Ask Behr anything about anything not related to food

I'm the attention ho around here!
Your New Zone attention whoring is nothing compared to Old Zone attention whoring.

The hey google commercial from the Super Bowl is awesome. But I wish they would stop showing it, makes me sad.
Agree, but I did like the Snickers commercial. I am surrounded by people wandering up and down the streets talking to the air, taking pictures of theirs food (I know, but only for here), and unable to enjoy a meal without their phones. World has gotten weird.
Agree, but I did like the Snickers commercial. I am surrounded by people wandering up and down the streets talking to the air, taking pictures of theirs food (I know, but only for here), and unable to enjoy a meal without their phones. World has gotten weird.
My favorite SB commercials were the Bill Murray Groundhog's Day one, and the Jason Mamoa one.
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