Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

This is where I think Biden is off mark with his "I will do what the scientists say" in regards to the pandemic...there is a reason why boards of hospitals are made up of drs, nurses, pharmacists, and administrative and compliance members..there is a lot more to "shutting the country down and mandating masks? What is the economic impact..the emotional aspect, the issue with people living week to week, landlord rights for evictions, does the federal branch have the authority to tell states to shut down?
technically the drug addict didn't choose death - just took risks so only 1 person in the scenario intentionally ended their life

the larger point is that all the lives mattered (can I say that?) and caused grief to friends and family
Of course you can say that. For me, exploring which deaths are worse is futile. Because No one has yet proven that DJT's response is worse than any other. We can conclude certain governors have had better/worse responses, though.
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Of course you can say that. For me, exploring which deaths are worse is futile. Because No one has yet proven that DJT's response is worse than any other. We can conclude certain governors have had better/worse responses, though.

I wasn't saying any were worse than the other - just that they are all linked to the pandemic and that all choices (responses by government) likely have deadly consequences.
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So our school district is requiring mask for school sporting events. the local doctor who also sits on the school board is asking that anyone not wearing a mask be arrested for trespassing.
Well a mini-outbreak has hit us here 20+ patients and close to 10 staff.
Looks like I left where I was at just in time. Talked with the granddaughter of my patient who works there. They had to shut down an entire floor because of covid19 in workers and pts on a non covid floor. Pts previously tested negative popped positive after being on that floor. The entire staff was off for 2 weeks.
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If titansvolsfaninga is going to make a claim that the response could have been better and prevented deaths, then he will have to make a case based on comparisons. Speculating isn't going to cut it.

At this point, all I can say with complete conviction is: I wouldn't wanted to live in a large city in the Northeast, or in a nursing home and be vulnerable to covid 19.

Trump presidency, his response, his tweets, and his verbiage didn't do anything to effect cities or nursing homes. And no one else would have made a difference, either....excluding Cuomo's monumental bungle.

Yep, aerosol and droplet transmission is all about proximity - just doesn't matter who is running the show. I can't tell that even the "experts" were really on top of that issue - seems like it took a long time to figure out the aerosol bit - and even longer to figure out that the wrong masks made droplets into more easily stirred mini-droplets. What I really like now is the talk about fecal aerosol plumes in bathrooms ... originating in other apartments. Location, location, location.

The only good news that I can see is for reasonably healthy people it's not necessarily lethal, and that protective measures do work. My wife had covid, and she donated plasma today. I wore masks, washed hands, wore gloves on occasion, and disinfected surfaces while taking care of her; and I didn't get it. She'll be 70 this year and I'm a few years beyond that; she has type 2 diabetes, and I have a few other ailments - mild asthma and cardiovascular issues for starters. All things considered like health issues and lack of a local support system, I was scared that it wasn't a matter of if I got it but when and what happened then as far as care and support. talking like you are ok with 190K dead. Those are a lot families affected by death. There is nothing after death. Ain't no do overs. A pre-existing condition should not be a death sentence for anyone. Pandemic or not.
What?? Pre-existing conditions are what lead to people catching whatever comes down the road. If they have the big 5 ( hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, chronic lung disease) they are targets for any bug or virus because they are compromised. I'll add another, immunocompromised. You should probably look some stuff up.
Unfortunately, we can't go back in time a recreate the Pandemic. We can only base it off of what a person would do. You can agree that the left agreed that masks and handwashing was a good thing to do. Right?

The thing is that with the billions we are chunking yearly into government agencies purporting to know something about infectious diseases and emergency preparedness, the capability to deal with a new viral infection was pitifully inept. We've had other corona viruses and other viruses enough to know something about transmission - that it could be an aerosol, and which mask type would be effective shouldn't have taken weeks and months to figure out. The "experts" didn't even seem to be capable of proclaiming whether masks were more to protect the wearer or the other guy - hence no clue to some that vented masks were a stupid choice. It took university labs to demonstrate that some single layer masks broke up droplets and made transmission more problematic.

Nobody seems to have thought about strategic implications when it came to emergency management - like how important stockpiles of materials are if you've off-shored manufacturing - or if the biggest supplier of necessary materials was the originator of the disease and just in time logistics becomes a complete failure. Yet we'll continue to turn apparently once competent doctors, scientists, and others into bumbling bureaucrats, and put politically connector donors at the head of the bureaucracies.

To a nuclear engineer who has worn protective equipment in hazardous environments and been trained to keep contaminated outer surfaces away, the cavalier way that people treat a potentially contaminated mask is astounding - just no clue that slipping something potentially covered with particulate matter to be inhaled below the nose is incredibly dumb. The lack of reliable and responsible education to keep people safe is simply astounding. All that is without even getting to parties and other get togethers. You generally hope and expect with good information, that most people will do what it takes to protect themselves, their families, and others. There's plenty of evidence to think that's not so - doesn't say much about our "advanced" and "rational" society.
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What?? Pre-existing conditions are what lead to people catching whatever comes down the road. If they have the big 5 ( hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, chronic lung disease) they are targets for any bug or virus because they are compromised. I'll add another, immunocompromised. You should probably look some stuff up.
Exactly, the reasons people even get really sick or die at ALL from COVID are because of the above you mentioned.
This was the discussion...

The bolded was true then and is still true today.

It was drama filled fear peddling nonsense. Everyone, even then, knew it wasn't really 7%, but you were on here selling it.

What did I sell? I was passing along information, it’s up to you to do with it what you will. We have a president that can’t get through 2 (fragmented) sentences without a lie yet many on here are willing to look past it without question... yet I give real information and you get your feathers ruffled because you don’t like it? If you don’t like it, prove it wrong, don’t shoot the messenger.

By the way, that dude has accused me all long of predicting that the virus would have a 7% death rate... show me where in that conversation I conveyed that?
The country school board here voted (8-1) last night to go back to 5 day a week in-class schedule beginning the 21st. Students in grades 5-12 would still have to wear a mask until the the end of the semester (Thanksgiving break, I think).
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What did I sell? I was passing along information, it’s up to you to do with it what you will. We have a president that can’t get through 2 (fragmented) sentences without a lie yet many on here are willing to look past it without question... yet I give real information and you get your feathers ruffled because you don’t like it? If you don’t like it, prove it wrong, don’t shoot the messenger.

By the way, that dude has accused me all long of predicting that the virus would have a 7% death rate... show me where in that conversation I conveyed that?

You are embarrasing yourself more, which seemed impossible. Guess not.

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