Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Life use to be fun, but we now live in a country where everyone has to find something to complain about. This is not political. We live in the most prosperous country in the world, yet no one seems to be happy or content. People today are trying to find meaning by tearing others down. The true path to joy and happiness is to help others and lift each other up. I know not everyone on here is a Vol fan, there are trolls. But if you are a Vol fan it is time to stop tearing each other down and start lifting each other up.

This current administration, current coaches, and current players are not the source of this program’s problems. Hopefully they can be the catalyst to a turn around and a return to prominence in college football. They need our support, they need us to give our all for Tennessee today. So I say Go Vols and Go Volnation!!!
My old man burned me out on rasslin' every Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon at the mid-south coliseum in Memphis and on TV with Cowboy Bill Watts, Danny Hodge, Billy Red Lyons, The Spoiler....just fake, staged bombast like "reality" TV of today....fat men in tights on the stage and drunks on the floor yelling and raising almighty he!! like the sh*t was real.......that loudmouth Flair from the 90s reminded of them old man was uneducated and didn't realize how ridiculous it all was...........
As for wrestlers, I mainly watched rasslin in the late 90s and early 2000s. WWF was the better brand during that time period but WCW had NWO and Sting which were very entertaining. The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, D Generation X, Undertaker, Kane, Cactus Jack/Mankind were the tops. It was a great time for rasslin. I dont watch today but I doubt anyone compares to the giants of that era.
"Handsome" Jimmy Valiant
My old man burned me out on rasslin' every Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon at the mid-south coliseum in Memphis and on TV with Cowboy Bill Watts, Danny Hodge, Billy Red Lyons, The Spoiler....just fake, staged bombast like "reality" TV of today....fat men in tights on the stage and drunks on the floor yelling and raising almighty he!! like the sh*t was real.......that loudmouth Flair from the 90s reminded of them old man was uneducated and didn't realize how ridiculous it all was...........
Dang son...

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We still have power and heat so far, but the town I'm in ran out of water. Hopefully having heat will prevent burst pipes. We gathered snow mostly for the toilet but may use it for drinking. Haha. The stores had lines wrapping around the outside of the buildings all day. Pretty wild. We should be ok though. May not smell good if it lasts more than a couple days though.
I feel your pain. Either my well pump broke, the switch broke or the pipes in the well house froze. Not sure which but we've been without water since this morning. I can't water my animals, shower, flush toilets etc. It sucks. Just bought all the water I could tonight.
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