Truth about Majors/ Fulmer Please???



God Father of Soul
Nov 23, 2012
I was enrolled at UT in 1992. I always hear two different stories bout what went on and I would like those that were around back then with me to share your thoughts. I remember these specific things to be 100% true. Majors had a quadruple bypass before the season began. Fulmer was named interim. Fulmer went on the road and beat #14 Georgia. The Vols then beat #4 UF and others and ended up the #4 ranked team. Majors comes back and loses to a God awful Arkansas team that was earlier beat up by the Citadel. We then lay an egg at home and lose to Bama 17-10, for our 7th consecutive loss vs the tide. Next week we go to SC and get beat by another awful team. This is the time we hear that Majors will retire and Phil is to take over.

I have heard different people vociferously push two different stories about why this came to pass.

1. Fulmer was THE hot coaching candidate that year. He made it clear to the powers that be that if they didn't hire him he would bolt for Texas. Fulmer worked behind the scenes and planted the knife in Majors back.

2. Majors had demanded a large pay raise before the season and continued to push the issue with then President Joe Johnson. Johnson had lost all faith in Majors as a coach, but more so, questioned his metal stability. The on-field debacles were the last straw for Johnson. Johnson decided it was time for the change and did just that.

Which is True? Some of both? None at all? I know we have a very knowledgeable community here and I would really like to hear what others have to say. Thank you in advance.
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There were other rumors I had heard back then.

Other assistant Coaches almost revolted when Majors came back too early and Fulmer held them together. LSU game at halftime was specifically mentioned.

Majors liked to drink and he said a few things while inebriated that Boosters did not like. This hastened his departure.

Never really heard the Fulmer backstabbing rumors back then but Fulmer was definitely going to get a head coaching job elsewhere that year if not at UT.
I would say some of both. Since Fulmer was interim the year before and won big I would say that he did some off the record calls about HC interest but since he is a TN guy I would say he wanted his home school. If the President was tired of Majors and fired him for it then I can see how Majors can see it as a backstab by Fulmer. You know coaches talk as Fulmer probably let him know that other schools had interest in him for HC. There are always 3 sides to every story, his, hers, and then the truth.
1) Majors did openly complain about his salary at a gathering of boosters and legistative big wigs in Nashville embarassing his former teammate and BOT President Bill Johnson.
2) Fulmer was never in play for Texas. He was rumored to be in play at South Carolina, a far way in more terms than distance than Texas.
3) Dickey, nor Johnson, wanted to lose Fulmer and Majors wasnt making any friends among the staff and others. Dickey thought Fulmer would take Cutcliffe and several others with him to SC.
4) When Majors returned from heart surgery, they won a couple games lack luster then lost 3 straight to a bad Ark, NC Alabama and a bad SC team. The SC loss pretty much sealed his fate.

It was similar to the ole Jackie Gleason story at CBS. Jackie was a bitch for everyone to work with at CBS but his show was #1 on Saturday night for many years. CBS put up with him as long as he was top dog, but when his ratings dropped they cancelled his show mainly to get rid of him.
Yeah, good luck with this.

I'll die believing Some of both are true, but anyway you slice it Phil wasn't innocent. Always had a black cloud over Phil's head from that time on in my eyes. Never hated on Phil but never was a huge fan either.

1) Majors did openly complain about his salary at a gathering of boosters and legistative big wigs in Nashville embarassing his former teammate and BOT President Bill Johnson.
2) Fulmer was never in play for Texas. He was rumored to be in play at South Carolina, a far way in more terms than distance than Texas.
3) Dickey, nor Johnson, wanted to lose Fulmer and Majors wasnt making any friends among the staff and others. Dickey thought Fulmer would take Cutcliffe and several others with him to SC.
4) When Majors returned from heart surgery, they won a couple games lack luster then lost 3 straight to a bad Ark, NC Alabama and a bad SC team. The SC loss pretty much sealed his fate.

It was similar to the ole Jackie Gleason story at CBS. Jackie was a bitch for everyone to work with at CBS but his show was #1 on Saturday night for many years. CBS put up with him as long as he was top dog, but when his ratings dropped they cancelled his show mainly to get rid of him.
That's a very accurate timeline IMO. The only other thing I remember is that after Fulmer started 4-0 and Majors just showed back up out of the blue, the coaching staff was in turmoil with guys literally ready to walk away at halftime against LSU. Majors was never easy to deal with but apparently became unpredictable and just mean after the surgery. I'm sure it was in part due to all the pain, rehab etc that he was dealing with. I think everybody from administration to the coaching staff just eventually had enough and we finally lost enough games that a move was made.
Football coaches are rarely choir boys.

Beer drinkers? Absolutely.
Jeans wearers? Yep.
Curse like sailors? Most of the time.
Pick their noses when they don't think you're looking? More often than you'd think.
Cheat at cards? Any chance they get.
Laugh out loud at awkward jokes in inappropriate settings? Sometimes.
Work on a farm baling hay at some point in their youth? Often.
Chew tobacco? Even in this day and age.
Secretly or openly nodded their heads when the Ohio State player said "we ain't here to play school"? Yes, though they won't admit it.
Cut-throat competitive? Almost to a man.

