Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Y'all think a federal mandatory quarantine will happen soon? Shutting down all non essential business? We seem to be getting closer every day. This will continue to get worse for a few more months

Not sure what the legal implications are, nor am I sure how the feds would enforce. Seems like it needs to come from the states. That said, the feds can easily tie availability of medical aid to compliance with the federal guidelines, thus getting what they want indirectly.
Martial law before April 5th I'm calling it!
I think we will be on the backside of this thing by then. Look at what has happened in the Far East and even Italy. If I am not mistaking, all of those places case numbers start to drop after three weeks or so. I think our third week is next week.
I think we will be on the backside of this thing by then. Look at what has happened in the Far East and even Italy. If I am not mistaking, all of those places case numbers start to drop after three weeks or so. I think our third week is next week.
Italy is still getting worse even though they're in quarantine. I think we are so much further spread out it's going to last longer than people think in certain areas at least. Fauci predicts Americans will likely need to stay home for at least several more weeks
It’s 830 and I may go to bed. F u covid. You make life boring. Oh and kids suck!
man, i gotta say. i appreciate what you bring to the table. but your comments, even in jest are ridiculous. i have three wonderful kids, and its been an absolute pleasure to be their dad.

There are lots of people in this world who are trying and have tried for years. Take the responsibility, and roll with it. You have one opportunity, this is your legacy.
41k in a country of 60 million really isn’t bad at all. Stop buying into this media bs hype.
Well, virtually all those cases are in an area with 10 million people. Also, the death toll has risen significantly every day, 627 died today up from 400 something that passed yesterday. There has been no sign of a slow down either. Hospitals are full and medical personnel is falling ill, which is already happening here.
41k in a country of 60 million really isn’t bad at all. Stop buying into this media bs hype.

We can't let that happen here. It could get much worse if we don't have the equipment capacity to treat people in hospitals. No of course it's not the end of the world like some are declaring, but some of y'all probably aren't really understanding how major it is. Jmo
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