The Impeachment Thread

Yes, preserving the Constitution and not allowing the Dems to use impeachment as a political tool is just horrible. We should be able to impeach someone from office because we don't like them. Oh wait, the Constitution already provides a way to remove someone we don't like from office. It's called an election.

If you want Trump out of office, run a candidate that can win. The partisan hackery of the left has gone too far. And if the roles were reversed, I'd be saying the same about the right. Trump won the election. You don't have to like him, but he's the President. Hell, I haven't liked a President since Reagan, and I only liked him because I was a kid when he was in office. It's time for the Dems to accept Trump won and Hillary lost.

He may be an obnoxious ass hat, but he hasn't done anything deserving of impeachment. This whole Ukraine bull **** is just another attempt by the left to get their way by any means. It's far more shameful than the behavior they continuously attack Trump for.

No. It's not about the fact that I and others despise Trump. It's about the fact that he committed a blatant corrupt act. He took your tax payer money - OUR tax money - and he used it for HIS own political purposes. Not to advance the interest of our country. Not to help preserve our national defense. NO.

Donald Trump corruptly said "SCREW YOU" to the Congress and all American citizens when he BROKE THE LAW (per the recent non-partisan GAO report), stopped the defense aid to The Ukraine, then only released the money when he got caught. Then when the Congress tried to investigate, he unilaterally shut down (and freely admitted) that he would violate ALL subpoenas for witnesses and documents. I.E. Trump engaged in an overt cover up.

In sum, Donald John Trump violated the law for his own benefit, then engaged in a cover up... all the while smearing those who have revealed the truth of what really happened.

He should be convicted by the Senate and thrown from office, and Pence promoted to the helm of President until the election.

Anyone who denies these plain truths is either:

(1) Ignorant of the facts;
(2) Intellectually deficient; and/or
(3) Intellectually dishonest.

While I'm open to debate the veracity of whether this SINGULAR crime by Trump rises to the threshold of Impeachment, taken in context with his MULTIPLE other violations of his Oath of Office, I see no other choice than removal.

Elect a clown, expect a circus.
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I’m pretty sure Clinton blocked too but he lost in the courts so then he had to cooperate. I’m pretty sure I saw that somewhere recently but I was not paying attention to politics at that time so I can’t say for certain. Regardless, the Dems could’ve taken it to the courts and chose not to do so.
Clinton tried to block thirteen witnesses and lost in court
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I’m willing to overlook his indiscretions for results, I knew what I was getting when I voted for him.
and there it is. Trump is trump. He wasn't going to magically become presidential overnight. He wasn't going to change at all. That's why on election night I just sat on the couch and watched it until they figured out he won. I laughed and thought " here we go"
Ever hear of a guy named Spiro Agnew? How about Gerald Ford - ring a bell? I'm really beginning to think some of us have forgotten more than some others here ever knew.
I've recall the name, but he is just a footnote to history. He resigned because of his own corruption and to suggest not knowing the Republicans or Democrats could out a VP at any time and replace with anyone they want is not common knowledge and really not even factual. the President still has to appoint them and they still have to be confirmed. If you were alive and lived it, good for you. You still seem to have gotten it wrong.
Not gonna lie. Trump is an obnoxious ass, and not very likable. Doesn't make him a horrible President, but I can certainly understand the disdain. But the left is trying to stage a coup and claim they're "saving the country". That's the biggest load of political BS I've seen in some time.

You still using words like coup, witch hunt, no collusion, and hoax i see. Don't you feel the least bit like a bleating sheep? People might take you serious if you use your own big boy words and not those of the toddler in chief.
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Circumstances: For 2 years he had a phone, pen and a gop Congress. Even Obama deceased the deficit. Should have been away least some progress from the guy who said he could eliminate all debt "fairly quickly"

Well here you go. Trump is floating talk about reducing entitlement spending although this is a political loser. I mean we both agree that this is necessary to get the budget under control right?
You think? Luther, it's obvious thinking is not your strength. This is just political gamesmanship, and poor gamesmanship at that.
You may view it that way.
I certainly do not.
If it was revenge for Clinton, they would have taken it during the two terms of Bush.
You are trying to fool yourself if you think this would have happened to any of the other 16 repub. candidates.
It wouldn't have and I think you actually know that deep down.
As much as many wish to ignore the fact, this is all about Trump; nothing more, nothing less.

Thinking isn't only my strength, it's my super power, along with my peripheral vision.
You have to fight fire with fire. McConnell has learned to play hard ball with these Democrat clowns, because they will if you don't. Look at what they tried to do to Kavanaugh. Look at what they have tried to do with Trump. F*** the lowlife c***s***ers.
This is why '72 should go to bed at 10:00 on weeknights.
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A charge of attempted bribery ... coming from congress. From congress - the people who make millions on a couple of hundred thousand a year; surely their legislation favoring a lot of wealthy and influential people and companies has nothing to do with that!!! That congress??? Have you absolutely lost your mind??? Why in the hell would anybody much less a foreign company pay Biden Jr millions for something he knows nothing about without Crazy Joe's connections? Connections that have the potential to bring in foreign aid and other favors. Amazing logic, Luther. Ignore what absolutely appears to be bribery, and go off on a wild goose chase.