But choir boys? No. Not many of those at all.

You can bet your bottom dollar both Johnny and Phillip played roles in the change that might be viewed as less than seemly.
I remember it happening and the only "sports shows" back then were on radio. As I recall listening that night to a couple of national sports shows all the ire was placed on UT for casting aside a man like Coach Majors. I do know JM had become hard to deal with and was making enemies left and right as this thing played out. I had a family member who was a "on field coach" a couple of years earlier with this staff and always stood behind Majors but never really said anything to indict Phil either. Clearly, CPF did an outstanding job with the team (not sure CJM could have done the same). I guess it'll be like any other depends on which angle you approach it. It's always hard to tell with superficial interaction (both Phil and JM have always been gracious) but both were very "strong" personalities and leaders. The lesson: Never think you, as an individual, are bigger than the whole AND everyone is replaceable.
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I was enrolled at UT for in 1992. I always hear two different stories bout what went on and I would like those that were around back then with me to share your thoughts. I remember these specific things to be 100% true. Majors had a quadruple bypass before the season began. Fulmer was named interim. Fulmer went on the road and beat #14 Georgia. The Vols then beat #4 UF and others and ended up the #4 ranked team. Majors comes back and loses to a God awful Arkansas team that was earlier beat up by the Citadel. We then lay an egg at home and lose to Bama 17-10, for our 7th consecutive loss vs the tide. Next week we go to SC and get beat by another awful team. This is the time we hear that Majors will retire and Phil is to take over.

I have heard different people vociferously push two different stories about why this came to pass.

1. Fulmer was THE hot coaching candidate that year. He made it clear to the powers that be that if they didn't hire him he would bolt for Texas. Fulmer worked behind the scenes and planted the knife in Majors back.

2. Majors had demanded a large pay raise before the season and continued to push the issue with then President Joe Johnson. Johnson had lost all faith in Majors as a coach, but more so, questioned his metal stability. The on-field debacles were the last straw for Johnson. Johnson decided it was time for the change and did just that.

Which is True? Some of both? None at all? I know we have a very knowledgeable community here and I would really like to hear what others have to say. Thank you in advance.
The plan was to have Fulmer be the interim the whole season. Back then, that surgery was much more complicated than it is now. After Fulmer beat Georgia and Florida, Majors let his ego get the best of him and showed up at the athletic facility on Monday. He didn’t even call Dickey, he just declared himself back. He messed up the team chemistry and sealed his own fate.
1) Majors did openly complain about his salary at a gathering of boosters and legistative big wigs in Nashville embarassing his former teammate and BOT President Bill Johnson.
2) Fulmer was never in play for Texas. He was rumored to be in play at South Carolina, a far way in more terms than distance than Texas.
3) Dickey, nor Johnson, wanted to lose Fulmer and Majors wasnt making any friends among the staff and others. Dickey thought Fulmer would take Cutcliffe and several others with him to SC.
4) When Majors returned from heart surgery, they won a couple games lack luster then lost 3 straight to a bad Ark, NC Alabama and a bad SC team. The SC loss pretty much sealed his fate.

It was similar to the ole Jackie Gleason story at CBS. Jackie was a bitch for everyone to work with at CBS but his show was #1 on Saturday night for many years. CBS put up with him as long as he was top dog, but when his ratings dropped they cancelled his show mainly to get rid of him.
Oh I remember that Arkansas game. I was so disappointed I left as Arkansas was getting ready to kick the field goal at the end. I remember thinking the crowd noise will let me know if he makes it. It did! LOL.... I have a friend who's son played on our team and literally missing two tackles on the punt return of Arkansas. Arkansas scored on that punt return. I've ask how in the world do you miss TWO tackles on the same play. He never had an answer:D.
Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts. It seems pretty clear to me that Phil was going to jet with members of the coaching staff. Majors dug his hole and made no friends. I cannot look at this anymore as Fulmer stabbed Majors in the back. It seems there is plenty of blame to go around.
I am not a DR.
However at my age I have known a lot of people that have had major heart surgeries. I have had many conversations with friends about how the patient's personality would be different after recovery. Decent people become hateful asshats more times than not. Abusivive, hateful, asshats become intolerable. I always figured that happened to John Majors, aided by alcohol addition.

Maybe the brush with death gives realization that our time here is short and they choose not to waste any of what is left on being nice.
Maybe they were insufferable to begin with and just covered it well.
Nothing is absolute, my father went from asshat to the sweetest most gentle, kind person you would ever meet. It amazed everyone that knew him.

