Prince Harry Moving to North America



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
Wasn't there a place in Tennessee that was originally to be used for 2nd sons of British royalty?
I like Harry...he served his country and he has done a lot for conservation in Africa..good luck to him and his wife
I hope it all goes well for them. I don't care two cents for the Royal Family. The only one I ever liked was Diana......and she just happened, by pure luck, to marry into that crazy family.
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They can stay in Rugby until they get their feet on the ground lol
The Surprising Story Of Rugby, Tennessee

The land where the colony located, on the Cumberland Plateau of northeastern Tennessee, is thin and poor. Farming this land would require strenuous physical labor, but the second sons of the English gentry were disinclined to work.

I could see trying this in the 1780s, but the 1880s?
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Call me when little Harry gets a job working in a factory and they rely on his paycheck to buy groceries and put a roof over their heads.
I can't help but believe he would fare better than most privileged people if suddenly thrust into the real world. But you're right. He probably will never know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck and wonder if he'll be able to feed his family.
I don't blame them for not wanting to live in Britain anymore. It's infested with no way to protect yourself.
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Green acres is the place to be
Farm livin' is the life for me
Land spreadin' out so far and wide
Keep Buckingham, just give me that countryside…
You know Harry looks like a young Eddie Albert lol..just rewatched Roman Holiday..Eddie deserved a supporting actor nomination..he was really funny in that movie
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They also want to spend more time in Africa. They can hook up with Cardi B since she's moving to Nigeria. We already have our share of attention whores in this country.
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