State Run TV Fox News Aired Pro-Trump Opinions Over Impeachment Trial



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
As the impeachment trial got underway in the Senate on Wednesday, Fox News covered it in a way that gave the appearance of journalism but was actually propaganda.

In fairness, the network did cover the entirety of Rep. Adam Schiff’s two-hour opening statement. But after that, while CNN and MSNBC continued to broadcast the trial, Fox News turned to spin.

Fox News devised a way to cover the impeachment trial without covering it at all
Another "Coug is offended" thread. Honestly, do you surf the net/twitter looking for this stuff?

Good. No American that isnt blinded by the lies of the left or too worried about not getting all the "free sheit" they desire wants to see the fraud circus that is this bogus impeachment hearing where the outcome is predetermined and known by both sides.

It is a farce and everyone knows.

"Look...a squirrel!!!" - all the dems trying to deflect eyes from the TRULY illegal subversion and treason that they attempted both before and after the election.

Their crimes will not be hidden.

We will all see.

The guy fronting it ... about to have all or part of his dirty laundry hit the mainstream...release date for the photos taken in the Cali drug den/homo orgy house already have a public release date from a 3rd party media company.

Welcome to daylight, Dimwit dirt.

And so it begins....
As the impeachment trial got underway in the Senate on Wednesday, Fox News covered it in a way that gave the appearance of journalism but was actually propaganda.

In fairness, the network did cover the entirety of Rep. Adam Schiff’s two-hour opening statement. But after that, while CNN and MSNBC continued to broadcast the trial, Fox News turned to spin.

Fox News devised a way to cover the impeachment trial without covering it at all
You really went with the first thing you read off the vile and hateful
As the impeachment trial got underway in the Senate on Wednesday, Fox News covered it in a way that gave the appearance of journalism but was actually propaganda.

In fairness, the network did cover the entirety of Rep. Adam Schiff’s two-hour opening statement. But after that, while CNN and MSNBC continued to broadcast the trial, Fox News turned to spin.

Fox News devised a way to cover the impeachment trial without covering it at all
Good. Something to offset the fake news of CNN.
The guy fronting it ... about to have all or part of his dirty laundry hit the mainstream...release date for the photos taken in the Cali drug den/homo orgy house already have a public release date from a 3rd party media company.

Welcome to daylight, Dimwit dirt.

And so it begins....

What does Schiff's supposed dirty laundry have to do with Trump's guilt or innocence? Schiff is not on trial here.

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