Perhaps someone could point me toward medical research on this phenomena . I would like to read up on it.
1) Majors did openly complain about his salary at a gathering of boosters and legistative big wigs in Nashville embarassing his former teammate and BOT President Bill Johnson.
2) Fulmer was never in play for Texas. He was rumored to be in play at South Carolina, a far way in more terms than distance than Texas.
3) Dickey, nor Johnson, wanted to lose Fulmer and Majors wasnt making any friends among the staff and others. Dickey thought Fulmer would take Cutcliffe and several others with him to SC.
4) When Majors returned from heart surgery, they won a couple games lack luster then lost 3 straight to a bad Ark, NC Alabama and a bad SC team. The SC loss pretty much sealed his fate.

It was similar to the ole Jackie Gleason story at CBS. Jackie was a bitch for everyone to work with at CBS but his show was #1 on Saturday night for many years. CBS put up with him as long as he was top dog, but when his ratings dropped they cancelled his show mainly to get rid of him.

Good summary. UT also saw the ceiling of majors during his time at UT and needed a change.
I am not a DR.
However at my age I have known a lot of people that have had major heart surgeries. I have had many conversations with friends about how the patient's personality would be different after recovery. Decent people become hateful asshats more times than not. Abusivive, hateful, asshats become intolerable. I always figured that happened to John Majors, aided by alcohol addition.

Maybe the brush with death gives realization that our time here is short and they choose not to waste any of what is left on being nice.
Maybe they were insufferable to begin with and just covered it well.
Nothing is absolute, my father went from asshat to the sweetest most gentle, kind person you would ever meet. It amazed everyone that knew him.

Perhaps someone could point me toward medical research on this phenomena . I would like to read up on it.
The bad part about it is that Majors really was a fun guy to talk to. I met him about 10 years later and my Dad and I drove him about an hour from a speaking engagement to the airport. He couldn't have been nicer. Sometimes bad stuff comes together and &*(% just happens.
I don’t fault Fulmer for doing his job well and being opportunistic. Majors doesn’t get enough blame in all this IMO. He created his own problems within the administration. Should Johnson and Dickey get more blame? I never heard any evidence that Fulmer conspired against Majors like Steele did at Auburn. There was legitimate talk of him becoming a coach elsewhere. I thought it was ECU. If you act like an arse, be prepared to get it kicked.
You might want to look into what other issues Johnny had as well as his condition his condition was in when he went to a gathering he was not invited to. That is the straw that broke the camel's back
I would say some of both. Since Fulmer was interim the year before and won big I would say that he did some off the record calls about HC interest but since he is a TN guy I would say he wanted his home school. If the President was tired of Majors and fired him for it then I can see how Majors can see it as a backstab by Fulmer. You know coaches talk as Fulmer probably let him know that other schools had interest in him for HC. There are always 3 sides to every story, his, hers, and then the truth.
I was friends with both and went on recruiting visits with both of them and their assistants back when that was legal. I was never aware that the firing was anything other than Major‘s health and Fulmer‘s ability to coach and win football games. I never spoke to Dr, Johnson about the matter.
I am not a DR.
However at my age I have known a lot of people that have had major heart surgeries. I have had many conversations with friends about how the patient's personality would be different after recovery. Decent people become hateful asshats more times than not. Abusivive, hateful, asshats become intolerable. I always figured that happened to John Majors, aided by alcohol addition.

Maybe the brush with death gives realization that our time here is short and they choose not to waste any of what is left on being nice.
Maybe they were insufferable to begin with and just covered it well.
Nothing is absolute, my father went from asshat to the sweetest most gentle, kind person you would ever meet. It amazed everyone that knew him.

Perhaps someone could point me toward medical research on this phenomena . I would like to read up on it.
I researched this topic thoroughly prior to having open heart surgery in October.

This is probably the easiest article to read, published by Harvard Medical School. Basically it has to do with damage suffered to the brain by the cardiac surgery process, specifically stopping the heart and keeping it going artificially. Anesthesia also has effects on the brain.

I actually came out the other side nicer, but I was already a huge asshat, so there was nowhere for me to go but up.
I would say both are true. Majors had a way of having too many adult beverages at the wrong places and then speaking his mind. I was in school at that time. We actually drove to the SC game to watch that long haired QB named Taneyhill act like an idiot and make us look like fools at the same time. They actually filmed part of the movie The Program at halftime which was the only good thing about that game.
Yeah, good luck with this.

I'll die believing Some of both are true, but anyway you slice it Phil wasn't innocent. Always had a black cloud over Phil's head from that time on in my eyes. Never hated on Phil but never was a huge fan either.


I would say that most everything that has been said so far is probably true. I always felt Fulmer was very much an opportunist, but maybe Majors simply forced the issue. I continue to believe that Johnny had an alcohol problem, which was a part of the issue.

Johnny Majors probably did what he told his players not to do. He believed the press clippings that he was bigger than life. He got a little too big for his britches.

Having said all that, they are both(Majors and Fulmer) a big part of Tennessee's history. I don't want to hate on either. They are simply two imperfect people who gave their all for UT.

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