Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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I don’t think it’s whether the substance is legal or not that’s the issue. The worst drug crisis in history is going on right now with pain meds which are legal. I think we have to find a way to treat the people with substance issues. Whether it’s labelled legal or illegal doesn’t really matter they are still gonna abuse it.

Got to disagree there. Getting in trouble with the law is still a deterrent for a sizable portion of the population.
Land or naval?
land - Guadalcanal as its was first amphibious landing and eventually started the island hopping campaign. My uncle was a member of the first Army unit to relieve the Marines. He was wounded and didn’t talk much about it.
Naval - battle of Coral Sea though Midway did turn the war. If Coral Sea had been lost then marines on Guad would have been decimated (IMO)
And you still think prescription drugs are worse than meth and that meth should be legal? That’s insanity
Both are bad. I would say there are 10X, this is a guess, more people addicted to prescription drugs than addicted to meth. I have 10-15 family members that are abusing legal prescription drugs at this time.
Both are bad. I would say there are 10X, this is a guess, more people addicted to prescription drugs than addicted to meth. I have 10-15 family members that are abusing legal prescription drugs at this time.
And prescription drugs are more accessible which is why they are more widely abused. But what we should do is go ahead and legalize meth and heroin also? Makes sense.
I don't know where all these skilled labor folks are that will work for minimum wage or even close. It cost me a minimum of $18 to get folks to talk to me. I pay a guy $12 to sweep the floor. You can hire those lower $10/hr guy but they show up half the time, if they do show up they're always late, and many are stoned when they arrive. To get people that actually will work, I have to pay at least $12 for a little to no skill person. $18 for the average skilled trade, and over $20 for highly skilled trade.

Of course. And I'll read several replies just like yours. it's why I simply supported McGill instead of bothering to debate with anyone

Like I said, the numbers proving the amount jobs in the low income range should be ignored.
Because everyone, that just happen to fall on the other side of the discussion, has a story saying so.

And if I pulled the listings from when I made the move from self-employed to job searcher - showing all the very real job openings with those pay scales, there would just be another story why those don't count either.

50% in that range and all of them just incapable or lazy. I'll save us all some time. Reply away, underpaying or exploitation isn't a real factor, hey, that's awesome.
I'm not changing your mind and y'all darn sure aren't convincing me of that fairy tale. Using as many subcontractors as I did, I worked with way too many hard working, talented and underpaid guys to be convinced that they don't exist or don't count.
I won't even entertain that thought.
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And prescription drugs are more accessible which is why they are more widely abused. But what we should do is go ahead and legalize meth and heroin also? Makes sense.
What about sugar? Should we limit the amount of sugar a person uses because they can die from issues caused from it? I know a lady that died because she was morbidly obese. She was a single mom that destroyed the life of her kids because she couldn't control her eating habits.

I'm pro gun but ...could the case be made that guns cause more problems for kids than meth? Why is that personal right to carry more important than a person's right to do a drug that they want to do? What if they can handle doing the drug and take care of their kids? Many can do heroin or weed and be functional.

If it's legal then you can actually keep track of if someone may have a problem. Too many are really good at covering it up because it's in the shadows.
What about sugar? Should we limit the amount of sugar a person uses because they can die from issues caused from it? I know a lady that died because she was morbidly obese. She was a single mom that destroyed the life of her kids because she couldn't control her eating habits.

I'm pro gun but ...could the case be made that guns cause more problems for kids than meth? Why is that personal right to carry more important than a person's right to do a drug that they want to do? What if they can handle doing the drug and take care of their kids? Many can do heroin or weed and be functional.

If it's legal then you can actually keep track of if someone may have a problem. Too many are really good at covering it up because it's in the shadows.
Are you seriously comparing heroin and meth abuse to freaking sugar?
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So I’ve accepted a position working in media for basketball and football recruiting coverage.