If true, several pages back there was a quote concerning the Ukranian aid package. It said congress authorized up to a certain amount and it certainly sounded like a discretionary payout through the DOD which, since Trump is commander in chief, he heads.

As you know, "attempted bribery" isn't in the impeachment complaints. Now instructing the IRS to go after people and groups is abuse of power, but when Obama did it you weren't disturbed, and abuse of power is in the Trump articles of impeachment, but no one bothered to go after Obama on that one.
Sure bribery is part of the complaints, it's the whole premise of the abuse of power charge.
No. It's not about the fact that I and others despise Trump. It's about the fact that he committed a blatant corrupt act. He took your tax payer money - OUR tax money - and he used it for HIS own political purposes. Not to advance the interest of our country. Not to help preserve our national defense. NO.

Donald Trump corruptly said "SCREW YOU" to the Congress and all American citizens when he BROKE THE LAW (per the recent non-partisan GAO report), stopped the defense aid to The Ukraine, then only released the money when he got caught. Then when the Congress tried to investigate, he unilaterally shut down (and freely admitted) that he would violate ALL subpoenas for witnesses and documents. I.E. Trump engaged in an overt cover up.

In sum, Donald John Trump violated the law for his own benefit, then engaged in a cover up... all the while smearing those who have revealed the truth of what really happened.

He should be convicted by the Senate and thrown from office, and Pence promoted to the helm of President until the election.

Anyone who denies these plain truths is either:

(1) Ignorant of the facts;
(2) Intellectually deficient; and/or
(3) Intellectually dishonest.

While I'm open to debate the veracity of whether this SINGULAR crime by Trump rises to the threshold of Impeachment, taken in context with his MULTIPLE other violations of his Oath of Office, I see no other choice than removal.

Elect a clown, expect a circus.
You're talking to a child.
Well here you go. Trump is floating talk about reducing entitlement spending although this is a political loser. I mean we both agree that this is necessary to get the budget under control right?
I'm in favor but have no belief this will have a net effect on the deficit since other programs are increasing (like defense which could also be called an entitlement). Plus Trump has said he just doesn't care about the deficit
You may view it that way.
I certainly do not.
If it was revenge for Clinton, they would have taken it during the two terms of Bush.
You are trying to fool yourself if you think this would have happened to any of the other 16 repub. candidates.
It wouldn't have and I think you actually know that deep down.
As much as many wish to ignore the fact, this is all about Trump; nothing more, nothing less.

Thinking isn't only my strength, it's my super power, along with my peripheral vision.
It's not revenge for Clinton, it's revenge for him winning and not going along with DC like any other Republican President.
They can blackmail normal Republican politicians that become President so they get what they want. Not with Trump, the cockroaches are scurrying.
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Not gonna lie. Trump is an obnoxious ass, and not very likable. Doesn't make him a horrible President, but I can certainly understand the disdain. But the left is trying to stage a coup and claim they're "saving the country". That's the biggest load of political BS I've seen in some time.
And they should be charged with treason for the stuff they are pulling here. They just can't accept the results from the 2016 election
I'm in favor but have no belief this will have a net effect on the deficit since other programs are increasing (like defense which could also be called an entitlement). Plus Trump has said he just doesn't care about the deficit
That is such a cop out response. Not even worthy of a rebuttal
That is such a cop out response. Not even worthy of a rebuttal
it's just not the answer you want. It's a bigger discussion than what you're trying to make it

the basic question is are we spending less money and decreasing the size of and reliance on govt. For example, if they decrease SS spending by $1b but increase other spending by $10b is that a positive outcome?

Do you disagree that trump had stated he doesn't care about the budget?
it's just not the answer you want. It's a bigger discussion than what you're trying to make it

the basic question is are we spending less money and decreasing the size of and reliance on govt. For example, if they decrease SS spending by $1b but increase other spending by $10b is that a positive outcome?

Do you disagree that trump had stated he doesn't care about the budget?
For one you are making an unrealistic assumption that other spending would increase. You really think the Dems would cut SS to provide more funding for defense? You are not being honest with yourself if you think we can get it under control without some entitlement restructuring.
Point is it is a third rail that Trump is touching and benefits him in no way. You should at least applaud the effort.
and there it is. Trump is trump. He wasn't going to magically become presidential overnight. He wasn't going to change at all. That's why on election night I just sat on the couch and watched it until they figured out he won. I laughed and thought " here we go"
Which is why no one should be the least bit surprised by the continued reactions from the left.
As has been stated repeatedly on the PF, many supported Trump, at least partially, because they viewed him as a big middle finger to the left.
Well here you go. Trump is floating talk about reducing entitlement spending although this is a political loser. I mean we both agree that this is necessary to get the budget under control right?

Talk is cheap, he also promised to have mexico pay for a wall, get rid of obamacare and eliminate the deficit in eight years.. If the GOP manages to bungle the impeachment even worse and lose the senate, he can make as may promises as he wants because he knows he'll never have to follow through.

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