Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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AP has been wrong about just about everything and has made some very definitive statements that were 100% incorrect. I wouldn't get my underwear twisted over too much he has to say.

Lol no he hasn’t you and rest of posters just want to believe he doesn’t know anything. He is just being realistic. He doesn’t even like Pruitt. If you read recruits comments such as ty simpson and Dallas Hayden then y’all can see what price was talking about regarding in state class and Pruitt tightness
I don’t want Steele at all but that was 20 years ago and there is no telling the challenges on that campus at the time....
Agree, there’s reasons to want more qualified candidates, and I hope we can hit a home run. But his head coaching “track record” from 20 years ago isn’t his career.

Clearly a lot of people at auburn liked him, and he has some people in his corner here. I’d venture to guess he’d do better than our last 4 hires.
Kiffin is one of us. He always has been. He’d love nothing more than to destroy Saban.


He was “one of us” for one damn year and bolted. In that year he was such a great “one of us” that he put up USC **** all over the complex

F Him
I think absolutely Kiffin would come to Tennessee if offered the job. Kiffin / Lebby / Steele / Garner. Would be incredible. But can Tenn swallow it’s pride and do it, I have doubts. Glimmer of hope is that the Haslam’s stroke the check and say go get him.
We need to adopt the Costanza Method in this hiring process. Whatever we’ve done in the past we need to do the exact opposite from here on out.
I think that too. No way Steele gets job unless NCAA stuff is really really bad.

DC - yes. HC - no way. Just a name for the masses and local media to latch onto that know next to nothing about CFB. Buys them time and space to finish the investigation and work on the real candidates. If it gets really bad, they need an innovative HC who makes lemonade out of lemons. Satterfield is at Louisville and would not leave that quick to take on a bad situation. So that tells me Chadwell with Steele as DC if it gets sanction heavy. JMO. Hope its not, but will know soon enough.
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It is impressive if you think about it. Auburn paid Gus 20 million to try and make Steele their head coach. We self reported violations to try and save 12 million from Pruitt so that we can try to make Steele our coach.
Pretty sure they didn’t, pretty sure he didn’t turn down the HC job.
Pretty sure he’s not the end game here either for the ones in charge
There may be one or two beneath them that are serviceable and the majority could rally behind, but if we aren't shooting for the best available then why even bother?
No guarantee with any coach. Not sure either of them would be the best.
Remember how obnoxious we were that year? It was so much fun. And that was with just seven wins and a loss to a terrible UCLA team.

Kiffin basically birthed VolTwitter. Twitter was blowing up like crazy when Kiffin took the job, then proceeded to ruffle everyone's feathers. The whole "smoke weed, talk s***, like Lane Kiffin" by the biggest rap star in the world at the time. You really, truly, could not tell us a damn thing. It was the attitude era of Tennessee Football. Then he left, and that energy and attitude that he activated has just been kind of swarming in place waiting to be mobilized expertly.

He was “one of us” for one damn year and bolted. In that year he was such a great “one of us” that he put up USC **** all over the complex

F Him

I get your point, and it's fair. But Kiffin knows how to energize the younger portions of this fan base that have grown up watching Vol football celebrate beating a meh UGA team on a hail marry as its greatest achievement.

We need that energy a guy like him brings, desperately. The fans, the players, and recruits.
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