Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Not sensitive at all. I had a reason for asking. I realize it is in the area of Johnson City and now because of the amazing interwebs, I know it is at 601 Spring St. Johnson City. But, guess what, I am not sure where Spring St. is. I will just ask my BIL since it is so annoying to you that I asked the location of somewhere on here. The next time you see one of my posts, do us both a favor and scroll on by.

There's also another location in Bristol, VA. Right on the corner of State Street.
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Most of those chains are owned by someone who is local.

I’ve not found this to be ubiquitously true in more rural towns I’ve lived in (20k pop and under)

Most of the franchises are owned by big groups etc.

For instance, the 1st ever KFC location in Corbin, KY is owned By some random family in Nashville that owns like 30 restaurants all over the place.
Not sure...their offensive line was really good this year but not sure how many were graduating or going to the NFL.
I looked it up and it looks like four of the five starters may be going pro.... they have some talented backups but he has a chance to win a job.
I looked it up and it looks like four of the five starters may be going pro.... they have some talented backups but he has a chance to win a job.

It kind of feels like with the 25 player limit and the transfer portal the rich are getting richer. Seems like there is less and less parity in college football at the top.
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If Huepel can’t see that Steele is the obvious choice for DC over Jancek, we are doomed. If we want a championships, still don’t know what chasing championships means, you have to recruit. Steele’s staff would be impressive and we would finally be able to recruit a solid DL.

Maybe we should just accept that we are at the Mizzou, KY level now if those are the guys we are going after. KC guys is intriguing coming off a super bowl.
Just because someone mentioned John J as a DC candidate, you assume it's true. Damn dude
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