Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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This is where Row The Boat came from. It has nothing to do with being gimmicky. Fleck is not my first choice, but for the love of all that is holy, you all should actually pay attention to what's going on instead of throwing your little baby fits when we get news that is different from who you want:

On Feb. 9, 2011, Fleck lost his second son, Colt, to a heart condition. Row the Boat originated after his son passed away.
“As you hold your son as he passes away, your whole life changes. What you believe in, how you’ve believed in it, what you’ve done to that point, where you’re going to go and how you’re going to live your life all changes. But Row the Boat is really my second son’s life as I continue to live his life for him. It’s his life.
“It’s a never-give-up mantra that has to do strictly with life or adversity or handling success, never giving up, and it means a few things. When you row a boat, you’re rowing, don’t ever look at me and paddle. That’s completely different. We’re rowing. Your back is to the future, which is something you cannot control, nor can you see. You have to trust the person in front of you, that you’re looking at, that they’re doing their job and rowing at the same speed, same efficiency as you are. But that’s the future, you can’t control that. You don’t know if there’s rocks, water falls, stormy seas, you don’t know what’s ahead of you. You’re rowing in the present, which is the only thing you can actually control, and the only thing you can actually have an impact on. You either choose to take your oars and put them back in the boat and stop, or you put them back in the water and continue to go. But you’re looking at the past, which is the only thing you can actually learn from. But you can’t change.
You went through all that to end up in the middle of Fleck & Dykes. Might wanna go back to sleep.
How the heck did that bike stay up and keep going straight for so long?
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Tony Elliott? Why would we go after a coach with zero head coaching experience. I’d much rather take a Lance Leipold or Jamey Chadwell that at least are self made and experienced. Having success with Trevor Lawrence and Deshaun Watson does not impress me. I could have been the OC and had good offenses with them.
This^ Tony Elliot is just more of the same...
If butch had never coached here everyone would be excited about Fleck. I have the same reaction to some of the catch phrase stuff. But it is not a valid reason to be against a hire. By all accounts he's a good coach that has a good culture and recruits well for where he's at. Not sure what box he doesn't check.
Sounds like someone was a little butt hurt.
Yeah. Aaron Murray was a little butthurt too.

The catch phrases of Butch Jones, the ego of Pruitt, and the obsession with appearances of Dooley. Dude is the complete package for sure.

I'm not too worried about. He is friends with Schiano and a grade A egomaniac. I don't think he fits the bill in multiple ways.
You have to trust his process and hire. He has proven he can do it. This is not a “hope he can hire a good coach.” Literally his entire career as AD, he has made good hires. Not sure why we do this to people. Some were doing it to Plowman until they realized she could actually hire competent people. Except for Rick Barnes, Danny White is probably the best thing to happen in our AD in 10 years.

Fleck isn’t inexperienced or unprepared. Maybe not my first choice, but this won’t be his first rodeo.
I've heard "Trust the process" for the last 12 years and 4 coaches. My gut told me that everyone was a mistake. I'm done "trusting the process". If it smells bad, I'm going to say it stinks.

Sure DW has made good hires for the schools he's worked. This is different. You can't gamble with this hire.
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Yeah. Aaron Murray was a little butthurt too.

The catch phrases of Butch Jones, the ego of Pruitt, and the obsession with appearances of Dooley. Dude is the complete package for sure.
It’s one persons opinion..... I’m sure there are positive and negative opinions of almost every coach.
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