Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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We weren’t willing to spend. By all accounts we are throwing money around.
hm...i'm not saying we were backing up dump trucks of cash....but i remember a couple of different coaches we offered pretty heftily that said no.

the running joke for both of those searches was 'how many coaches does Tennessee get raises for?'

it's not been a matter of being cheap. it's a matter of really, really poor decision making and leadership...and situation. which, it would seem those two things are on the mend.
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Expect the worst guys and hope for the best. As someone said earlier winning the presser and making the "seemingly" impressive hire does NOT always work out. A few examples of a less than impressive hire that is working out (at least seems to be as of now)

Sam Pittman
Eli Drinkwitz
Mack Brown (been out of the game for some time)

Other hires that seemed very good or no-brainers that have failed or not quite lived up to expectations:

Chip Kelly
Scott Frost
Jim Harbaugh
Tom Herman
Willie Taggart @ FSU
Charlie Strong
Dana Holgorsen (would think he'd be doing better at Houston)
Les Miles @ Kansas

Regardless of the coach and we're all hoping for a winner, it's still a relative unknown how successful he'll be.

I'm hoping this time around we get it right big name or not. Go Vols!
My honest opinion...big sports media has a major northeast coast bias, and that at least played some role in PSU being treated with kid gloves, almost like the media was rooting for Penn St to be able to successfully move on from the Sandusky mess. Think they would have been pulling for us under those circumstances? I sure don’t.

I also think the scandal happening at Vanderbilt (old money + academic elite = respectable) made it easy for some to see it as an exception to rule at that university whereas at a public university it might have been perceived differently.

So Franklin probably benefited from a mix of regional bias and class bias. That may not account for it 100%, but I bet it didn’t hurt.
I think it's as simple as:

1) the DA cleared Franklin of all wrongdoing via press statements
2) Franklin is a helluva coach

Why would a school look any further into it than that? He's not accused (outside of message boards) of having done anything wrong. So, where's the PR problem?
Let’s have some fun amongst the lull. If you’re DW and have to sell an underwhelming hire to the fan base, what’s your opening line?

Mine would be.

Come and listen to my story about a man named (fill in name)
A poor Volunteer, we raised from near dead,
We found him one day, he was shootin some pool,
And I said to Donde, we found us a fool
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