The Impeachment Thread


Lulz.......that's cute. Thanks for playing.
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Obama made mistakes, but he was not corrupt in the same way as Trump. You have probably ridiculed him for being a community organizer. For crying out loud, Obama still serves food at charities on Thanksgiving. He is a Christian, like Carter, but of course not many are really like Carter. WTF are you, besides one of Trump's cult followers?

Oh lawd he serves food at charities on Thanksgiving, the man should be nominated for sainthood. I DGAF what religion he professes to follow and claiming to be devoutly religious hasn't stopped anyone from being corrupt.

With all of the scandals during his presidency that were swept under the rug by the MSM how can you claim he's not corrupt?
You're kidding, right? Are you really that brainwashed? Bush 43's Sec of Treasury warmed him that the pending bank failures would cause a depression worse than the Great Depression. And that was after Bush jacked up spending at the highest rate since the middle of WWII, while cutting taxes on the wealthiest people in the country. Corruption under Republicans goes unregulated and out of control. Obama's spending was to salvage Bush's disaster. You ought to be glad and thank Obama for that, but you lack the character.

You might want to get your facts straight for once.

Because of this, the Bush administration warned in the budget it issued in April 2001 that Fannie and Freddie were too large and overleveraged. Their failure "could cause strong repercussions in financial markets, affecting federally insured entities and economic activity" well beyond housing.
Mr. Bush wanted to limit systemic risk by raising the GSEs' capital requirements, compelling preapproval of new activities, and limiting the size of their portfolios. Why should government regulate banks, credit unions and savings and loans, but not GSEs? Mr. Bush wanted the GSEs to be treated just like their private-sector competitors.

President Bush Tried to Rein In Fan and Fred
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Nadler's a prosecutor, it's his job - try to keep up.

Any politician, especially a sophomore senator, should be pimp slapped back into the dark ages for daring to disparage a active duty soldier for doing what he thinks is the right thing to do. Your flavor of partisanship be damned.

That guy has put in more sacrifice for this country than she'll ever dream about. Anyone who's ever worn the uniform should be horrified and disgusted that a sleazy politician would needlessly attack a service member with name calling on fuqing twitter to score a few thumbs up from their base.

No he’s a bad politician.
Dad, I know you keep on talking about the empty beer cans, the ripped curtains, and the stench of puke, but really, there was no party here while you were away. Can't you just go back to work now.


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