2020 Presidential Race

Not only is that not evidence of fraud, it's not even irregular. This reminds me of the affidavit in Michigan, where someone complained that it was irregular for so many members of the military to be voting for Joe Biden.

In 2016, Donald Trump won Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan by just under 90,000 votes. Joe Biden won those 3 states by a combined total of 255,000 votes. Pennsylvania and Michigan were not that close. It makes perfect sense that the Democratic Party candidate would gain support from such a large increase in voter turnout. 20 million more people voted in this election than in 2016.
These numbers make it so obvious that fraud took place. Wish they could prove it
The elections from 2016 and 2020 defy comparisons because of the dramatic increase in voter turnout. The only thing which is obvious is that the people who write for "The Federalist" didn't like the end result. Well, tough $hit.
Specifically, video from the State Farm Arena in Fulton County shows that on November 3rd after the polls closed, election workers falsely claimed a water leak required the facility to close. All poll workers and challengers were evacuated for several hours at about 10:00 PM. However, several election workers remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers for the voting tabulation machines until after 1:00 AM.

Additionally, incontrovertible evidence Board of Elections records demonstrates that at least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards by the voter. Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded. (See Attached hereto, Exh. 9, R. Ramsland Aff.).

50. Notwithstanding the clarity of the applicable statutes and the constitutional authority for the Georgia Legislature's actions, on March 6, 2020, the Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, Secretary Raffensperger, and the State Election Board, who administer the state elections (the "Administrators") entered into a "Compromise and Settlement Agreement and Release" (the "Litigation Settlement") with the Democratic Party of Georgia, Inc., the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (collectively, the "Democrat Party Agencies"), setting forth different standards to be followed by the clerks and registrars in processing absentee ballots in the State of Georgia8.

51. Under the Settlement, however, the Administrators agreed to change the statutorily prescribed manner of handling absentee ballots in a manner that is not consistent with the laws promulgated by the Georgia Legislature for elections in this state.

The same Affiant further testified specifically to the breach of the chain of custody of the voting machines the night before the election stating:

we typically receive the machines, the ballot marking devices – on the Friday before the election, with a chain of custody letter to be signed on Sunday, indicating that we had received the machines and the counts on the machines when received, and that the machines have been sealed. In this case, we were asked to sign the chain of custody letter on Sunday, even though the machines were not delivered until 2:00 AM in the morning on Election Day.
59. In April 2020, the State Election Board adopted on a purportedly “Emergency Basis” Secretary of State Rule 183-1-14-0.9-.15, Processing Ballots Prior to Election Day. Under this rule, county election officials are authorized to begin processing absentee ballots up to three weeks befoe election day. Thus, the rule provides in part that “(1) Beginning at 8:00 AM on the third Monday prior to Election Day, the county election superintendent shall be authorized to open the outer envelope of accepted absentee ballots …” (Emphasis added). 9 Vote-by-mail worries: A 'leaky pipeline' in many states 26

60. Rule 183-1-14-0.9-.15 is in direct and irreconcilable conflict with O.C.G.A. § 21-2-386(a)(2), which prohibits the opening of absentee ballots until election day: After the opening of the polls on the day of the primary, election, or runoff, the registrars or absentee ballot clerks shall be authorized to open the outer envelope on which is printed the oath of the elector in such a manner as not to destroy the oath printed thereon; provided, however, that the registrars or absentee ballot clerk shall not be authorized to remove the contents of such outer envelope or to open the inner envelope marked “Official Absentee Ballot,” except as otherwise provided in this Code section.

Further, as calculated by Matt Braynard, there exists clear evidence of 20,311 absentee or early voters in Georgia that voted while registered as having moved out of state. (See Id., attachment to report). Specifically, these persons were showing on the National Change of Address Database (NCOA) as having moved, or as having filed subsequent voter registration in another state also as evidence that they moved and even potentially voted in another state. The 20,311 votes by persons documented as having moved exceeds the margin by which Donald Trump lost the election by 7,641 votes.

Applying pro-rata the above calculations separately to Cobb County based on the number of unreturned ballots, a range of 1,255 and 1,687 ballots ordered by 3rd parties and a range of 2,338 and 2,897 lost mail ballots, plus 10,684 voters documented in the NCOA as having moved, for a combined minimum of 14,276 missing and unlawful ballots, and maximum of 15,250 missing and unlawful ballots, which exceeds the statewide Presidential race total margin by a range of as few as 1,606 ballots and as many as 2,580 in the County of Cobb alone impacting the Cobb County Republican Party (“Cobb County Republicans”).

Mr. Braynard also found a pattern in Georgia of voters registered at totally fraudulent residence addresses, including shopping centers, mail drop stores and other non-residential facilities.
What hunting Bigfoot taught a Republican congressman about politics

AFTON, Va. — There was a time in Denver Riggleman's life when he sat on the banks of a creek that reeked of dead fish and peered through night-vision goggles into the thick of the Olympic National Forest.

He was looking for Bigfoot.

Or at least, others in his group were. Riggleman, a nonbeliever who was then a National Security Agency defense contractor, had come along for the ride, paying thousands in 2004 to indulge a lifelong fascination: Why do people — what kind of people — believe in Bigfoot?

Now in one of his last acts as a Republican congressman from Virginia, Riggleman is asking the same questions of QAnon supporters and President-elect Joe Biden deniers.

Months after his ouster by Rep.-elect Bob Good (R) in a contentious GOP convention, Riggleman has become one of the loudest voices in Congress warning of the infiltration of conspiracy theories into political discourse.

And he is surely the only voice to have made the point after self-publishing a book about Bigfoot beliefs.

To Riggleman, the book, “Bigfoot . . . It’s Complicated,” mirrors the way pockets of the country are falling into conspiracy wormholes — everything from extremist fringe groups such as QAnon and the “boogaloo” movement to President Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud.

Like the Bigfoot hunters in the Olympic National Forest, they see what they want to see.

“I always say the [Bigfoot] expedition leader and Rudy Giuliani are very similar people,” Riggleman said of Trump’s conspiracy-theory-spinning lawyer, during an interview at his distillery in Afton, Va., last week.

Bigfoot believers have plenty in common with political extremists on both the far right and the far left, Riggleman said, lambasting a political ecosystem where, oftentimes, “facts don’t matter.”

“They’re all bat---- crazy. Right?” he said, not really joking. “All of them ascribe to a team mythology that might or might not be true. And they stay on that team regardless. And that is what’s so dangerous about politics today. That’s what I’ve been trying to say.”

Remember when CNN did Investigative journalism like they were supposed to do. Here is a video from back in 2006 with them basically saying everything we are saying now in regards to Dominion and Hugo Chavez. The fact that Twitter and Facebook are censoring this video now and trying to make it dissappear is pretty telling

@BeachMilk - BeachMilk - Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are censoring this...
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Trump's mini tirade yesterday is further proof that he has a child-like mentality. He claims there is evidence of mass organized voter fraud but whines that the media does not report it. When pressed for any evidence, he bristles with the attitude of "thats for me to know and you to find out."
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Trump's mini tirade yesterday is further proof that he has a child-like mentality. He claims there is evidence of mass organized voter fraud but whines that the media does not report it. When pressed for any evidence, he bristles with the attitude of "thats for me to know and you to find out."
Will your TDS ever go away?

Why do you still care what he says?

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