Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

So are the trump supporters on board with this bailout that The Human Tortoise™ is trying to fast track? Cash payments to individuals and families? Wtf.

Remember when you guys had a conniption over the cost to US taxpayers over Obama-phones? Can someone explain to me how taking tax dollars and/or printing cash and redistributing it is not what has been keeping the right chewing on Prilosec for a decade?

I mean I get that Pelosi is trying to pork barrel the bill like the POS she is but can we talk about the corporate handouts that the R's are suddenly ok with? All this 'won't someone think of the children' style plays on emotion is garbage, if companies haven't learned how to plan for rainy days where mere economic slowdowns are going to destroy them, then maybe they should fail?

F it. I hope nobody gets cash, let the chips fall where they may.

It's the same as when W sent out $600 checks in the wake of 9/11. Didn't do anything of substance. I'm not opposed to extending a lifeline since revenue to some large sectors has all but vanished in a matter of days, but it should be a loan w/ interest, not a bailout. Taxpayers should not be on the hook for a single dollar. I believe it has been stated that any money for airlines, cruise lines, hotels, etc. would be just that. We'll see if that's what is in the final version of any legislation.
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That area will always lag behind because of the 14 day (at least) quarantine/test to indicate virus free. I'm not so sure that is a focus for most right now anyway.

I too am having trouble finding more than one site that reports that data.
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I'm sort of with you on maybe just letting the chips fall where they may.

However, I have no problems with individuals who have been affected by the forced closings getting help.

Small businesses maybe need to be looked at individually, and maybe forced to audit for evaluation. Repay back, maybe case by case decisions.

However, if you are a high end 4A/B/C (4 classification is $10-49,999,999 million, high end meaning above $40 million in revenue) company, you are probably at fault for bad management and foresight. Any 5 classification ($50 million and over) I see very little sympathy for them, as they with great probability should be able to sustain a few months of complete downturn.

Like your TM application btw lol.
The way I see it is if the government is going to force businesses to shutter their doors where employees can't work, then I get having a stimulus to help those people.
The way I see it is if the government is going to force businesses to shutter their doors where employees can't work, then I get having a stimulus to help those people.
The big problem with that is the fact that gov't doesn't produce anything. They don't have their own money. They have mine and yours. So, they're not acting responsibly about their decisions. They are paying for their bad decisions with your money. It's bull____.

It's like when your local police department pays off a lawsuit when one or more of their officers get caught abusing their position. We cheer because we don't connect the dots that the local gov't abused those they are charged to serve, and then paid their way out of it with the money of those they are charged to serve.

I have a radical idea. Tell the gov't to get bent. Let's all get together, force big gov't to shrink. Force them to get their noses out of our business, and their hands out of our pockets.

Novel idea these days.
Still hanging around 1.2% mortality rate. Somewhat of a positive in all of this.
I wonder how they gauge this? I'm not trying to make a point or argue, just curiosity. With some not showing symptoms I wonder if many, many more don't have it and not know. It's weird and scary how it's deadly for some and others have no clue they're infected
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Make this a-hole live in the dorms and eat in the dining halls with them and see if he sticks with this decision.

Thousands of Liberty students expected to return to campus amid coronavirus outbreak | Virginia |
You should really get facts before spewing BS from a liberal news paper
Coronavirus | Student Health and Wellness | Liberty University

  • Liberty University will continue paying Federal Work Study to students who were previously working in March – even if unable to return to work. Read full statement.
  • Beginning March 23, students have the option to either remain where they are or return to campus, resuming classes online. Read full statement.
  • Liberty evaluating student account credit. Read full statement
  • All students living in a residence hall need to complete the Intent to Return form in the Res Life Portal as soon as possible. Read more.
  • Osteopathic Medicine students will continue normal residential classes. Classes will not exceed 100 people.
  • Aeronautics will move courses to the digital format except for flight training which will remain in the traditional face to face format.
  • Nursing will be moving the majority of its residential courses to the digital online format. Students in clinical courses will be contacted with specific instructions on how their clinical courses will be completed.
Faculty & Staff
  • Faculty & Staff should report to work as normal
  • Please report to your supervisor if you are experiencing symptoms
  • If you have concerns in regards to COVID-19 and the impact on older relatives or children, you may use your earned Vacation or Sick Days. If you choose to use paid time off for this reason, it will need to go through the normal approval process with your supervisor and be requested in ADP. Requests will be approved as soon as possible.
Liberty University remains open; most residential classes go online | Liberty University
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