, not your decision, and it has nothing to do with you. You have no say and never have. I just hit 50 and am seriously questioning why I spent all these years even watching at this point? What was the point? IDK? It used to be fun.

That's the world in general now tho. Nothings fun anymore. It's all just me, me, me... look a at me. What about me. pay attention to me. People are getting rich sitting on their ass as influencers. convincing others of things that are not true. That's their job. Everyone just wants to feel special, and will pay big money to feel that way, even if its fake. Take what you can get, because it has changed. Nobody knows how it will end, but one day California will drop in the ocean and humanity will have to deal wiih each other again. Maybe we'll learn how to have fun again.
The biggest issue with college ball (and sports in general) is you are cutting off the fans. Fans used to be emotionally invested and had pride in their teams. You can't as a fan anymore. You have to constantly remind yourself this is not your life, not your decision, and it has nothing to do with you. You have no say and never have. I just hit 50 and am seriously questioning why I spent all these years even watching at this point? What was the point? IDK? It used to be fun.

That's the world in general now tho. Nothings fun anymore. It's all just me, me, me... look a at me. What about me. pay attention to me. People are getting rich sitting on their ass as influencers. convincing others of things that are not true. That's their job. Everyone just wants to feel special, and will pay big money to feel that way, even if its fake. Take what you can get, because it has changed. Nobody knows how it will end, but one day California will drop in the ocean and humanity will have to deal wiih each other again. Maybe we'll learn how to have fun again.

I always just assumed the reason I cared so much less each year over the past year was how bad we were. I think this has a lot to do with it though. The emotion just isn’t there anymore like it used to be. Sucks. Feels just like the NFL now and honestly maybe not even as good. Can’t believe I just said that.
I always just assumed the reason I cared so much less each year over the past year was how bad we were. I think this has a lot to do with it though. The emotion just isn’t there anymore like it used to be. Sucks. Feels just like the NFL now and honestly maybe not even as good. Can’t believe I just said that.

You are correct my friend, you and Double Lover. Pride and Loyalty has for the most part been tossed out the window. I remember the first time I seen a 17 year old of which I've never heard of being interviewed about what school he was going to attend, I was like "did he keep a school bus from driving off a bridge?" This has been a process.... taking my favorite game away in 2014-15, coaches being millionaires even when they suck at their job, now we have NIL

The Root of all Evil has Obviously ripped the door from its hinges but it has been a slow methodical process, just like what we have faced with society over the last 20 or so years. If they Knock the Wall down with one blast we would react... so they simply peck at it, little by little, until the wall is gone
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The sport will die unfortunately.

Instead of pocketing out cash from the offering plates at mega churches (Clemson), in McDonalds bags (TN), with debit cards at casinos (Auburn), new cars (Bama, OSU), the money is out in the open.

Don’t act like this hasn’t been happening for decades.

I’m about tired of hearing the pearl clutching. Quit whining. Quit acting high and mighty. Get your head out of the sand.

V, B
I wonder If the increased professionalization of college sports will cause fans to view them as just "Triple A" ball instead of their own unique identity. I just don't see people making the financial, emotional commitments to what's perceived as a minor or developmental league. The dynamics in the sport had gotten so exploitative in terms of how revenue was distributed something was going to have to change but where does the road we're on wind up?
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I just get tired of the talk about how football is being ruined and how terrible todays players are—spooled and all about me, me, me. I think that some fans think college football is all about them, them, them (the fan).
Football should be about the student/players first, IMO. Theif fellow students should be next. Fans should rank 3rd or 4th or on down on the list. Colleges see all this money they can make off the fans and have put fans first and have made the players just a means to the goal of making money. The transfer rule and NIL is just giving the player some options.
I just get tired of the talk about how football is being ruined and how terrible todays players are—spooled and all about me, me, me. I think that some fans think college football is all about them, them, them (the fan).
Football should be about the student/players first, IMO. Theif fellow students should be next. Fans should rank 3rd or 4th or on down on the list. Colleges see all this money they can make off the fans and have put fans first and have made the players just a means to the goal of making money. The transfer rule and NIL is just giving the player some options.

