The Atlanta Braves Thread

@AV_12 today was Max’s side day but even with a semi low pitch count I don’t think they want to use him game 1. They’re kind of stuck lol
I’ll say this: we GOT to get Game 1. Max fully rested, Dodgers flying cross country, they are compromised for Game 1 with their pitching. We need to come out quick and get some runs and take a 1-0 lead.
They are not better than last year. That lineup is nowhere near as dangerous as last year.
It’s the same with Trea for Max pretty much. Plus Mad Max added to the rotation and a pen full of upper 90’s arms. I’d say overall they are better
We started Kyle Wright, Bryse Wilson and AJ minter for 3 games.

We started Nick Markakis, Christian Pache and Johan Camargo.

Being without Ronald sucks, but this team is better than last years team. By a pretty wide margin.
We started Kyle Wright, Bryse Wilson and AJ minter for 3 games.

We started Nick Markakis, Christian Pache and Johan Camargo.

Being without Ronald sucks, but this team is better than last years team. By a pretty wide margin.
Our pen isn’t as reliable as last year, but I agree on all other points.
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I think it goes seven. We’ll win a couple squeakers, they’ll win at least one blowout, but I think with home field and a raucous crowd, we can get it done.

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