Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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There are a handful of homegrown Vols fans content creators on social media that have been positively reinforced for years now to be miserable and make everything horrible. The rest of the fanbase likes and retweets those opinions and bases their attitude on the leadership of a few.

You could beg them not to make memes and videos, but they will. Only Kiffin could have galvanized the fan base and turned our best resource (our piss and vinegar attitude) outward to the world instead of inward on itself.

If you don't like miserable fans, just win.
Kiffin would not have galvanized the fan base. If you believe that you haven't been paying attention. He would have been very divisive.
Every little thing, is gonna be alright. I don't know if Heupel is going to win championships. I also don't know that he won't. I do know that he will score a lot of points and this team will be fun to watch. I also know that he's a better coach than Jeremy Pruitt, Butch Jones, and Jeremy Pruitt.
Does he run more than 1 play once he gets into the red zone? If so, that would be a big change.
My bad. I guess 12-1 and 11-3 the following years weren't very good either (on their part).

They are being salty, which I understand.
I'm not so sure they are being salty. Heupel took over a 13-0 program, and I understand there's nowhere to go but down from there, but they've steadily regressed over the 3 years he's been there. The defense in particular, which wasn't great under Frost to begin with, has gotten much worse and is absolutely terrible.
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Before looking at what everyone else has to say, I like the hire based solely on his resume', and the fact that the AD knows his work, has worked with him, and believes in him. Not saying that I couldn't change my mind after seeing the presser, but there is plenty to like.
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Have you seen UCFs O-Line? They would maul our D-Line. They have some size, but more importantly, they are all mean dudes out there. I hope he brings his O-Line coach. We can recruit big bodies there all day long, but we have not really had great OLine coaching since PF was handling it.
Sam Pitman was our Oline coach for a short lived timed. We had some legit Oline talent about 10 years ago
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Soon as we hear "From the University of Tennessee" as the number 1 overall pick with one of our QBs, recruiting will not be an issue.

I think Heupel has 3 potential round 1 QBs on roster -right- now too. With how the NFL has drafted QBs, if Hooker won the job and slung 4k with 35+ TDs he'd be in the mix.
Having a hard time getting excited about this hire. Especially with the big show they made about how they were swinging for the fences.

Sure his offense is exciting, but his record declining every year and not being able to get even one 4* recruit coming off of an undefeated season seem like red flags.
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Not excited about the hire, but it's far better than Pruitt or Dooley was at the time. I don't think our program is in a position to hire a Fickell or Campbell, but at least we didn't get a first time HC. Heupel inherited a thousand times better roster (relative to the teams he played against of course) at UCF than he is this time, and he hasn't proven he can build a team that isn't already in a good place. Reminds me a lot of Butch inheriting Kelly's team and looking a lot better than he actually was because of it.

But at least he's not learning to be a HC for the first time, so he's probably as good as we can get right now. I'll be surprised if he's anything but a stepping stone coach to get the program to a better spot where we can upgrade; but after the last 4, that would be a huge improvement.
Heupel's body of work is a lot better than Jones
Still stuck 13 pages behind but the eerie comparison is that both schools were thrilled when we hired away the coach. Lot of chatter on UCF about how he lost the team, not well liked, and team regressing each year.

Offense is good because of tempo but defenses will always be bad
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