Without the fans college football would be back to club teams.
I just get tired of the talk about how football is being ruined and how terrible todays players are—spooled and all about me, me, me. I think that some fans think college football is all about them, them, them (the fan).
Football should be about the student/players first, IMO. Theif fellow students should be next. Fans should rank 3rd or 4th or on down on the list. Colleges see all this money they can make off the fans and have put fans first and have made the players just a means to the goal of making money. The transfer rule and NIL is just giving the player some options.
I get tired of all the virtue signaling covering up terrible ideas. Fans are 3rd of 4th? See how long the sport lasts without them. I bet you're one of those people who didn't think defunding the police would lead to a rise in crime or that printing trillions of dollars in extra cash would lead to inflation. The sport is sick. Our society is sick. Coach Prime knows what I'm talking about.
Some very thought-filled posts in this thread. A heart- and mind-felt thanks to each of you for taking the time to post your thoughts on a complicated subject that seems to have arrived out of a confluence of issues and influences.
[*note: I started writing this post before all the exclamation-pointed reactions appeared.]

I put likes of agreement on posts that disagreed with each other. That's indicative of how many lines of thought, how many conflicting but worthy values, all intersect over this one subject.

Someone smart enough--who had time and curiosity but no personal agenda--could write an incisive book comparing the remunerative history of college football with that of the United States.

I'm confident it would show a repeating pattern of successes ... leading to excesses ... followed by entrenchment by dependent institutions, widespread corruption of political officials and watchdogs, a gradual realization of people at the bottom getting used or being treated unnecessarily unfairly ... followed by a three-way war between good people and bad who want to improve things for people (but disagree over what course to take), against those at the top protecting their power and influence, and the battle then being joined by the middle class who have invested in and derive benefit from things the way they have been--either in job-creating support industries or its place in culture as part of the social fabric, passing along values and virtues deemed important.
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Speaking of Me, Me, Me generation it appears that Walter Nolen has decided to prolong his recruitment a little longer. Could the be a good sign for TN?

Walter Nolen, No. 2 recruit in the nation, will not sign during early National Signing Day period

Well, I did tell you people he will find his way home.

Now, regarding this football is dying nonsense, nope. As long as people enjoy violence whether it be professional wrestling, roller derby, boxing, pit fights, dog and cock fighting, race car smash-ups, wars, or football, there will be fans clamoring for more. We're a species with incredible abilities, but we're also a nasty bunch. Among others, a mocking crowd gathered as we nailed our God to wood beams, humans gonna human no matter what.
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The NIL money won't last forever and companies aren't making any money off of these deals. Not to mention, who knows how much of the money is actually guaranteed
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Teams top players now copying coaches move to start rumors they are entering the portal & then all the sudden they are getting a new massive NIL deal & tweet how much they love their school ? Will this be the norm ? The Tank Bigsby Law

Smart on their part if it's going that way, gut wrenching for us fans but they should get all they can while they can I say. I'm not paying for it so why care lol
I wonder how all this is going to work with new recruits. If they get a big deal coming in and fail to produce. We can't count how many 4 and 5 stars we've had over the years that simply were flops. Fail to produce - fail to get that money? Would you give recruits 1,000s of $ before they take a snap at UT.....before they earn a starting spot? I'm all for paying player, universities are making a killin off players. I can understand jersey sales going to players that have earned the right for fans wanting to buy their jerseys. But I wouldn't give a lot to a kid who hasn't earned anything yet, who hasn't seen a snap. Just my thoughts. Gonna be interesting over the next few years to see where this goes.
Teams top players now copying coaches move to start rumors they are entering the portal & then all the sudden they are getting a new massive NIL deal & tweet how much they love their school ? Will this be the norm ? The Tank Bigsby Law

Smart on their part if it's going that way, gut wrenching for us fans but they should get all they can while they can I say. I'm not paying for it so why care lol
Well it will limit us having to rename streets after one year players I suppose. Maybe “Portal Street” is coming next.

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