Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Sorry, y’all, but I had to do it. If I wasn’t on mobile and knew how to embed a link with the text I would have Rick rolled it. But the appearance of a link that does nothing when you click it is pretty good, too.

That was one of the better ones I have seen in a while. At first I wanted to kill you and then started laughing wishing I had thought of it. LOL
Oh my my my....... giphy.gif
Why do you all fall for fake insiders every single time?

It's like when pig pen tries to kick the ball. They always pull it away at the last second and he falls on his face.
There's only been one piece of information coming out of a horse's mouth:



The Sun

It will come up


Not tomorrow,


If it is House they probably won't formally announce anything until after the Superb Owl.

Or maybe they would. Stuff like that usually isn't a big deal for position coaches in the NFL.

Thought I was the only one who called it that.
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