Not going to plug it here, don’t want to rub Freak the wrong way, but I’m wondering what you guys value most in recruiting coverage: interviews with prospects, film breakdown, insider rumors, or something else?
So I’ve accepted a position working in media for basketball and football recruiting coverage.

Not going to plug it here, don’t want to rub Freak the wrong way, but I’m wondering what you guys value most in recruiting coverage: interviews with prospects, film breakdown, insider rumors, or something else?
Interviews and rumors
Land or naval?
land - Guadalcanal as its was first amphibious landing and eventually started the island hopping campaign. My uncle was a member of the first Army unit to relieve the Marines. He was wounded and didn’t talk much about it.
Naval - battle of Coral Sea though Midway did turn the war. If Coral Sea had been lost then marines on Guad would have been decimated (IMO)
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Are you seriously comparing heroin and meth abuse to freaking sugar?
Here are the facts and yes I am. Get rid of the emotion. Also, I have never illegally done any drugs. I just don't like the feelings of them when I have them legally.

Sugary drinks linked to 25,000 deaths in the U.S. each year (2015)

Sugary drinks linked to 25,000 deaths in the U.S. each year

Deaths. Diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States in 2017 based on the 83,564 death certificates in which diabetes was listed as the underlying cause of death. In 2017, diabetes was mentioned as a cause of death in a total of 270,702 certificates.

Statistics About Diabetes | ADA

Drug overdose deaths surpassed 72,000 in 2017, according to provisional estimates recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That represents an increase of more than 6,000 deaths, or 9.5 percent, over the estimate for the previous 12-month period
So I’ve accepted a position working in media for basketball and football recruiting coverage.

Not going to plug it here, don’t want to rub Freak the wrong way, but I’m wondering what you guys value most in recruiting coverage: interviews with prospects, film breakdown, insider rumors, or something else?
Interviews are meh; they don’t really know how to speak in complete sentences most times, and some get uncomfortable and it’s weird.
Yes, film breakdown
We all love rumors!
is this going to be a team correlated media or personal podcast?
Interviews are meh; they don’t really know how to speak in complete sentences most times, and some get uncomfortable and it’s weird.
Yes, film breakdown
We all love rumors!
is this going to be a team correlated media or personal podcast?

Speaking of meh interviews....y’all remember Shy’s interviews lol
So I’ve accepted a position working in media for basketball and football recruiting coverage.

Not going to plug it here, don’t want to rub Freak the wrong way, but I’m wondering what you guys value most in recruiting coverage: interviews with prospects, film breakdown, insider rumors, or something else?
Who are we in on?
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Here are the facts and yes I am. Get rid of the emotion. Also, I have never illegally done any drugs. I just don't like the feelings of them when I have them legally.

Sugary drinks linked to 25,000 deaths in the U.S. each year (2015)

Sugary drinks linked to 25,000 deaths in the U.S. each year

Deaths. Diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States in 2017 based on the 83,564 death certificates in which diabetes was listed as the underlying cause of death. In 2017, diabetes was mentioned as a cause of death in a total of 270,702 certificates.

Statistics About Diabetes | ADA

Drug overdose deaths surpassed 72,000 in 2017, according to provisional estimates recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That represents an increase of more than 6,000 deaths, or 9.5 percent, over the estimate for the previous 12-month period
This is no longer a serious conversation. This began with Newt saying all drugs should be legalized. The fact that you can show people die from overeating does not help the argument that drugs should be legal. People use food to cope with problems. Imagine a world where meth is legal. That highly addictive substance, and far more deadly than sugar :rolleyes:, is legal and accessible for anyone who wants it. People die from sugar after long lives of overeating abuse. People can literally die from meth after one day.

Lets compare overeating where people live for years and eventually die of heart disease. Verses the people on meth and heroin who are so hooked that all they live for is the next hit of the drug. They sell their bodies, they abuse their children, they lose custody of their children, when they are on the drug they do not even leave their beds and cannot function in society.

But yeah... sugar. This is such a foolish argument I don't even know where to begin.
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