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Trump has politicized the choice to wear a mask or not. Rep. Gohmert epitomizes this.

Lol. How do you figure? How many looney leftists have been on here today blaming Trump for Herman Cain’s death when they don’t have a f***ing clue when or where he contracted it? Have you been out and about where masks are mandated? People half ass wear them or not at all. If someone says something you just say you have a “medical condition” and there’s not s*** else can be said. You go in a restaurant wearing a mask that essentially doesn’t do s*** then sit down and take yours off while surrounded by 50+ people who have done the same. When you’re done you put it on, walk out, and take it off again. It’s just a ploy to give someone a false sense of security. Politicizing it is when you tell people it’s ok to assemble to loot and riot but going to church is too dangerous.
Lol. How do you figure? How many looney leftists have been on here today blaming Trump for Herman Cain’s death when they don’t have a f***ing clue when or where he contracted it? Have you been out and about where masks are mandated? People half ass wear them or not at all. If someone says something you just say you have a “medical condition” and there’s not s*** else can be said. You go in a restaurant wearing a mask that essentially doesn’t do s*** then sit down and take yours off while surrounded by 50+ people who have done the same. When you’re done you put it on, walk out, and take it off again. It’s just a ploy to give someone a false sense of security. Politicizing it is when you tell people it’s ok to assemble to loot and riot but going to church is too dangerous.
When asked in April, why he wasn't wearing a mask in public, Trump responded with "I don't want to give the media the satisfaction,". That is just one example among many. Trump has politicized the choice.
"I don't regret anything I said then because in the context of the time in which I said it, it was correct. We were told in our task force meetings that we have a serious problem with the lack of PPEs and masks for the health providers who are putting themselves in harm's way every day to take care of sick people," Fauci told O'Donnell.

"When it became clear that we could get the infection could be spread by asymptomatic carriers who don't know they're infected, that made it very clear that we had to strongly recommend masks," he said.

"And also, it soon became clear that we had enough protective equipment and that cloth masks and homemade masks were as good as masks that you would buy from surgical supply stores," Fauci added. "So in the context of when we were not strongly recommending it, it was the correct thing."

Fauci says he doesn't regret telling Americans not to wear masks at the beginning of the pandemic

He got new information, and changed his opinion, that's how logical people make decisions.

Since when does healthcare workers wear cloth masks?
Lol. How do you figure? How many looney leftists have been on here today blaming Trump for Herman Cain’s death when they don’t have a f***ing clue when or where he contracted it? Have you been out and about where masks are mandated? People half ass wear them or not at all. If someone says something you just say you have a “medical condition” and there’s not s*** else can be said. You go in a restaurant wearing a mask that essentially doesn’t do s*** then sit down and take yours off while surrounded by 50+ people who have done the same. When you’re done you put it on, walk out, and take it off again. It’s just a ploy to give someone a false sense of security. Politicizing it is when you tell people it’s ok to assemble to loot and riot but going to church is too dangerous.

Cain contracted COVID-19 9 days after the Tulsa rally, was hospitalized 11 days after, was hospitalized the last 4 weeks and died today

Does that prove where he got it? Does it matter? He permitted himself to die unnecessarily. His choice of course. What is also unknown is did his decision not to wear a mask cause others to be infected by him. His right not to wear a mask does not give him the right to endanger the well being of others
When asked in April, why he wasn't wearing a mask in public, Trump responded with "I don't want to give the media the satisfaction,". That is just one example among many. Trump has politicized the choice.

It should be his choice for whatever reason he chooses. Same with everyone else. People are making a mockery of the current mandates where it’s include MANY leftist politicians.
Cain contracted COVID-19 9 days after the Tulsa rally, was hospitalized 11 days after, was hospitalized the last 4 weeks and died today

Does that prove where he got it? Does it matter? He permitted himself to die unnecessarily. His choice of course. What is also unknown is did his decision not to wear a mask cause others to be infected by him. His right not to wear a mask does not give him the right to endanger the well being of others

Are you saying he would still be alive if he had worn a paper mask? What do we do when someone who’s worn an N95 mask constantly contracts it and dies?
So you think Trump is lying to the people, but the liberal media is feeding the truth to the people and the people are so dumb that they can't see it? Got it.

Who exactly is the “liberal media” in your opinion and what are the “ untruths” they are feeding the “dumb” people
It should be his choice for whatever reason he chooses. Same with everyone else. People are making a mockery of the current mandates where it’s include MANY leftist politicians.
As long as he is not on another person's private property - including a private business - then I would agree. However, it was irresponsible for Trump as the President of a nation of 330 million people, to be introducing a political component into the equation. It's unnecessarily divisive, and just plain bad leadership in the middle of a health care crisis.
As long as he is not on another person's private property - including a private business - then I would agree. However, it was irresponsible for Trump as the President of a nation of 330 million people, to be introducing a political component into the equation. It's unnecessarily divisive, and just plain bad leadership in the middle of a health care crisis.

Like sidling with BLM and “Defund the Police”?
Cain contracted COVID-19 9 days after the Tulsa rally, was hospitalized 11 days after, was hospitalized the last 4 weeks and died today

Does that prove where he got it? Does it matter? He permitted himself to die unnecessarily. His choice of course. What is also unknown is did his decision not to wear a mask cause others to be infected by him. His right not to wear a mask does not give him the right to endanger the well being of others

I think it's very likely he got it at the rally but what happened to the narrative that wearing a mask protects others from you rather than protecting the mask wearer? You can't change the narrative just to fit a political agenda
Since when does healthcare workers wear cloth masks?

Are you attempting to be intentionally obtuse or are you really that ignorant about the context of his original statement on masks?

If the latter, then you should probably excuse yourself from the discussion.
No, a health care crisis is not anything like those two. This was a lame attempt at "what-about-ism".

So politicians encouraging and allowing THOUSANDS of people to protest, riot, loot, vandalize, etc for months in the midst of a global pandemic is “what-about-ism”?
I think it's very likely he got it at the rally but what happened to the narrative that wearing a mask protects others from you rather than protecting the mask wearer? You can't change the narrative just to fit a political agenda

Precisely why everyone should be wearing one

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